OOC: My apologies for the latest protracted delay, issues beyond my control flattened me which I will explain below. Also, just a reminder, the following is a repeat of the first 3 months of 324 due to file corruption.
Cog’s Journal, 1st of Granite 324
I woke up this morning with the oddest sense of déjà vu along with a feeling that a great deal of work that should be complete was not done yet. I went over the work logs and there’s a lot on the schedule for the next few months. There was also a fairly nasty nightmare about Derm slaughtering half the fortress which left me quite uneasy. But no déjà vu, I’d remember seeing something like that.
One of the first things that came up was a conversation with one of our haulers. He was hoping to be promoted to train as a marksdwarf, he mentioned having an excellent dream about joining the military, even if it did have a rather bloody ending. I was happy to allow this; in fact I could swear I’d done it already. Regardless, I added Anderz to our marksdwarf squad and sent him off to find his gear ASAP.
Cog’s Journal, 14th of Granite 324
My son just finished creating an elegant orthoclase ring. Odd, I expected more religious overtones on it for some reason, but instead there is a picture of an earlier artifact ring created back in 319.
It’s a lovely addition to our artifact collection.
Cog’s Journal, 26th of Granite 324 It seems the entirety of Derms squad is now equipped with adamantine armor. That went far faster than I expected. The rest of the military is next up for being equipped.
Cog’s Journal, 2nd of Slate 324 Another unexpected turn of events, Today another hauler approached me about a name change but no interest in changing careers. He is now known as Mr. Anderson.
I’m sure he has a plan, after this many years, everyone does.
OOC: I really have to stop making a habit of getting flattened by my life. The latest issue this month were two rounds of stomach flu symptoms that turned out to be appendicitis. It’s probably good for everyone to know that early appendicitis presents flu like symptoms after large meals.
Anyhow, I’ve been recovering for most of the holiday season and I just plain forgot to post a note here which I apologize for. I’m back and I’ll try to get things rolling again. Next update will be me trying to catch up with lost time.
@dermonster: Your next test in a few updates will be you in a room with the entire military against you. Might be slightly more fair for everyone else in the fortress. You might like what I’ve posted for Blead below.
@Blead: I certainly can show that information. To say he’s Legendary is probably an insult to Derm’s prowess:


So if Legendary is 15, then Derm is now a Legendary +115 Axe user and a +123 Fighter. Yikes! I guess this is what happens when you train non-stop for nearly 20 years.
@Urist Imiknorris: He certainly does seem to have the number of every other dwarf in the fortress.
@Karakzon: I like the way you think. I’ll certainly keep a backup copy off to one side when I breach the fun and I’ll put Derm to the ultimate test using it.
@Mjattie: I live, sorry about the long delay. Due to the delays in catching up on the lost months, I’ve introduced your dwarf above! Also, for your hillside project, I highly recommend looking at the section of hillside above the obsidian factory. I’ve got plans for the hillside above the main entrance but there's lots of space on the other slope.