Put the black stuff in the oven and turn it(the oven) back on!

The idea that the clay is actually some kind of explosive crosses your mind, but is quickly drowned out by the fact that to get any of it out you’re going to have to soften it up, so might as well try it out and hope for the best. You pop the clay in the oven and turn it back on. As you shut the door, you hear a bunch of whirring and clanking.

The oven only seems to operate at one, incredibly hot temperature, and the clay is warmed up and malleable within minutes. Explosion averted! The mechanical sounds repeat as you open the door again.
Fumble around with the faucets on the sink. Maybe they open the hidden door.

You turn on the sink and ACKKPTHHHHHHHHH

Something is seriously wrong with the water pressure around here!!
Check the thing on the hooks in P.A.L's room. If it is interesting, take it.

It appears to be a pair of goggles. You leave them here for now. If you need them later, you can grab 'em then.
Take some of the gel-like substance (using wooden ladle) and chem-analyse it.

You attempt to scoop out some of the gel, but it does not break for your ladle.

An imprint of the ladle's head is made in it, though.
check if metal wiring in cabin cellar has cooled down now that oven is off.

You make your way across the mountain and check the wiring. Yup! It’s all cooled off now. You can certainly crawl past now. You are still confused as to why an oven would be hooked up to metal wiring for no real reason, though…

You find yourself on the other side of the glass wall.
Step on the pressure plate.

You step on and step off. Just like the other one. You'll need something way heavier than that bucket to weigh both down at once.
Medic!!! I mean Medkit! Get it!

You open the medical cabinet. There's some sort of vial inside, corked and with a liquid in it.
Take the vial, and check out the box on the ground.

You bag the vial and check out the box. There is a bag inside, tied closed. You check it out.

It's got four weird looking tiles in it, two black and two white. There is also some kind of photo.

The photo depicts twelve tiles, six of each colour. The six sets are matching.
Look at the chart!

You check out the chart. It is labelled "Relevance Study" and is measuring Weather Intensity vs. something called Oculoid Activity. A through-line has been drawn with a different pen, and a note is written regarding an outlier.
lug the crate over onto the pad

You do so. It does not weigh the switch down in the slightest.
Chem analyse a drop of liquid from strange vial

You pocket the spherical stone and plop some of the liquid into the machine. It steams a little bit upon being poured.

It appears the same post-analysis. The printer whirrs.
Test Number: 01257;
Analysis: Fulgurite; Chemical X; Water; Caern dew;
% Chemical X: 0.01;
Look through goggles in P.A.L.'s room

They don't really suit you. They don't seem to have any special function, save to protect your eyes.
>chem analyse clay

The clay returns from its testing, slightly re-shapen but still in a pile. The printer whirrs.
Test Number: 01258;
Analysis: Quartz; Root wood dye;
% Chemical X: 0.00;
Go back, grab the Oculoid corpse and chem-test it.

It just barely fits, but you can stuff it all in.

It comes back... as a mushy lump. The printer whirrs.
Test Number: 01259;
Analysis: Oculoid marrow; Oculoid tendril matter;
% Chemical X: 0.00;
put the thing of clay in the box, then put the bucket of water in the box, this SHOULD weigh as much as you do, then go stand on the other plate!
find a container for the lumpen remains of the Oculoid.

You solve two problems at once and pour the mush into the bucket of water before putting the clay and bucket in the box. It does not weigh enough to depress the panel.
Fill crate with rocks

It is a bit tricky, but you carry a few of the loosest rocks up from the room you woke up in and dump them in the box as well. The panel does not even budge, though you are certain that it should be at least somewhat depressed by now.
Open door with water coming out underneath in P.A.L.'s room

Gah! The water force knocks you right off your feet! Good god what is wrong with this place??
Go outside and search for the gentleman. We need to deliver his monocle!

After an extensive search of the caves thus far, you find Gentleman inspecting the skeleton in the formerly-dark room.
Discuss with him the gentlemanly quotient of your new facial hair. In addition, inquire if he has seen any eye-beasts in the general vicinity.

He says that it is very nice-- though he has not previously displayed any form of emotion, you suspect there is a hint of jealousy behind the sentiment.
then give him the monocle

You hold out the monocle for him, then tell him you will give it to him in exchange for a favour. He eyes it suspiciously, clearly desiring it.

He says he will assist you in exchange for the monocle...
and the moustache. You are shaken.
Turn gentleman into an avatar of Uncle Moneybags.

You... would rather not. But the help of another would be extremely beneficial to your exploration. Grimacing, you agree.

He appears quite pleased with himself. He asks what you require his assistance with.
Inquire of him the manner of Les' demise.
He says Les appears to have been either murdered or fatally wounded either shortly before or shortly after locking down the facility.
ask him about "CHEMICAL X"
He says Chemical X is a codename for the substance found in traces on the eye creatures.
Engage him as your guide, and make your way to the scene of Les' unfortunate death.
He asks exactly whose skeleton you think you're standing over?
While you ponder this, Gentleman comments that if you don't have a favour in mind he's getting quite tired of answering your questions and will have to return your favour at a later time if not now.
Apologize profusely and instead offer him a service.
He's quite uninterested in your help.
Ask the gentleman to aid in pressing the two panels simultaneously.
He agrees to help. You lead him up a few ladders to the glass wall room.

You move the box o' stuff and tell him to stand there, and wait. He obliges.

Running across the mountain, you head down into the cellar and step on the other panel. The glass wall slides absolutely seamlessly into the walls, leaving no trace.

Gentleman leaves, his favour fulfilled.