Dwarf Fortress > DF Suggestions

Racial weapons/skills

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Since picks are used for mining and are considered "unarmed", why not give axes and warhammers the "unarmed" tag, connected to woodcutting and smithing, just for dwarfs? Maybe elves could have "unarmed" bows and humans "unarmed" spears and crossbows, connected to hunting, while goblins could have "unarmed" scourges, and kobolds could have "unarmed" knives, connected to ambushing?Better yet would be to allow racial weapon specialization that just adds to your trained ability with specific weaponry, and allows you to train that weapon up, by being a specific race, and using a specific skill. That way, you could still have the pick as a weapon in the game, like any other (and believe me, a well-fashioned metal pick makes for a fine weapon, especially against armour, but it takes a lot of skill to use it against a moving opponent, and humans did use picks, and weapons very similar to picks, in war), but still make dwarfs that extra bit special when using one. Other items, like chains and mugs, for instance, would make more sense if they added damage to unarmed fighting. This would be useful from a balancing perspective, since the best military weapons (swords, pikes, etc.) would require the most specialized training to use well.I also think dwarfs should have the ability to forge weapons they might not be able to use, if only for use in traps. My fortress is currently trading with a human civ in order to obtain two-handers, pikes, flails, and mauls, because we use a lot of weapon-traps and I like variety, but it's kind of silly to imagine that a bunch of iron-age human barbarians can forge weapons that my magnificent dwarfs can't, especially when dwarfs can even use some of them. Dwarfs apparently can't even forge a decent combat knife. That doesn't seem right. I think there should be an option in either the forge or the smelter to turn a given metal object or objects directly into a large knife of that metal, as if you were melting down the object, rather than having to do it in 2 steps at the cost of extra fuel. That's how it was always done in Metalshop, when I was going to highschool-you'd bring a file to school and reforge it into a hunting knife. Pretty simple stuff, even for a teenager. Ofcourse, there could still be metal loss, like when you melt items down, and other weapons wouldn't be forgeable with this method (except maybe bolts), but it would help give knives a bigger presence in the game, which they should have.

Citizen of Erl:
Personally, I think we should take the dwarven specialties in a slightly less stereotyped way. They should be able to master using trained animals.But, just trained animals on their own is kinda boring and doesn't give much variety, so they should all have elemental properties. But not the usual four elements, or at least not just those. Maybe there could be like 15 elements, or 17, with a huge strength/weakness chart to go with it. This kind of specialization would be pretty cool. And it would add a whole new dimension to hunting and trapping, too!

Likewise, unarmed swords should be +1 to damage while a normal sword is +2.
An elemental charge doesn't add a + to damage but lets you do damage with that element.To keep it balanced you'll have to go on a quest into the underworld and slay the elemental master for that element to get an element orb, and then you'll have to take it to a blacksmith to get your weapon imbued with it.

Citizen of Erl:
What would be really cool, though, when doing the elemental orb thing, would be if  you could combine it with a different kind of orb and have a totally orb result from the fusion. Now, it'd be a little tricky to do this with an NPC party, so they would just have to be stuck with whatever orb they have started with, but the main character could switch through as many as he likes. Maybe add a small carrying capacity, like six at a time, which can be expanded as the game goes on and you get better at it; maybe topping out at like twelve at a time or something?

Yeah but the fusion should be second to the actual use which is putting it in the weapon.   One time in metalshop I used a vice and a hammer to smash some cat's eye marbles my girlfriend made in glass shop and then sprinkled it onto this file I was melting down and it was a pretty cool effect.   I showed my LARP group and the Larp Meister let my character have it as a Moon Dagger, so rock on.Anyways, another cool feature would be for all races to use every weapon.   And by every weapon, I mean all these weapons I saw on wikipedia that aren't in DF right now.  Katanas and surijin and other things from Japan especially because it's vastly underrepresented in DF's thematic devices.


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