It was early morning when the messenger arrived in my office.
"Do take a seat. You have news from Ungègugath, I hear?"
"Yes sir."
"First, tell me the bad news."
"The population of the place has gone down to five dwarves, one of them in prison for *checks his notes* violation of production orders. Their animal stocks have also been radically reduced, not counting the ridiculously high number of imprisoned goblins and lurking terrors of the deep."
*sigh* "I have told the Queen at least a dozen times that we could easily make a fortune if we let those prisoners fight in the arenas of the capital, but she just wouldn't hear of it. What're the good news?"
"The good news are that the survivors are in no immediate threat of dying, neither by hunger, thirst, or murder. They are currently busy clearing up the fortress, even though it takes a while due to a lack of manpower and infrastructure."
"I see. Send in some new
volunteers then. I'd rather have the place abandoned, but unfortunately it's an integral part of our economy."
What a joke. Of course it's not important, except to our dear Queen to exile anybody who displeases her.
"Yes sir."
"Also appoint Urist as the new manager, Mekboy as the broker 'n bookkeeper, and Monota as the new arsenal dwarf."
"What about Cataclyst?"
"The madwoman? She has killed several dwarves so far and imprisoned others. She's also the mayor. People shouldn't have too much power, and dangerous ones like her doubly so!"
"Understood. But... she's also complaining about her quarters."
"What, too small for her?"
"Yes. She's complaining that she has but one room for resting, eating, and work."
"Aight then. Hand me the maps."
"There, that should be up to her demands."
"But sir, that's miles below the main part of the fortress!"
"So? I don't see how that would be a problem. You can assign her old room to Urist. Anything else?"
"Well, there's the matter of ghosts..."
"They still haven't gotten rid of them?"
"How long does his sentence last anyway?"
"Only a few more days. However, with how busy everyone is, they might forget him in the dungeon anyway."
He started nervously fidgeting with his beard.
"I see.All the more a reason to send in some people that aren't currently preoccupied."
"I will send out for them immediately."
"Good. You may leave now."
"One more thing sir."
"On the Queens orders... you are to... leave for Failcannon immediately."
"She also says if you're not gone until sunset, you are to be executed on the spot."
"Good day, sir."