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Author Topic: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O  (Read 15409223 times)

Mr Space Cat

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Made a new account that I use instead of this one. Don't message this one, I'm probably not gonna use it.

New account: Spehss _


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #38341 on: October 04, 2013, 10:21:53 pm »

I made a sandwich upside down on accident, which led me to question how a sandwich could possibly be upside-down. This made me realize that every non-hamburger sandwich I've seen in my life has been made in the order of (from top to bottom): Bread, mild condiment (mayo), small vegetables (olives, onions etc.), large vegetables (lettuce & tomatoes), cheese, meat, spicy condiment (mustard usually), bread.

I then realized that before sandwiches existed, somebody probably had to sit down and figure out the best possible way to arrange ingredients on a sandwich, which spread throughout all of society and became the de facto norm for putting a bunch of random crap between pieces of bread.

It bothers me that there is somebody, somewhere in the world making a sandwich in the "wrong" order, possibly even as I type.
Funny, because I have seen pretty much every burger I've ever eaten prepared in the opposite order.

When I make my own burgers, but not sandwichs, I usually actually put all the vegetables on the bottom bun, the condiments on whichever, but usually it's just mayo, then I put the extra cheese on it, on either side of the burger, or one on top of the first burger patty, the other in the middle.
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.

Mr Space Cat

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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #38342 on: October 04, 2013, 10:46:56 pm »

Behold, WildCat! Strap a chainsaw to it and you have a ruthless robot predator!
Comments filled with people arguing over religion and the occasional racist.

Youtube never fails to give me things to reply to. Dammit, brain! Y U DO DIS!?

Yep, quality Youtube. Pretty much all of BostonDynamics' robot videos are filled with comments complaining on how the robots are "unnatural" or a total waste of money that could be better spent helping the needy.

The waste of money argument in particular is a stupid argument since we could say the same thing for smartphones, video games, social media, various products and advertising and film-making and art, transportation developments, new car models, space exploration, psychology, geology, archaeology, etc, rather than just robotics. Everyone just rags on the robots though, because Skynet and "it's not human we should worry about humans first derp".

quality youtube comments section right there.
Made a new account that I use instead of this one. Don't message this one, I'm probably not gonna use it.

New account: Spehss _


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #38343 on: October 04, 2013, 11:50:57 pm »

It's FEF, not FEOF

Flying Dice

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2. Lock taskbar to the right side of your desktop.
3. Run Resize Enable


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #38345 on: October 05, 2013, 12:18:10 am »

Behold, WildCat! Strap a chainsaw to it and you have a ruthless robot predator!
Comments filled with people arguing over religion and the occasional racist.

Youtube never fails to give me things to reply to. Dammit, brain! Y U DO DIS!?

I'll just drop this little gem here:
mankind has not a clue. Most all of mankind's geniuses from Jung, DaVinci, Tesla, many many more were Channeled by the Fallen angels. We absolutely understand his character as he reveals it to us in his Holy Bible but only the King James Bible.  Those that that do not take Jesus as Savior now will not see Heaven.The Innovation will be destroyed by God, promise you. That was the reason for the flood, to destroy the DNA corruptions created by fallen angels or sons of God. Story made short.
What if the earth is just a knick in one of the infinite swords of the mighty fractal bear?
Glory to Arstotzka!


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #38346 on: October 05, 2013, 12:39:12 am »

Behold, WildCat! Strap a chainsaw to it and you have a ruthless robot predator!
Comments filled with people arguing over religion and the occasional racist.

Youtube never fails to give me things to reply to. Dammit, brain! Y U DO DIS!?

I'll just drop this little gem here:
mankind has not a clue. Most all of mankind's geniuses from Jung, DaVinci, Tesla, many many more were Channeled by the Fallen angels. We absolutely understand his character as he reveals it to us in his Holy Bible but only the King James Bible.  Those that that do not take Jesus as Savior now will not see Heaven.The Innovation will be destroyed by God, promise you. That was the reason for the flood, to destroy the DNA corruptions created by fallen angels or sons of God. Story made short.

Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #38347 on: October 05, 2013, 12:42:23 am »

Behold, WildCat! Strap a chainsaw to it and you have a ruthless robot predator!
Comments filled with people arguing over religion and the occasional racist.

Youtube never fails to give me things to reply to. Dammit, brain! Y U DO DIS!?

I'll just drop this little gem here:
mankind has not a clue. Most all of mankind's geniuses from Jung, DaVinci, Tesla, many many more were Channeled by the Fallen angels. We absolutely understand his character as he reveals it to us in his Holy Bible but only the King James Bible.  Those that that do not take Jesus as Savior now will not see Heaven.The Innovation will be destroyed by God, promise you. That was the reason for the flood, to destroy the DNA corruptions created by fallen angels or sons of God. Story made short.
I didn't know God played Halo.
Sig! Onol
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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #38348 on: October 05, 2013, 01:06:40 am »

Oh, that reminds me.
My grandma is going to U3A classes; history, self-hypnosis, and one about evolution.
The first is fine, the second she is kind of bad at but the teaching is sound, but the third... well. It's run by some religious fanatic who spent the entire first lesson rambling about how there is a strict hierarchy of life, with everything having one superior and one inferior (apart from the things at the top and the bottom obviously), so going through in a single straight line from single-celled-organisms to humans. But then through the cherubs and angels and things. And then with God at the top.
None of the lesson was actually spent teaching anyone anything, it was more like a big long personal rant.
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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #38349 on: October 05, 2013, 01:08:28 am »

I didn't know there were people who still seriously believed in the Great Chain of Being thing, even among Christians.
Quote from: Thomas Paine
To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.
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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #38350 on: October 05, 2013, 01:12:19 am »

I didn't know there were people who still seriously believed in the Great Chain of Being thing, even among Christians.
I'm not familiar, what is that?
The Age of Man is over. It is the Fire's turn now


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #38351 on: October 05, 2013, 01:15:09 am »

I didn't know there were people who still seriously believed in the Great Chain of Being thing, even among Christians.
I'm not familiar, what is that?

Quote from: Wikipedia
The great chain of being (Latin: scala naturae, literally "ladder/stair-way of nature"), is a concept derived from Plato and Aristotle, and developed fully in Neoplatonism. It details a strict, religious hierarchical structure of all matter and life, believed to have been decreed by God. The chain starts from God and progresses downward to angels, demons (fallen/renegade angels), stars, moon, kings, princes, nobles, men, wild animals, domesticated animals, trees, other plants, precious stones, precious metals, and other minerals.
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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #38352 on: October 05, 2013, 04:19:42 am »

The sky is red. Red and purple. It's so weird.

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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #38353 on: October 05, 2013, 04:24:39 am »

The sky is red. Red and purple. It's so weird.

had the timezones been reversed i could make the perfect RED DAWN shout

but no, it must be evening.

not passing this up though. RED DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSK


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #38354 on: October 05, 2013, 07:47:42 am »

Behold, WildCat! Strap a chainsaw to it and you have a ruthless robot predator!
Comments filled with people arguing over religion and the occasional racist.

Youtube never fails to give me things to reply to. Dammit, brain! Y U DO DIS!?
I'll just drop this little gem here:
mankind has not a clue. Most all of mankind's geniuses from Jung, DaVinci, Tesla, many many more were Channeled by the Fallen angels. We absolutely understand his character as he reveals it to us in his Holy Bible but only the King James Bible.  Those that that do not take Jesus as Savior now will not see Heaven.The Innovation will be destroyed by God, promise you. That was the reason for the flood, to destroy the DNA corruptions created by fallen angels or sons of God. Story made short.
I didn't know God played Halo.
You didn't? I thought everyone knew that. That's where He got the idea for Halos on Angels head. Fact. Also siggy. Were you responsible for any of that?
« Last Edit: October 05, 2013, 07:49:42 am by Octobomb »
I saw 5 people with fedoras in my town yesterday.
They're the special biohazard containment agent, out to deal with m'laria.
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