Dwarf Fortress > DF Suggestions

See the attributes of an adventurer before naming them.


I would like the idea of being able to see the attributes of a character before you name them.  For example I use Greiger as an in game name at least once in almost all games I play.  But he isn't agile...he's strong, mebbe tough, but he is by no means agile.  Sure he'll probably eventually end up agile after killing alot of stuff but at that time his Strength and toughness would have likely gone up a similar amount.  It just kinda bugs me on an RPish level when I decide to name a character Greiger and come up with an extremely agile guy wearing a dress. (the dress may be due to my modding admittedly I messed around with their clothing a bit and may have messed it up.)Anyway, whether you want to or not is up to you, Mr. Toady cuz yer awesome enough for me to put Mr. in front of yer name (my boss doesn't even get that perk and I actually kinda like this boss) but please put it in one of those little "people may like this when I get around to it" scribble notes that are probably taking over your computer room. Thankee!   :D
-Greiger Fighter/Tank/Meat Shield/Greatsword Dude/Half-Dragon/Non-ninja


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