Journal of Led Shakeoars, Demon QueenThat fool Mormota blundered by my faithful servant DuckThatQuacks today. I finally sprung my trap - Despite his legs, broken in one and three places, respectively - he stood and attacked! To my great frustration, however, Mormota managed to escape without a scratch. Now I've tipped my hand and the midget freaks won't come anywhere near the surface for fear of him. To relieve a little of my frustration, I decided to tag along with a local haunt.
HAH! Oh I do love puppies - for their whimpering.
It seems the blows Duck aimed at Mormota, despite being dodged, allowed me a foothold on another dwarf, Erica III. She was meanwhile carrying the poor disabled Katsuun, her new prey. So, the doctor immediately picked a fight with the patient she was carrying to bed - the results were predictable, though not immediately fatal.
I have directed my new servants deep below to work on something of a... special surprise. They shall lay in wait, until the time is ripe. Unfortunately they have a few rivalries themselves.
Journal of Catalyst, Elven Studies MajorI have been gone too long, this time.
I was jolted awake by a savage pummeling from that other Aussie dwarf. His face contorted with rage, he simply laid into me with blow after blow - I was able to flee and lock the door of my tower in the nick of time... As I was busy vesting myself with stronger armor against future attacks, I felt another light wink out in the fort. Duckthatquacks, having dragged his crippled body slowly across the entire courtyard to the ruins of the Bridge he used to be master of, apparently seeking to drink from the Blueness, died of thirst. May future generations remember the dwarf he used to be, and not what he became. May it be so for us all.
With this thought I was inspired. I took up my new shield... and went off to save Katsuun.
After a few dozen solid blows to the head, she dropped the poor soul. I am sorry to say I was forced to let him lie there. I beat Erica down the stairs and soon laid her unconscious... and then came Katsuun down the stairs to join the fray! I shook my head and left off.
There is no hope for this lot anymore. Mormota is our last hope. I have clad myself in adamantine and begun to train in my tower. If I hope to keep him alive, I may need to throw myself in harms way some day. Best be ready. Meanwhile, Led's will seems to have drawn Aussie deep into the bowels of the earth. I know not what he does, down below... And I shudder to imagine. I have sealed off the tunnels. He can have them, far to the southeast. I will keep my western tower. I have locked Katsuun in his room to recover or die, it makes no matter. The fort belongs to Mormota now.
Mormota soon had the breach in the wall sealed, thus protecting Failcannon from the fell beasts lurking in of the Blueness of Malodors once again. He sealed the trade entrance, and just moments before he closed the main gate... Migrants!
This is incredible! Things are being built! Bodies are being buried! Everyone is healthy and
FOLLOWING ORDERS!!!!!!Oh, how I wish I could be among them. There are tears in my eyes.
Katsuun died of thirst in his quarters, unable to reach the food and booze stockpile just outside due to his broken feet. Aussie is digging deep into the bowels of the earth and seems to be going strong... though I have no idea what he will eat. Maybe, just maybe, he'll survive. Failcannon is starting to show signs of order again. I never thought I'd live to see the day.
I lay down the pen for now. I must return to my training. But I am optimistic for the future of this fort. Failcannon is alive again - for the first time since I came here, it is not dying a slow death of disease, injury, and neglect. For the first time it is not fighting itself. Failcannon has begun anew.
1st Timber, Late Autumn--------------
It seems even the beasts of the underworld have turned against me.

My plan to ruin this fort had only just begun. These beasts make poor allies. Aussie was a wily one, I had thought he might stand a chance of escape, or even victory...

But no.
Curses upon Failcannon everything to do with it, for all eternity. My last hope is to break Catalyst to my will... a task she is making most difficult.
But it is only a matter of time. Remember that. I am coming.
So, when it comes to your turn, Katsuun, I guess you can rule the fort as a ghost? *shrug*Living dwarves are Catalyst, Mormota, and the new migrants, Dariush, Mekboy, and Urist. All but Catalyst are non-traitorous. All are in good health. They're even DOING WHAT I TELL THEM. I cannot even comprehend.Mormota:
Steel Mail Shirt and Breastplate
Cat leather coat
Adamantine helm
Masterwork Goblin Bone Left Gauntlet
Bronze Right Gauntlet
Steel Sheild
Two adamantine High Boots
Steel greaves
Bronze battleax
Jaguar Leather Backpack
Adamantine Mail
Adamantine Breastplate
Adamantine Helm
Bronze Gauntlets
Bismuth Bronze low boots
Steel Shield
Adamantine Short sword
Ruined Horse Leather Trousers decorated with gremlin bone
Lovely Cave Spider Silk tunic hung with heavy rings of granite and hematite
Warthog leather backpack encrusted with three kinds of gems
Zinc Flask encrusted with two kinds of opal
Yep, livin it up in my private tower.