Diary of Robocorn GrooveKeys "Cheese Maker"14th of TimberI saw that broker guy trading away out slaughtered animals. "Pyromaniac" I think his name was. I thank Kigok everyday that I wasn't given a name like that. I really would have liked a nice horse stew but I'm not in control of the finances. The funny thing is I overheard the guy talking about a "new diet" as he bought a barrel of donkey milk. I sure hope he's not talking about what I think he's talking about. I've had it up to my mustache with eating those terrible monsters they dig up from that abyss under Failcannon. I'd sooner feed the whole fort than switch to a diet of acid blooded mutant magpies.
Still nothing on that Kigok situation. Is it too much to ask for one woman Kigok? I don't care if she likes shadow banshees or sardonics or even
purring maggots send me any woman Kigok and I'll treasure her. I really have to find a better hiding place for this thing if Såkzul finds it I'll be even more of a laughing stock.
21st of Timber
When I saw it I quite nearly shit bricks. Aik had told me to bring a bucket to the upper levels so I swiped one from the hospital (who's gonna notice?). To my surprise she's made some kind of complex to produce cheese like the brewery produces beer. I guess she wanted me to get accustomed to the animals before construction was finished. I tried to tell her that the sun was bothering me but she said that a cheesemaker of my caliber could make a fine cheese even in the sunlight. (flattery will get you everywhere) I guess I've got big things ahead of me. Kigok let them realize their mistake before I have to feed the whole fort. I take back what I said about the mutant magpies, they're the candy of the deep.
1st of Moonstone
That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Cows can get pretty dangerous you know. They can gore you without the slightest provocation. It would be unwise to make cheese with a bovine about or it could smell the creamy sweetness of the cheese you were making and slaughter you right then and there. Aik should be awarding me a medal for handling such a deadly beast in such a cautious manner. A medal and a vacation, because all of this cheesemaking is hard work, or it will be anyway, after my vacation. A big thanks to Kigok who channeled her powers into the fell cows mind and calmed it to a stupor so I could tie it up again.
8th of Moonstone
Well, there it is. My first cheese. The broker told me it would be worth fifty value abstractions on the open market. He asked me if I made it and I told him that I was the head cheesemaker in all of Aluonra and that any cheese
I'd make would be worth it's weight in adamantine. The snarky fool blew me off like some silly blowhard. But I'd show him. Making cheese wasn't much harder than brewing and I'm sure I'll be able to get twice as much appraise than any silly brewer got from their brain blastering sunshine or thirst quenching Mushroom ale or whatever my point was. Al I know is that If I stick to my guns and keep my faith in Kigok I'll be the
Fromagiester of the Sixth Circle and everyone will realize how important I really am to Failcannon.
16th of Moonstone.This seems like kind of a funny story. The Captain of the guard dispatches the holy irons to go save
cheese. Now I thought they had finally realized my importance and I could go back to doing nothing all day but they were really talking about some crippled beggar
named "Cheese" who was out picking flowers or something when he was ambushed by skeletal horses. One of the horses even gets on the seaward wall that those immigrants snuck over on the other month and these two soldiers joust with it and get knocked off the wall. What a bunch off loonies I hope Kigok blesses their sore heads.

Luckily the irons eventually take down the horse that was menacing "Cheese" and he's welcomed back into the fort. No thanks to those jousters. I guess they'll let anyone in the guard these days.
24th of Moonstone
It's so exciting to be invited to a party. Some Dwarven child has completed some magnificent magnetic bracelect with moonstone and more magnetite. Sounds like some kind of wizard jewelery to me but I'll take any chance I can get to take a day off of work dealing with dangerous cows and moulding cheese. Thanks for blessing this child Kigok I needed to go to a party. I wonder if Kigok will ever bless me with a vision of the ultimate cheese. I can always dream.
1st of Opal.That jerkass Såkzul still isn't impressed by my massive dairy complex. He say's it's built on lies and that I've barely made any cheese. He even had the gall to say that
"nobody cares about cheese"
"Then why'd they go save him from the skorse?"
We both had a good chuckle about that one. But he should really be more supportive of my rising role in the world. I don't care if he's a wood burner or a soldier. He shouldn't speak that way to an
Accomplished Cheese Maker
8th of Opal.Today something scary happened.
Those fool guards must have dozed off because the devil skull-horse Sourditch got into the fort

The beast slew a dog right in front of me before going after some unlucky Dwarf named Paniac. The fellow was so heroic as to let a young mother and her child serve as a decoy for him to run away. The mother Canalan made it out okay but the baby was slewn by the great beast. I offered to give Xenos (the father) some cheese for the funeral and he just lashed out at me. I suppose seeing your only child killed by and evil horse makes you less receptive to cheese. I hope it isn't a trend.
24th of OpalAfter receiving complaints from various different Dwarves regarding the increasing Dearth of cheese I talked with Aik about getting me a few assistants. I also requested a few more cheese presses
"constructed from solid silver"
I said. She seemed to be talking it down so I asked for an office with gold furniture overlooking the filthy sea with glass windows and a short commute from the cheesery. Kigok has truly blessed me because she gave in to all my demands and my room is finally complete. I met with Såkzul again at his totally non-private dining room to rub it in that I had become a
Fromagiester while he was stilla lowly wood burner and now nobody could look down on my cheesey prowess. Såkzul still wasn't impressed though, he never cares for my success. he's always keeping me back. Maybe if you found me someone real nice Kigok I could make him truly believe in your majesty. You are the real Fromagistress here.
5th of ObsidianThese assistants are not as helpful as I'd forseen. But I'm sleeping splendidly in this new room. It's not the same as being underground all day but the sun is gone about half the time so it's fairly bearable to have a room near the sea. It's quiet to say the least. Just me and the cheese. And Kigok of course. I can never forget about Kigok. Såkzul doesn't know what he's talking about, I have it way better now that I'm important, he's just jealous of my blessings Maybe he can be one of my cheese assistants. I bet that would cheer him up
6th of ObsidianIt didn't.
15th of ObsidianGOBLINS!

A squadron of greenskins decided to sneak over the wall that the skorses and immigrants have been sneaking over in order to rain bolts down upon us fron their high vantage point.
Their Aim was mostly atrocious so many of us were able to run away in time but one poor soul called Urist Imiknoriss took nearly seven bolts before falling to the greenskin's barrage

The first of the Holy Irons on the scene was DuckThatQuacks, a novice Swordsdwarf who planned on fighting them aligned on the wall in order to protect us as we fled underground.

It "Didn't work" to say the least.

The next warrior present to face the scourge was the militia leader LordSlowpoke who brandishing her warhammer

was knocked over the edge of the wall by a goblin with a whip
LordSlowpoke fought the goblins as they entered the fort from the wall but they verpowered her and drover her down one of the goblin raiders "Snodub" Declared victory over her corpse and dealt the killing blow.
After Lordslowpoke's death things turned for the worst

The Goblins began to slaughter everything
As if in a mission from Kigok Herself I took up the mantle of military commander and drafted The most able warriors remaining among us. Such as Grath "The arrow catcher" and Xenos, who had dealt the final blow to Sourditch. I gathered us togeth one time to mount an a offense against the horde.

The casualties were too great I lead what able dwarves I could find down into a food stockpile and began ordering the construction of a wall t separate us from the outside world

We held up for ours in preparation of the goblin onslaught but nothing came.
what we discovered was astounding.

as the goblins left they fell into our traps and many were captured and killed. With less than a quarter of our dwarves still living we could not have held them back on our own. I know in my heart that it was Kigok that protected us and our infirm. I feel sorry for all the things I said about Såkzul, may his soul rest in peace. It is currently Obsidian the 20th and will end the year with cheese far from my mind.
That's three months and six hours of work. I don't know how I'm going to finish the remaining twelve months of my year but I'm not doing it tonight. This is actually way better than I thought It would turn out. I'm still really pissed at whoever engineered the goblin sniper highway though. Kigok-Dammit man
I was actually listening to
this around Obsidian 15th it made the invasion about ten times more annoying from my perspective so maybe it will color yours.