Dwarf Fortress > DF Suggestions

Rush job - for fast targeted job deployment


I find assigning time critical or important specific jobs to dwarfs a big pain.  The best you can do is juggling assignments from the labour menu so a dwarf has very little to do and hope they go where you want.  I'd like an option to tell dwarfs already assigned the labour in question "Stop what you're doing, go here and do this job until I tell you otherwise (barring your need to eat, sleep, etc)".Now this wouldn't be a duplicate of the manager interface, as the manager doesn't deal with labours in specific locations - he just tries to get individual tasks done quickly as he can.  I'd like more fine control than that, which would work with labours like tending fields, mining or even hauling.I envision a command going something like:* You select "Rush job"
* You're taken to a menu showing your current rushes, and can delete or add new on's here.  Delete is pretty self explanatory so I'll expand on add
* A menu just like the labour menu pops up where you can select the type of job to be rushed.  When that's specified this command will apply to anyone who has that labour selected in their list of possible labours.
* You specify an area for the job just like designations.
* If there're any possible jobs from the labour in your specified area that some other dwarf isn't currently doing, one of your dwarfs will stop what they're doing and go start that task.  Dwarfs will continue doing this while your job is active.  Stopping only to see to their basic needs.So, if you selected mining and specified a large area already designated to be mined every dwarf with that labour in their repertoire would mine any possible square in that area until there is nothing left to mine, then they'd go back to their normal business.  But, if you selected Metalsmithing and selected an area with one or more smiths your dwarfs would continuously operate them while they have something in their build queues.It would just be wonderful to have the ability to plant a specific area quickly, or have your miners concentrate on the most urgent stuff without having to undesignate everything else, or have a forge kept constantly in use if you want to pass a production bottleneck.This skill would be quite powerful - so it probably should be attached to a pretty high ranking noble, maybe guildmaster.Hope I explained that clearly enough.

come to think of it.. i don't see why roads and bridges can't be built with more than 1 dwarves especially when it's more than 1 tile wide/long.

When I pave my roads, I plot each 3 tile wide section one at a time. That way my entire fort helps build the road. Too bad it takes an hour or so to do it.  :(
Maybe each stone/bar "worth" of road should be it's own job? Kinda how the plant seed jobs are.


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