No I don't truely understand but I think proof of work is the buzzword, which yes you could "calculate your way back" but not easily (this will basically be an exercise in creative writing).
Basically all of that is precooked on the disk. Then they riddle the client with as many checks as you can fit "seeds" on that disk, but those checks are disseminated all throughout the codebase in a very chaotic way. Basically asinine stuff that slows the programm artificially, client x5dsg854 can in this specific instance, predetermined by a bunch of extremly noisy factors, not complete the calculation of this ragdoll, because that tiny, utterly specific, subroutine of the ragdoll function switched into an alternate mode where without the arbitrary crypto seed, it returns a buggy mess.
Of all the clients approximately 7% have their code relating to ragdoll affected, the thing is that is one check for one seed, meaning that is about the only "indentation into the codebase" those 7% of clients share, leaving thousands or even millions of other unique "self-fixing bugs" in each client. To scrub the codebase of these, during the reverse engineering process you would need not one, but a shitload of copies of the game to compare, to be able to tell what is the genuine code of the game, and what added in distribution, which parts of which client are "self-fixing bug" free.
Now I hear you saying, yes but a clever reverse engineer would find a way to identify those "indentations in the codebase", but the disk is filled with seeds, with the finished answer so to say, what changes is how each client relates to each answer, so what needs to be "proven of worked... -> what you would need to understand in detail to trace back what the computer did ->... is how this individual client relates this seed, or rather,
a seed to that check, I presume different methods can be employed, that make use of different CPU instructions, which in turns makes it rather difficult to search the code.
So the aformentioned client x5dsg854 might search sectors 881, 1179 and 2006 depending on ingame time. But client d5hte874 who is also among those 7% would search sectors 212, 784 and 1574 according to how much HP the player has. For one the buggy subroutine would trigger after speaking to an NPC with an R in it's name, for another when you open the inventory 5 consecutive times on an ingame tuesday.
Each client would be it's own mess, it's a QC (and possibly safety) horror (fire hazard worst case
), cracking it would only crack that unique client... BUUT, as long as the disk reads quick enough and doesn't do any real reading errors (scratches or aged disks or whatever), everything runs allmost as smooth as it should. (also yes you could just mount an iso of the disk, but if they're really clever about their "voluntary errors"//copyright protection, plenty of people will fail even at that).
Does this make any sense?.. whatever you have been warned.