Dwarf Fortress > DF Suggestions

Volcanos earthquakes etc etc.


Right, atm all we have is just a vast pool of lava. I'm wondering if it'll be possible to put proper volcanos in. such as a spewing mountain of doom and death that'll fire flaming hot burny burny hot projectiles of death at dwarves. Also some kinda of volcano forming due to the shift in plates or something? Because DF maps are on such a big scale, volcanos popping up randomly would be quite possible. Or the possiblity of an earthquake... just be interesting.

similar to caveins?
pressure could have effect on magmait would have to be long periods of time, 3-10 years between each eruption
that would seem more realistic than having a volcano spewing magma every season for 10 yearsmost volcanos are inactive but do hold small amounts of magma that dont build pressure
if plate techtonics were involved the world generator would have a whole new effect on gaming layout for those trenches and faults crossing all over the map
but even plate techtonics dont cause all volcanos
there are hotspots that hover in locations other than continent boundaries
dont take it wrong, i support the idea of flowing magma, earthquakes, and destructive volcanos
just a reminder that this isnt an earth simulator
hell, weather barely works in most games realisticly

It would be possible to let magma have a certain pressure that would cause it to refill up till say, -1 on the original caldera depth. That would allow us to use magma moats as long as we pump the stuff up ourselves.


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