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Author Topic: *spoilers*Making the HFS more deadly  (Read 8598 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: *spoilers*Making the HFS more deadly
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2010, 09:54:40 am »

Only if we can make triple damage poison using the Spiddal Sticks we collect.  Ah, I love alchemy.

I prefer script-effect potions made with Poisoned Apples, myself. That is, when I use poisons. Kind of a hassle, and I get my fill of micromanagement in this other game I play. It's got dwarves in it.

Of course, they worship nature itself as their deity.  I really think Pandora describes elves perfectly... They love trees because the trees are their deity.  The more healthy the forest is, the stronger their deity is.  If anything, if your lands became paradise, they might revile it as being as unnatural as a land of undeath.

Actually, I'd argue that they'd like a magically verdant area even more.

Warning: The following is slightly political, dealing with the issues of misguided good intentions regarding the environment without regard to empirical thought. If you have ever tied yourself to a tree to keep it from being cut down, I recommend you skip the rest of this post.

While the argument that such places aren't actually natural or healthy ecosystems is perfectly logical and factual, we're not talking about logicians here. Elves aren't environmentalists any more than the people in California who demand that every forest fire be stamped out immediately are (this is why California has huge, unstoppable forest fires, whereas Baja California doesn't). They're eco-terrorists, with a distorted view of "nature" that demands the sacrifice of sapient creatures over that of animals ([ETHIC:KILL_NEUTRAL:ACCEPTABLE], [ETHIC:KILL_ANIMAL:JUSTIFIED_IF_SELF_DEFENSE], [ETHIC:EAT_SAPIENT_KILL:ACCEPTABLE]), requires "nurturing" forests until they're choked with tinder ([ETHIC:KILL_PLANT:UNTHINKABLE]), and justifies violence and coercion to force others to comply with their ideology. Elves don't believe in protecting the environment, they believe in MORE TREES EQUALS MORE GOOD. This is borne out in their lumber limiting system. They don't care how many trees there are on your land, total, or whether you farm your own. All they care about is that trees be allowed to grow unchecked.

Given, some of this may be the result of limitations in the game code, but your typical fantasy elf is usually based on this sort of nonsense. Incidentally, I would like to see the natural consequences of a policy like this take effect. !!Elves!! are always nice.
01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101110 01100101 01110010 01100100 00101110
01001001 00100000 01110011 01100101 01100101 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00101110


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: *spoilers*Making the HFS more deadly
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2010, 10:18:35 am »

Well, elves do bring you lots of wooden crap. They might not be entirely clueless as far as forestry goes.

I don't much care for HFS corrupting the area. Greed is the theme here, if anything it should make the player screw himself over. Sure, it'd be nice to see dwarves bickering about whether the tunnels should be closed off or not but making the place valuable and quickly get out of hand is probably the best approach. Which is also why I dislike the demons just rushing out the second the Underworld is breached. I'd like to see the "just one more.." theme come back. I think I wrote about this before when the philosopher's place in this was the topic.

Also, stop calling it Hell. It's nothing like it and feeds into false preconceptions.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: *spoilers*Making the HFS more deadly
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2010, 10:35:34 am »

I agree with Pilsu.

Perhaps, instead of spreading once you've breached HFS, these effects begin to spread the more spoiler metal you mine? Or maybe forgo that, and it's just the deeper you go?
[DF 0.31.13]  ۝ War of the Ring Mod ۝  [WotR 0.13.3]

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Re: *spoilers*Making the HFS more deadly
« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2010, 10:41:41 am »

Or instead of HFS bringing forth it, there'd be a few "special" HFS Locations, rather unique per world, maybe not even getting it on initial worldgen.

Where instead of typical "Clowns" It would bring forth special effects on your fortress. Such as Madness, Bloodlust, Chaos. And it would slowly spread through your fort. Could also have FUN possessed weaponry and items, also causing your dwarves to become evil...Well, demonic.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I Watch Bays
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Re: *spoilers*Making the HFS more deadly
« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2010, 10:55:05 am »

Or instead of HFS bringing forth it, there'd be a few "special" HFS Locations, rather unique per world, maybe not even getting it on initial worldgen.

Similar in that way to a demonic fortress.
[DF 0.31.13]  ۝ War of the Ring Mod ۝  [WotR 0.13.3]

War of the Ring is back baby!
A mod based on Lord of the Rings, by JRR Tolkien.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: *spoilers*Making the HFS more deadly
« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2010, 03:19:05 pm »

Or instead of HFS bringing forth it, there'd be a few "special" HFS Locations, rather unique per world, maybe not even getting it on initial worldgen.

Where instead of typical "Clowns" It would bring forth special effects on your fortress. Such as Madness, Bloodlust, Chaos. And it would slowly spread through your fort. Could also have FUN possessed weaponry and items, also causing your dwarves to become evil...Well, demonic.

Well, what I'm generally saying is that this game is one that is largely physical in nature.  It doesn't really have overarching themes of Good Vs. Evil, where only a pure spirit can overcome the power of evil, it's a place where dirty, violent, greedy people who are better prepared and trained beat the crap out of other dirty, violent, greedy people who were reckless and overconfident. 

If there's a "Source of Evil" in the world, it has to be combatable, and combatable in the manner suited to the game - I.E. you have to be able to kill the source of evil in the world by obsidian casting it... And then maybe making a really nice "Heart Of Evil Cabinet" artifact that has images of itself striking a menacing pose on it.

Only if we can make triple damage poison using the Spiddal Sticks we collect.  Ah, I love alchemy.

I prefer script-effect potions made with Poisoned Apples, myself. That is, when I use poisons. Kind of a hassle, and I get my fill of micromanagement in this other game I play. It's got dwarves in it.

What? But that's missing out on the best part of the game!  I mean, the second most fun way to play the game (other than to incessantly mod the crap out of it so that you have a "party" of a glowing blue gemstone armor-wearing sorceress with librarian glasses and funky hair and a chained eldritch tome for a shield, a demoness "familiar" with a flaming sword and suitably demonic outfit, and an assassin dressed like a ninja... plus I have neat interdimensional homes and have to eat some of those 355 strawberries I have sitting in my Bag of Holding every now and again) is to do the following:

"Alright, I have heard the call!  Today is the day that these demonic invasions end, and the world is sav- OH MY GOD, IS THAT A FLOWER?!"
"OK, but seriously, save the wo- OOOH! MUSHROOMS!"
*pluck* *pluck* *pluck*
"What! Stay away, cougar, I'm on a mission to pick that flower over there!"
*summons a creature and goes back to picking flowers*
"Hey! Alkanets!  Those aren't even used for anything!"
*pluck* *pluck* *pluck*
"A random cave!  That'll probably have neat mushrooms in it!"

Come, give in to your ADHD!  It's more fun than trying to accomplish stuff. Search your feelings, you know it to be true!

Actually, I'd argue that they'd like a magically verdant area even more.

While the argument that such places aren't actually natural or healthy ecosystems is perfectly logical and factual, we're not talking about logicians here. Elves aren't environmentalists any more than the people in California who demand that every forest fire be stamped out immediately are (this is why California has huge, unstoppable forest fires, whereas Baja California doesn't). They're eco-terrorists, with a distorted view of "nature" that demands the sacrifice of sapient creatures over that of animals ([ETHIC:KILL_NEUTRAL:ACCEPTABLE], [ETHIC:KILL_ANIMAL:JUSTIFIED_IF_SELF_DEFENSE], [ETHIC:EAT_SAPIENT_KILL:ACCEPTABLE]), requires "nurturing" forests until they're choked with tinder ([ETHIC:KILL_PLANT:UNTHINKABLE]), and justifies violence and coercion to force others to comply with their ideology. Elves don't believe in protecting the environment, they believe in MORE TREES EQUALS MORE GOOD. This is borne out in their lumber limiting system. They don't care how many trees there are on your land, total, or whether you farm your own. All they care about is that trees be allowed to grow unchecked.

Given, some of this may be the result of limitations in the game code, but your typical fantasy elf is usually based on this sort of nonsense. Incidentally, I would like to see the natural consequences of a policy like this take effect. !!Elves!! are always nice.

No, I think the Pandora thing is fairly accurate - they worship the power of the forest itself.  They think killing sapients is OK because they aren't part of the forest, or have cut themselves off from nature, or some such, but animals are part of nature, and as such to be protected, unless it's self defense because kill-or-be-killed is pretty much nature all over.  If they actually kill a critter, they start crying for it because something nature had to die.  If a tree is cut down, they cry for it because something nature had to die.  If a tree dies, or a creature is killed, or a sapient is killed, however, hey, go ahead and use as much as you want - eating that human you killed for stepping on an ant is just making sure the meat doesn't go to waste!

Anyway, I'd say that it's entirely possible to create a self-sustaining environment that the elves would hate because they only love the nature that their nature spirit inhabits - if you create a biome that is somehow alien enough that their nature deity isn't welcome in it, then it would be as much a hollow, dead place as a barren wasteland after getting Boatmurdered to them.  Their lifestyle is spent in slavish devotion to the nature spirit, and as such, it's possible to create an "unnatural nature" that their nature spirit wouldn't be able to inhabit if it were covered with a powerful enough sphere of a different sort.
Personally, I like [DF] because after climbing the damned learning cliff, I'm too elitist to consider not liking it.
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"Not yet"

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: *spoilers*Making the HFS more deadly
« Reply #21 on: August 23, 2010, 03:23:51 pm »

Elves' arn't fine with murdered Sapients either judging by their ethics and trade.

Likely they view killing people who murder trees as "Defense of the third person", they probably wouldn't care if someone killed an animal in self-defense for example.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: *spoilers*Making the HFS more deadly
« Reply #22 on: August 23, 2010, 10:05:47 pm »

I think one of the biggest problems with the good vs evil thing here, is the dwarves under a player aren't exactly beacons of good. And in some cases can be more evil than the hfs themselves. I know I like to strip the soil down to the rock on the surface and dig pools to fill with magma to decorate the entrances around my forts. I've probably made quite a few elves shed virtual tears at the sight of a once lush forest turned into a blasted hellscape.

But still I do like the idea that the area around a fortress lost to the hfs becomes a demonic deadzone on the world map.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: *spoilers*Making the HFS more deadly
« Reply #23 on: August 23, 2010, 10:57:57 pm »

Dwarf Fortress doesn't even have forces of good as of yet...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: *spoilers*Making the HFS more deadly
« Reply #24 on: August 23, 2010, 11:12:35 pm »

Dwarf Fortress doesn't even have forces of good as of yet...

I don't think it ever will, and I think that's an intentional choice.  As others and I have pointed out, Dwarf Fortress everything but encourages players to be as evil as they want to be.  There are absolutely no repercussions for whatever heinous deeds you perform, exceping maybe offending allies like elves after you gleefully chortle as you inflict senseless torture and murder upon their citizens simply because of your utter contempt for their culture... And many players simply see that as a good thing, since it means you get to kill more elves in the most gruesome manners you can devise.

If you look at the way that the Spheres were devised for creating deities in DF, you'll see they mainly follow the models of the older versions of the Greek Pantheon, Egyptian Pantheon, or the Norse Pantheon.  It's hard to look at the likes of Zeus, who might as well have been the God of Rape, and view him through the same lens through which we see the Abrahamic God, who is supposed to be the pinnacle of all that is Just and Holy.  The Greek Pantheon largely revolved around Might Makes Right... and that's pretty much how DF plays out, as well. 

So yeah, maybe we should stop calling it "Hell", and start calling it "Tartarus".
Personally, I like [DF] because after climbing the damned learning cliff, I'm too elitist to consider not liking it.
"And no Frankenstein-esque body part stitching?"
"Not yet"

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: *spoilers*Making the HFS more deadly
« Reply #25 on: August 23, 2010, 11:26:30 pm »

Forces of good are rare to nearly non-existant... If they do exist they never show up.

But forces of Evil are always soo dang common you can't throw a rock without striking some ultimate evil in the face. In Dwarf Fortress it is even more pronounced what with you unable to walk two steps outside without having your face gnawed off by ordinarily peaceful animals.

Though there are Mythologies with forces of good and even within the mythologies you have selected there are some gods who are paragons of good and justice (Who are not Zues).

Or at LEAST a side that can at least pretend to be the good side or Benevolent side. I mean the Roman mythology had the House Spirits.

Even if we ignore the extra side stories written for the gods. They just thought of humans as overall expendible puppets but they were ultimately the ones who worked hard to make sure the humans had what they needed.

We have Demons, Three Warthirsty races, animals that want to kill EVERYTHING!, a race of kleptos... I think we went all the way around Kohaku to "Too evil". Of course very few beings were purely forces of good in mythology but there were at least "Forces of good".
« Last Edit: August 25, 2010, 01:25:38 am by Neonivek »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: *spoilers*Making the HFS more deadly
« Reply #26 on: August 24, 2010, 11:32:52 am »

If there's a "Source of Evil" in the world, it has to be combatable, and combatable in the manner suited to the game - I.E. you have to be able to kill the source of evil in the world by obsidian casting it... And then maybe making a really nice "Heart Of Evil Cabinet" artifact that has images of itself striking a menacing pose on it.

I was thinking maybe a dungeon Heart type item deep within it, could be destroyed just to stop the random possessions/evil moods


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: *spoilers*Making the HFS more deadly
« Reply #27 on: August 25, 2010, 12:48:09 pm »

Their lifestyle is spent in slavish devotion to the nature spirit, and as such, it's possible to create an "unnatural nature" that their nature spirit wouldn't be able to inhabit if it were covered with a powerful enough sphere of a different sort.

Point well-taken. I hadn't thought of a metaphysical Nature being literally crowded out by metaphysical Dwarfiness.

"Alright, I have heard the call!  Today is the day that these demonic invasions end, and the world is sav- OH MY GOD, IS THAT A FLOWER?!"
Come, give in to your ADHD!  It's more fun than trying to accomplish stuff. Search your feelings, you know it to be true!

My Aspergian nature demands that I achieve things of lasting impact. My soul starts to itch after about an hour of not-questing.

Well, what I'm generally saying is that this game is one that is largely physical in nature.  It doesn't really have overarching themes of Good Vs. Evil, where only a pure spirit can overcome the power of evil, it's a place where dirty, violent, greedy people who are better prepared and trained beat the crap out of other dirty, violent, greedy people who were reckless and overconfident. 

If there's a "Source of Evil" in the world, it has to be combatable, and combatable in the manner suited to the game - I.E. you have to be able to kill the source of evil in the world by obsidian casting it... And then maybe making a really nice "Heart Of Evil Cabinet" artifact that has images of itself striking a menacing pose on it.

Starting to hit on something very interesting (and close to my heart, as it relates to my minor) here, which I'll get into shortly.

If you look at the way that the Spheres were devised for creating deities in DF, you'll see they mainly follow the models of the older versions of the Greek Pantheon, Egyptian Pantheon, or the Norse Pantheon.  It's hard to look at the likes of Zeus, who might as well have been the God of Rape, and view him through the same lens through which we see the Abrahamic God, who is supposed to be the pinnacle of all that is Just and Holy.  The Greek Pantheon largely revolved around Might Makes Right... and that's pretty much how DF plays out, as well. 

So yeah, maybe we should stop calling it "Hell", and start calling it "Tartarus".

Oh, I love talking about this stuff. It's part of why I'm minoring in theology. Allow me to expand upon this, as a good dose of polytheism is exactly what Dwarf Fortress needs.[1]

You're quite correct, to start with. Polytheistic gods are very different from the Abrahamic God, or really any monotheistic (or henotheistic, but for purposes of this discussion the distinction is trivial) god. Polytheistic gods are not immaterial. They are bound up with the physical, even though they dwell in spiritual realms. When a priest of Baal sacrificed a bull, the idea was that the meat would literally pass upward to Baal and supply him with stock for his larder. When the city of a local god was conquered, that god was conquered (by the god or gods of the conquering city).[2] The gods were even physically manifest in the form of idols, which were literally treated as if they were the god (as, in a very real sense, they were, in fact, the god). One of the kings of Babylon (Xerxes, I think, but don't quote me on that), for example, took all the idols of all the gods of the lesser cities he had conquered and took them to Babylon to help protect it, and this angered the other cities because they would be denied their gods' protection!

This physicality defines the relationships of polytheistic gods to each other and to mortals. In one of Baal's sagas, he defeats Sea, the godly embodiment of the ocean, and makes him his vassal. Sea had no active cult, because Baal wanted Sea to be weak, and sacrifices to Sea would give him supplies, wealth, servants, etc. Similarly, Baal is in the habit of throwing lavish parties to keep the other gods in line and keep himself popular, lest they overthrow him. The gods need worshipers to give them sacrifices, and thus strength and power, and in turn the gods are willing to do favors for those who are willing to sacrifice to them, and make examples of those who do not (“Eh, nice fields you got there. It'd be a shame if Valiant Baal were to, oh I dunno, not rain on 'em this year, huh?”). In this way, the gods' relationship to mortals was half quid pro quo, half extortion racket.

The example of Sea also illustrates something important. In addition to whatever gods are actively worshiped at any given time, polytheistic systems also have gods (usually weak, old ones) who personify the forces of nature (in Greek mythology, the Titans were mostly or entirely examples of these). The “spheres” are not merely things to be associated with, but sometimes living things in their own right.[3] This in itself has potential, in that if a sphere grows too strong in a place, the gods might get annoyed (as they hate, indeed fear, competition from lesser spirits).

This system, as Kohaku mentioned, also basically does away with the idea of any universal morality, as there is no Supreme Being who is the author of right and wrong. Morality becomes “Do as I say, not as I do, or I'll destroy you in the most inventively evil way I can dream up.”[4] This links strongly back to the “protection racket” thing. The gods don't necessarily want to teach you a lesson, they just want revenge for your pissing them off.

And yeah, Tartarus. It's a place where the gods put inconvenient immortals. Not much else to say there.

I can't wait to obsidian-cast a god. And this largely does away with real vs. fake gods: If all the miracles you want is "your enemies are crispy now", a dragon is a perfectly serviceable god.

[1]: Please note that my expertise on this subject is strongest with respect to ancient Near Eastern polytheism; to whit, the pantheon of Baal, Asherah, Moth (or Mot), and so on. This is not a large problem, as the Greek system definitely, and other systems probably, work in the same manner. In fact, Baal can easily be identified with Zeus via the known sagas about him (his area of power, sacred mountain, and rivals largely match those of Zeus).

[2]: Consider Isaiah 36, wherein an Assyrian polytheist argues that Israel will be destroyed because Assyria's god is mightier than the god of the Israelites. His argument is not that said god does not exist, but that he will be conquered like all the other gods.

[3]: This isn't terribly relevant, but I find it difficult to pass up an opportunity to point out that Genesis 1 is not an argument against evolution so much as a refutation of these ideas. The sea isn't some other god that God is in charge of. The sea, in fact, has no spiritual force. It's simply something God made. It's stuff and nothing more, and God is outside and above it, so feel free to toy around with it. Poseidon isn't going to smite you for exploring the Marianas Trench.

[4]: And yes, this is bloody well different from how it works in a monotheistic system, just to head off any snide remarks. It's irrelevant to the discussion at hand, so I won't post it here, but I will explain to anyone who asks via PM.
01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101110 01100101 01110010 01100100 00101110
01001001 00100000 01110011 01100101 01100101 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00101110


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: *spoilers*Making the HFS more deadly
« Reply #28 on: August 25, 2010, 02:16:28 pm »

Whee!  Physical Gods are exactly what we need...

In fact... Wouldn't it be terrific if, instead of simply becoming Mountainhome with a king, if you work hard enough, you could actually invite a Physical God to come live in your fortress? 

Or, better, having physical gods attack your fortress in seige mode, and giving you the ability to chain up someone else's god.  I already enjoyed chaining up a Titan back in 40d that was worshipped as a god by humans, and stripping her naked, and throwing her on the other end of a moat with waterfalls for my truly legendary Legendary Dining Hall around year 7 of the fortress.  (Cue "Where's your God now?!")
Personally, I like [DF] because after climbing the damned learning cliff, I'm too elitist to consider not liking it.
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"Not yet"

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: *spoilers*Making the HFS more deadly
« Reply #29 on: August 25, 2010, 05:58:22 pm »

OMGEEEEEE  I LOVE this discussion right now.  Many <3's for VoidPointer and NW_Kohaku.

I would love for gods and spheres to be treated in this way, with their histories and conflicts being procedurally generated and whatnot.

On a side note, I always like to think of Bronze Colossuses and stuff as being "weapons of the gods (or a single god)" from a past war or something, representing an insanely advanced technology (perhaps involving magic) utilized to combat the clowns way back when and ultimately seal them up.  Like, a bronze colossus would basically have once been an avatar of a god or a soldier in and of itself, and equivalent of a tank, capable (due to its presumed humanoid form and once possessing higher mental functions) of using weapons and perhaps making stuff, but now has no intelligence like that for some reason and roams about aimlessly.  I dunno... just what I like to think the story is in the back of my head.  And I like to think of what an adamantine colossus would have been like, like some super fast and light automaton sort of thing capable of perhaps even flight, acting as some sort of gunship or interceptor or melee fighter with a bunch of wicked blades... whee...

Basically, perhaps such megabeasts that might be constructs could be a representation of advanced tech from the past or tools of a god(s) for the purpose of interacting with the material world...  This purpose would ideally be procedurally generated, of course.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2010, 06:02:55 pm by Andeerz »
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