You ask the gentleman a number of questions.
Remark about the fascinating inconsistencies of local construction and the poor quality of that one floorboard. "I say, it does look most hazardous!"
He agrees. He says this cabin used to be in much better shape.
Offer gentleman a drink
He politely declines. He is not thirsty.
politely ask the "gentleman" if he would mind us searching this place for clues as to where we are.
He says go ahead.
Ask the Gentleman for clues on what mountain this is.
He says he's hardly a geology professor.
Ask Gentleman how he did end up on this mountain.
He has always been on this mountain.
Ask Gentleman if he knows anything about the complex we came from.
Some people used to live there. They are gone now.
Ask Gentleman if he knows something about P.A.Les
He says he met Les once.
Ask gentlemen if he has any supplies to help you on your adventure, or is willing to trade for items.
He doesn't have anything on him.
Ask gentlemen what is he looking around for, maybe you can help
He would be quite pleased to acquire a monocle.
Ask gentlemen if you can look in his cellar.
He says go ahead, it's not his cellar.
Ask if he needs any help himself, and apologize for asking so many questions but explained that you are very unfamiliar with the area and you are her for "country".
He says he does not require your help at this time.
Attempt to get catch gentlemen within a lie, so you can discover more truths about this individual.
The gentleman is responding as shortly and tidily to your lines of inquiry as possible, but doesn't appear to have been lying at all (as best you can tell).

The gentleman leaves.
loot barrel

You examine the inside of the barrel. Where its bottom should be, it continues down, far further than the floor.
look under barrel
The barrel does not (and possibly
cannot move from its location on the floor.
loot floorboard
The floorboard does not budge! You'll need something to pry it up with.
take broken glass
What, and cut up your hands? No thank you.
attempt to follow the gentlemen

You step outside, but Gentleman is nowhere to be seen.
Drop an unimportant object into the barrel.

You chuck a rock down into the barrel.

After a moment you hear a "WHUDD" as it hits something. It's not too-too far down, though you can't see exactly what you're dropping stuff into or onto.
Pry the board with the bone.
The bone is rather rounded. There isn't much of a gap to pry from, only a tiny crack. The bone won't be going in there.
Before heading back, try to break of one of those.. cross-thingies inside the window, and try to pry the board with it.

You easily snap one of the crossboards loose (one of the one without glass still stuck to it).

It proves quite inadequate at prying the large floorboard, however. You throw the silly thing away.
try to smash the lock off the cellar door with the bone
The lock is made of metal, and the bone just whacks away harmlessly.
Look behind the shack.
A clever idea! However, nothing is there. The shack is four walls, a doorway, and a broken window. And a mysterious barrel chute.
Let's head back into the other direction.

Giving up for now, you head back to the crossroads and head down the right path this time.

You find yourself at a rather sizeable stone circle.
Explore the stone circle

You wander around the stone circle. From what you can gather, you are at the top of the mountain. The stones are all somewhat shoddily carved of the same perfect white stone, and have no indentations or engravings of any sort. You check through your backpack, but nothing seems to be reacting in any way. You cannot figure out why this circle has been put here, nor why its creators chose to leave all the stones completely absent of any kind of marking. Even the center of the circle is absent of mystic markings-- it's just plain old dry dirt.

It begins to rain.
Play the music box

You take out the odd music box and play it. The rain picks up severely, winds now buffeting you. You can hear tension in the air building. The swirling vortex crackles.

You are blown off your feet.

The storm abruptly ends.
examine where lightning hit...

There is no sign of a lightning bolt having ever struck this arch, though you look quite thoroughly. Perhaps this stone type was picked for that quality?
Walk back, take one of your rocks and try to knock the nest down.

You prep your lobbin' arm. All right little birdie, time to leave the nest!

Hey-- Wait, no-- Bird, you were supposed to--

Oh no!
Jump in and try to save him!

You hastily dive into the water despite your crippling inability to swim.


You splashily retrieve the bird and egg from the water and pull yourself onto shore. The bird is dead-- few things can take a rock larger than themselves to the head. The egg, however, is unfractured. You take both with you. Perhaps you will find a fitting burial ground for your late companion.
Try to swim to that underwater cave we saw earlier and get a look at what's in there
You won't even consider it. You almost drowned in that water!
Let's go to the room with the elder god an climb up that ladder
And take the string back on the way
You head up to the room above the ladder, taking the string with you.

The room is divided in two with a thick glass wall. On the opposite side you can see some kind of wall-cabinet, a box, a chart, a doorway, and a floor panel. There is an identical panel on this side of the glass, as well as a toolbox... on the far side of the angry dog chained to the floor. Near the dog is some kind of skeleton teeth thing and some tentacle-y strands. There is also a weird bubble thing protruding from the center of the floor.
Give the dog a bone.

You cautiously hold the bone out in one hand and another up in deference as you slowly approach. The dog barks at you, but you press forwards.

It sniffs the bone, and then nabs it, quite pleased with itself. It seems to like you now. Aren't you so good with animals!
Well, when you're not killing them, that is.
back away slowly onto the floor plate behind us.

You step on the floor plate. It depresses, but nothing else seems to happen.

You step off it and it releases again.
Investigate the interior of the toolbox

A crowbar! How incredibly convenient!
Examine the tentacly thing

You pick it up. It appears to be two sets of very sharp teeth held together with a thin chain of spine-like bones. The tentacles are loosely attached to the spine-thing.
Get in the room downstairs, grab the bucket, fill it with water at the sink, get the bucket up here and place it on the floor plate.

You drag the bucket up the ladder with great difficulty and plop it on the plate. It does not depress.
Pet the Dog nicly to show approval

You pat him on the head. Awwwwwhesocuuute.
Bring the dog out

Dogs can't climb ladders! But you untie him anyhow. You wonder how he got here in the first place.
Grab the crowbar and return to the shack where we meet the gentleman
Use the crowbar on the floor panel that is sticking up.

You trek all the way back to re-attack your foe. Have at you!

The floorboard refuses to come all the way up, but there's enough space to reach under and...

Huzzah! You got the smelly key!
Smell at key
You smell at key. It smells terrible! Like burnt rubber.
try the key on the lock outside the shack.

Let's try this sucker out.

Success! With your adventuring skills you can do anything.

No lever is ever in the correct position. Flip both.

The first one slides down quite neatly. There is a ker-clunk from somewhere deeper in the cave.

The second one is too hot to touch! Yeowch!!!
Look at that wire construct.

Ow ow fuck it's hot too ow what the hell!
You do get a pretty good look at the thing, though. A grid-like wall of straight metal wires, with weird curved metal strips in three places. There is a bit of space above and below each metal strip thing.
Look at that pipe

It appears to be where the barrel drops down to. It leads to the next room. You can't see where exactly it goes to, nor can you see the rock, but you can see a bit of light on the other side.
Attempt to use the eyedol to flip the switch without burning yourself. If that does not work, search your inventar for something that could work and try that

You're not willing to singe the eyedol, but you nudge the switch up with the tip of your whisky bottle. For some reason you start to feel a burn on your hand, but it fades when you remove the contact point.
The metal sheets loosen and unwind. You are pretty sure that doesn't help you at all.
Beat the wires aside with the crowbar.

You start to peel one of the wires away, then-- Ow! What the hell? Everything you touch to these wires ends up burning you! This isn't how heat works!
This room sucks. It may be time to go back.
push the other lever back up THEN check heat of wires
No luck - you hear a lot of clunking from somewhere else in the cave, but the wires remain hot. The heated switch remains searing as well.
Lets head back to the glass pannel room and do the other stuff.
You trek back across the mountaintop.
Shatter the glass with the crobar!

It's some kind of plexiglass crap. You're reminded of the vending machine's glass. What is it with building random access-blocking constructs out of unbreakable materials?? This is stupid!
After failing to beat through the glass with the crow bar look through the doooome!

The dome is totally opaque! And made of... you're not sure exactly. It's not anything you're immediately familiar with.
Put the dog in the bucket. Put the tentacle thing on there too. Put the toolbox on it if it still doesn't go down.

The dog isn't here. There
is a weird new door in the wall, though. You investigate.

How quaint?