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Author Topic: Dwarf Pad AHK_Lv0.7, some new window handling and new features included  (Read 12190 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Dwarf Pad AHK_L version 0.7

Download here: (contains standalone executable + original script file for personal modification)

Dwarfpad is a timesaving graphical user interface originally made for navigating in the local area embark screen using an arrowpad and expanding/shrinking buttons rather than umhk/UMHK. However, I expanded on it's use, addiing an autobuild tool for constructions, roads and farms to remove the need for umhk presses while building.


*new*Incremental cursor movement:
Ever wished you could do more than move in 1 or 10 space increments? Now you can!
Control+arrow key moves 2 space increments
Alt+arrow key moves 4 space increments
Control+alt key moves 5 space increments

*new*Improved Window handling:
When not in dwarf fortress, the pad will automatically minimise itself and unminimise when DF comes back. Pressing Alt+h will hide/reveal dwarfpad as needed.

A Clickable umhkUMHK pad:
Rather than tangling your fingers on the UMHK/umhk keys while searching for your ideal embark location, you can navigate the local embark area with this pad. E toggles from the UMHK keys for use outside of the embark screen.

Walls, Floors and other constructions, plus dirt/paved roads and farms can be selected and expanded to the desirable size upto 10x10 without multiple presses of the umhk keys. Areas larger than 10x10 can be entered and autoplaced, however the first building material in the list will be used for these larger areas.

Instruction Manual
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Version Updates:
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Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Feel free to  modify the the uncompiled script included along with the compiled binary. You will require a unicode build of AutoHotKeys_L however to use the uncompiled script! Feedback is important, if the program is erronous or responds in a way other than intended, please let me know, if you would like something added, please feel free to request it, or just want to tell me im wasting my time or it stinks, i'd appriciate the heads up!

Oh, thankyou Toady for such an impressive game, I love your brain man!
« Last Edit: March 22, 2011, 07:18:13 am by Ethicalfive »
Urist McMiner Unearths a strange pad. He trembles as he inspects it's time saving features. Knowing no 1 dwarf must posess this power, he quietly drops it into the nearest chasm and never speaks of it again.DwarfPad


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Pad AHK_L~! Untie those fingers during embark!
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2010, 10:28:45 am »

Aw man, I was hoping to be able to build walls more than 10 x 10. 'Tis a shame.
[DF 0.31.13]  ۝ War of the Ring Mod ۝  [WotR 0.13.3]

War of the Ring is back baby!
A mod based on Lord of the Rings, by JRR Tolkien.


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Re: Dwarf Pad AHK_L~! Untie those fingers during embark!
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2010, 03:24:47 pm »

Hmm.. I had a couple of cracks laying walls/floors more than 10 at a time, but the code gets so confusing, will give it some more effort another day. Feel free to write the function yourself if you want to give it a try.

I Now have building floors and walls larger than 10 in the x direction! Still working on the y code so unexpected stuff will happen if you put anything in there other than 10 when autobuilding.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2010, 12:57:07 pm by Ethicalfive »
Urist McMiner Unearths a strange pad. He trembles as he inspects it's time saving features. Knowing no 1 dwarf must posess this power, he quietly drops it into the nearest chasm and never speaks of it again.DwarfPad


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Pad AHK_L! Untie those fingers during embark!
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2010, 01:39:11 pm »

Updated to version 0.3!
Somewhere along the line i'd nerfed the umhkUMHK part as a result it was working poorly and not as intended. This led to a much better system which which also negates the window title bar swapping issue effectly I think. After I noticed the problem I holted my mass build coding efforts and put to put up a new version with lots of bug fixes, however because my mass building code isnt finished, it will only partially work currently, all that listed above in my updated first post along with any added features.

Please feel free to comment, or request features, I might include it with the next update.
Urist McMiner Unearths a strange pad. He trembles as he inspects it's time saving features. Knowing no 1 dwarf must posess this power, he quietly drops it into the nearest chasm and never speaks of it again.DwarfPad


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Pad AHK_Lv0.6! *Oops! numpad now supported!*
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2010, 07:08:20 am »

I didn't want to have to bump my own thread, multiposting etc, but considering noone would take the time to post even a "you stink" message and let my thread fall into oblivion, I really had no other option.

One of the reasons I made this tool is because, many, many many! people refuse to play this game simply because they do not have the time or patience to learn the complex interface, I thought that if I contributed a tool which would take some of the pain out of working it out, plus give more experienced users some more use with thier mouse and less carpel tunnel from 10 the gajillion keyypresses, that I would be giving back to the community, maybe even helping toady to earn more donations which in turn would allow him to produce an even better game for us all!

But alas, only one comment, which I took out of my own time to write and accomodate, alot of time i might add, and not so much as a passing fart from the guy!

I was going to add workshops/furnaces and other buried, but well used submenu items, maybe even eventually providing more main menu items if they were requested. But seeings as not one person shows an ounce of interest or offers any critisism whatso ever, I will not bother working on this anymore, my time is obviously spent better elsewhere. Unless someone somewhere has the human decency to say something useful, or I dunno, thank me for the many hours I put into figuring out the features for this. If it's broken and doesnt work, I also would like to hear about it, how can I fix something which is broken if im not aware of the problem?

Dont like the layout? I can change it a million which ways, but i cannot do that without feedback.
Urist McMiner Unearths a strange pad. He trembles as he inspects it's time saving features. Knowing no 1 dwarf must posess this power, he quietly drops it into the nearest chasm and never speaks of it again.DwarfPad


  • Bay Watcher
  • I Watch Bays
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Re: Dwarf Pad AHK_Lv0.6! *Oops! numpad now supported!*
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2010, 07:51:23 am »

But alas, only one comment, which I took out of my own time to write and accomodate, alot of time i might add, and not so much as a passing fart from the guy!

Uhhh.... wha?
[DF 0.31.13]  ۝ War of the Ring Mod ۝  [WotR 0.13.3]

War of the Ring is back baby!
A mod based on Lord of the Rings, by JRR Tolkien.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Pad AHK_Lv0.6! *Oops! numpad now supported!*
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2010, 07:13:42 pm »

But alas, only one comment, which I took out of my own time to write and accomodate, alot of time i might add, and not so much as a passing fart from the guy!

Uhhh.... wha?
He means you didn't come back after he added the 10x10+ autobuild.

Meh, this utility is quite nice. Does save many keypresses. You have 4 downloads, actually. The most likely reason nobody posted is because there's nothing to post. You yourself said it's not revolutionary, just a time-saving device. Those usually don't crash DF, create 2000 z-level adamantine spires, or display 2000 z-level spires. Thus, nothing to post, because it's preety feature-complete.

I'm guessing this is the best GUI you can do with AHK, but I'll throw in something in case it isn't. The GUI is finnicky on my machine, aka the dropdown fails to cooperate. Could you make a radio set instead? Also, is it possible to not take focus away from DF? I'm guessing both answers are no, but I've never used AHK before.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Pad AHK_Lv0.6! *Oops! numpad now supported!*
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2010, 11:53:32 am »

AHK was meant for guys predesigning their megaprojects and input the commands into the game quick as hell.


  • Bay Watcher
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*bumping new version*

Thanks for the positive comments dree12! I came up with a work around to the unfocused clicking on the pulldown menu behaviour.

I'm taking suggestions for a redesign of the pad, I think I need some outside input on how it might be better represented. The autobuild is a little confusing but having trouble comming up with a neater layout. Scribble something down on paint or a rough description would be very much appriciated.

Anyhows, enjoy the new control & alt direction feature, makes designating a tonne of bedrooms etc a breeze!

AHK was meant for guys predesigning their megaprojects and input the commands into the game quick as hell.
Theres already quick fort, no need to reinvent the wheel there.
Urist McMiner Unearths a strange pad. He trembles as he inspects it's time saving features. Knowing no 1 dwarf must posess this power, he quietly drops it into the nearest chasm and never speaks of it again.DwarfPad


  • Bay Watcher
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Posting so I remember to download and try this out later!
Tha's grreat!


  • Bay Watcher
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this looks interesting will try it out later