There are now three deceased Derms and one living Derm (a cook).
5 Limestone, 526:I've ordered the militia to begin limited surface patrols. This should suppress the wilddeath population and allow us to complete the roads.
7 Limestone, 526:
The second of the imprisoned rebel leaders has died after
months of neglect a hunger strike.
24 Limestone, 526:
Another horror! Here to raid our cheese stockpiles, no doubt. If only we had the dwarfpower, I'd show these disgusting creatures a thing or two.
26 Limestone, 526:The mayor has declared that only Failcannon should enjoy the rousing music of the trumpet.

I couldn't agree more. Without trumpets to inspire them, our enemies will have a harder time marching into battle. Nonetheless, I've had the mayor flogged for overstepping his authority.
26 Sandstone, 526:At last, we have broken the final rebel leader!

All internal dissent has been crushed, and my rule is secured forever! The Legions of Terror shall hold a parade.
27 Sandstone, 526:I was awakened from my sleep last night by somebody moaning:
"Cheeeeeeeeeeese. Need cheeeeeese. CHEESE!"
Somebody is out to raid our cheese stockpiles! Andreus says this is probably another spirit, and she can deal with it, but she doesn't think it will actually take our cheese. I hope she's right.
Later in the day, ten more dwarves arrived to join us!
1 Timber, 526:We completed the roads today. I have withdrawn our troops to give them a rest -- we don't have the dwarfpower to patrol every month of the year.
6 Timber, 526:
The incessant demands for cheese have finally stopped. I'm pleased to report that whatever it was failed to get any of our precious cheese. We now have over a hundred units in our strategic cheese reserve.
13 Timber, 526:
Another spirit is rumored to be wandering the fortress, overturning furniture. It is doubtless searching for our hidden cheese stockpiles! It must be stopped!
19 Timber, 526:
A caravan has arrived, carrying vital goods. Like cheese. Andreus says that maybe I should focus on something other than cheese, but she is wrong. See! Our diligent efforts have attracted the attention of a great cheesesmith!
20 Timber, 526:
The caravan has come under attack! I'm calling up the militia.

No! The cheesesmith has been waylaid by another party of goblins!

21 Timber, 526:We have triumphed again, avenging the poor cheesesmith, but it is a bittersweet victory. Cog Walledpassion, the hero of the previous battle, was gravely injured and had to be carried from the field.
I hope that she lives, for she is truly a vicious warrior: during the battle, she bit a goblin's head off.
The caravan guards drove off the band that attacked them, but a guard and a trader were killed. The remaining merchants are just standing there, dumbstruck.
26 Timber, 526:The merchants finally wandered off today.
1 Moonstone, 526:My reign is now completely secure and immune to any and all challenges. As such, I am going to delegate the non-military aspects of my job to another. I shall maintain control of the militia, but day-to-day management of the fortress will be left to somebody else. Who, you ask?

My daughter, of course. I have no doubt that she will be a wise and competent administrator who will certainly not be anyone's puppet.
In light of the past year's goblin attacks, I've reorganized the military's schedule -- we can't patrol year-round, but we
can patrol heavily when we expect caravans. I've also begun training two new squads, The Creative Seals and The Trumpets of Wilting. They'll need better equipment before they can be sent into battle, though (it may be time to start mass-producing suits of bronze armor).
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go drive off a skeletal horse that is giving some of our dwarves trouble.
In my turn, I:
- Buried a
lot of corpses, and held down the ghosts (see below)
- Trained up a militia and fought off several ambushes
- Actually managed to do some trading
- Got a bunch of migrants
- Made a bunch of equipment, including nine suits of bronze armor. However, now that we have more dwarves, it might be time to assign more than one of them to armorsmithing.
- Made a
ton of bins to put all our crap in.
- Made/acquired lots of cheese (figure below does not include 28 cheese roasts)

Now, I mentioned the ghosts. There is currently a Glacial ghost wandering around the fort. It's last name does not match the last name of either of the deceased Glacials in the fort's records. I ordered memorials made to both Glacials; the first didn't work and the second is still in production. If the second slab doesn't work, this ghost may prove troublesome.
Here's the save: Best of luck to the next overseer!