Dwarf Fortress > DF Suggestions

Outnumbered by the defeated. (Unit screen.)

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Is there any particular reason everything that has ever died in my fortress needs to show up on my units screen? I've had a busy hunter for several years now and there are pages of dead elephants, billou, and gibbons of every description. It gets really bad when you throw in a few seiges or multiple ambushes too. On top of all that, is the epilepsy inducing initial migrant I tossed in the lava so long ago. The clutter is bad enough, I don't need flashing lights. On top of all the dead critters, there is no way to distinguish a caged goblin from a goblin roaming my outdoors without zooming to it. Would be nice if caged creatures could be registered as something other than Invader or Hostile.

I'd like it if I have the option to remove entries of dead creatures.

IMO it would be nice toa) reset the dead creatures in the units list every season or year;
b) keep track of how many dead creatures there were in each year of the fortress.
[Though 'keep track of kills' has already been suggested elsewhere, several times :]

Separate list for the deceased?

Gorjo MacGrymm:
how about wsomeething like "mountain goat - deceased (num killed)"just so you know how good the hunter wasbefore he walks into a colosus or something..........oh, wait, that was my guy :P


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