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Author Topic: Future of the Fortress: The Development Page  (Read 1631228 times)

The Merchant Of Menace

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Re: Future of the Fortress: The Development Page
« Reply #2430 on: December 05, 2010, 02:33:07 pm »

Or, as was stated, an option to look at known history for a given individual eg, family, professions etc.

Jiri Petru

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Re: Future of the Fortress: The Development Page
« Reply #2431 on: December 05, 2010, 03:33:37 pm »

As for the in-game Legends:

I was thinking more about Dwarf Mode - there is currently no way to read the history of your civilisation once you start the game, look at the details of your king, look who the goblins' ruler is, look up stories about the dragon that attacked you, etc. These ale all information that your dwarves could be expected to know, and I feel a bit "cheated" that I can't look at them (without duplicating the save and abandoning, etc...). While books are nice, they are quite a slow solution, and you can't expect to have a book handy about the hydra that happened to attack you just now. My idea was more like: "will there ever be something that allows me to click on a unit/entity/etc. and ask: Tell me what my character/my dwarves know about it"?

EDIT: But yeah, I understand what Toady's point is.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 07:01:58 am by Jiri Petru »
Markus Cz. Clasplashes


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Re: Future of the Fortress: The Development Page
« Reply #2432 on: December 05, 2010, 04:22:22 pm »

Quote from: LoSboccacc
Any plans for food of desperation to be available? Boiled shoes for dinner tonight, but it beats starving.

We haven't specifically thought about it for this time.  Getting to the point of acts of cannibalism is probably inevitable in the long run though.

For species that have taboos on the topic, will eating sentients of other species be more acceptable than, and thus done before, eating one's own kind?  It'd make sense to snack on goblin raiders or a bunch of elven traders who brought nothing of use before devouring one's own kind.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2010, 08:10:09 pm by KillerClowns »
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Re: Future of the Fortress: The Development Page
« Reply #2433 on: December 05, 2010, 04:37:32 pm »

You might be given a significant amount of leeway if you are treated more like a fair than a market, so you can have a time where lots of traders come to visit.
What does this mean? Specifically, what is a "fair" and what is a "market" in the context of Dwarf Fortress?


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Re: Future of the Fortress: The Development Page
« Reply #2434 on: December 05, 2010, 08:09:39 pm »

You might be given a significant amount of leeway if you are treated more like a fair than a market, so you can have a time where lots of traders come to visit.
What does this mean? Specifically, what is a "fair" and what is a "market" in the context of Dwarf Fortress?

This was briefly mentioned in the December Bay 12 Games Report; markets are for local towns, where farmers sell food and buy tools, while fairs are hosted in larger towns and have goods from all over the world.  Further clarification would be nice, though.
"A rational enemy is better than a foolish friend." -Arab proverb


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Re: Future of the Fortress: The Development Page
« Reply #2435 on: December 05, 2010, 09:12:48 pm »

So in the flurry of the caravan and army arcs, are you going to rough out the dwarven, elven and goblin civs so there's something for people to see when they venture out to those sites? Or does that play into too much political/civ-specific design you don't want to get bogged down in yet?
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Re: Future of the Fortress: The Development Page
« Reply #2436 on: December 05, 2010, 09:17:25 pm »

How long until we can see some more Dwarf Mode - Centric updates? Im not a classic rougelike fan, so dwarf fortress mode is the only mode I will really tolerate, and the latest updates seem mostly based around adventure mode.


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Re: Future of the Fortress: The Development Page
« Reply #2437 on: December 05, 2010, 09:32:50 pm »

To be fair, adventure mode has been shunned for a long time in favor of fortress mode. And, all the stuff that seems like it's adventure mode specific will have an impact on fortress mode as well.

At the very least, he's going to start the caravan and army arcs before going on to anything else fortress mode specific, other than bug fixing.
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Re: Future of the Fortress: The Development Page
« Reply #2438 on: December 05, 2010, 09:57:22 pm »

How long until we can see some more Dwarf Mode - Centric updates? Im not a classic rougelike fan, so dwarf fortress mode is the only mode I will really tolerate, and the latest updates seem mostly based around adventure mode.

You kidding me? Half of dwarf mode is interacting with the caravans, either preparing for them or dealing with them- the work he is doing here is going to make trade agreements actually MATTER, and having an economic system for the world is going to lay down the basis for wars in the Army Arc (coming soon!) Not to mention that all of this is going towards making your fortress exist in a living, breathing world instead of some kind of Sims-esque Time Bubble where everything not on your little map is inconsequential.

You already gen an entire world- this is the start of USING everything outside your little 4x4 embark.


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Re: Future of the Fortress: The Development Page
« Reply #2439 on: December 05, 2010, 11:14:12 pm »

How long until we can see some more Dwarf Mode - Centric updates? Im not a classic rougelike fan, so dwarf fortress mode is the only mode I will really tolerate, and the latest updates seem mostly based around adventure mode.
Toady is doing caravans, followed by bug fixing, followed by army stuff. All of this is general world stuff which relates to Fortress mode just as strongly as it does to Adventure mode.


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Re: Future of the Fortress: The Development Page
« Reply #2440 on: December 05, 2010, 11:19:50 pm »

At the very least you should finally be able to annihilate the world economy with a well-placed trade to the dwarven caravan, now.
The World Without Knifebear — A much safer world indeed.
regardless, the slime shooter will be completed, come hell or high water, which are both entirely plausible setbacks at this point.


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Re: Future of the Fortress: The Development Page
« Reply #2441 on: December 06, 2010, 01:37:38 am »

WRT getting at history in fortress mode, its the suggestion ( I made about what the philosopher could do, back before he got a hammering so bad no-one even knows he exists anymore.

>>KillerClowns: It's faster to write "!!science!!" than any of the synonyms: "mad science", "dwarven science", or "crimes against the laws of god and man".
>>Orius: I plan my forts with some degree of paranoia.  It's kept me somewhat safe.


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Re: Future of the Fortress: The Development Page
« Reply #2442 on: December 06, 2010, 01:45:47 am »

I wonder what would happen if we were to build a wall across multiple embarks, blocking off a trade rout - would the traders and their pack animals get to the wall and freak out, doing that weird crawl thing they do whenever they get attacked at your depot?

Because that would be freaking hilarious.


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Re: Future of the Fortress: The Development Page
« Reply #2443 on: December 06, 2010, 02:55:11 am »

That would be a lot less fun than having to find out about the people ingame through books, engravings and word-of-mouth. Maybe there could be some kind of log where you could check everything you learned about a historical figure yet?

That sounds pretty nice. You don't have to keep looking through all the information you get from talking around to find what's worth writing down, you can just look through any of it at any given time. Especially if it you could make it so people won't bother telling you what you already know.

OK I have a couple questions:

The question about you being able to build a road in adventure mode has me wondering about the mention of the ability to pass time to grow crops in the dev blog: will we ever be able to pass years or even decades, like continuing world gen? Most likely it would be something you can only do if you don't have a fortress or active adventurer. Maybe to skip ahead a century after the HFS you tapped destroyed to see what horrors you have unleashed upon the world.

Also, what sort of development hurdles do you face in trying to implement aimed ranged attacks or attacking prone enemies from a range (and thus choosing which of several targets in the same tile to attack)

A question about the development of supply and demand in the caravan arc: will there variable currency values and systems?
Currently, the money is all the same, just usable in different places. In the future, might the value of a civilization's currency depend on the state of it relative to the seller? For instance, money from a very far away place the seller rarely trades with would be worth less than normal, those from a collapsed civilization would only be worth the material it's made of, and money from a civilization that collapsed hundreds of years ago would cease functioning like currency and be valued as an artifact.
For that matter, would they ever have different value systems instead of the same copper/silver/gold currency system.

Finally, another trade question: Will you be able to fake scarcity, and thus increase price, by secretly hoarding goods?


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Re: Future of the Fortress: The Development Page
« Reply #2444 on: December 06, 2010, 05:10:37 am »

I wonder what would happen if we were to build a wall across multiple embarks, blocking off a trade rout - would the traders and their pack animals get to the wall and freak out, doing that weird crawl thing they do whenever they get attacked at your depot?

Because that would be freaking hilarious.
Or use it to demand a toll
Thank you based dwarf.
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