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Author Topic: The Ashikaga Dynasty - Let's Play Europa Universalis 3 Magna Mundi  (Read 15633 times)

The Ashikaga Dynasty

Prologue: Of Nobility Lost
Chapter One: The Sun's Brightness Lightens A Dark Night Sky
Chapter One and a Half: A New Year for Nippon
Chapter Two: Destiny Is Found By Those Who Seek It
Chapter Three: Of Title to be Named When I Get To It
Chapter Four: As Above But Twice As Much

Spoiler: Nota Bene (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: On Magna Mundi (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: November 21, 2010, 12:22:01 pm by The Transcendent Tyrant »
The Ashikaga Dynasty - A Europa Universalis 3 Let's Play - Sadly Cancelled Due To Bugs
Re: The Ashikaga Dynasty - Let's Play Europa Universalis 3 Magna Mundi
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2010, 06:06:43 pm »

Prologue: Of Nobility Lost

"Japan is a country in Asia."
- 'The Encyclopedia Asiatica'

"The Sengoku Period was a time in Japan characterised by political uprising, feudal turmoil, warring city-states and the downfall of the Ashikaga Shogunate. There were, undeniably, many reasons for this fall of a rather long-lasting dynasty but the prime factor was the Ōnin War, a struggle within the Ashikaga family that soon spiralled out of control and split the entire country in half."
- Sir Francis Bell, English Historian, in 'On Japan'

We were powerful, once.

We were the first amongst lords. We were the highest amongst the high. We were shogun amongst men.

And, then, they turned against us. Families we had stood beside since our founding fathers had said, "This is our land" deciding they would be better without our help, without our interference and without our necessary taxes. Treacherous demons, one and all, striking the Ashikaga dynasty low and taking our lands and, worse, our people's hearts from us.

All this because my brother was foolish enough to seize my rightful throne.

They will soon see our might. They will see our strength as we rise from the darkness of this night. We will be as the sun is.

We are the first amongst men. We are the gods amongst kings. We are Ashikaga and no man or god will ever see us struck low again.

In nobility,
We stand the very strongest,
Our wrath is winter.
- Shogun Ashikaga Yoshihisa, Brightest Amongst the Stars, Lord of the Day Sky and First Among Men in his personal diary in December 1477

« Last Edit: November 21, 2010, 11:50:02 am by The Transcendent Tyrant »
The Ashikaga Dynasty - A Europa Universalis 3 Let's Play - Sadly Cancelled Due To Bugs
Re: The Ashikaga Dynasty - Let's Play Europa Universalis 3 Magna Mundi
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2010, 06:07:33 pm »

Chapter One: The Sun's Brightness Lightens A Dark Night Sky

Perilously placed,
Ashikaga is between
Rock and a hard place.

- Haiku found in Kyoto, unknown author.

We are surrounded on all sides by enemies. Despicable creatures who are willing to cling onto others for support, they stick to each other like rice. It is no matter, we will devour them all together if we have to.

Only those who are stronger than the rest dare to stand alone, and there is little chance we could take those gojira on.

The question is, what should I do? I may be a god amongst ants, but I still do not know the answers I need to.

Should I:-
A) Ally with a stronger faction and pick up their leavings in wars, annexing provinces whenver possible?
B) Choose to stick it out alone and fight against the unallied provinces?
C) Peacefully play the various factions off against each other?
D) Pick a fourth option?


« Last Edit: November 21, 2010, 11:50:16 am by The Transcendent Tyrant »
The Ashikaga Dynasty - A Europa Universalis 3 Let's Play - Sadly Cancelled Due To Bugs


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Re: The Ashikaga Dynasty - Let's Play Europa Universalis 3 Magna Mundi
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2010, 06:21:57 pm »

You are the Shogun. You have access to the men of Japan, though very few will come to your call of arms, but you will become hated the more and more you annex. We need the Kansai region. Take out some of the lesser Japanese before they build armies.
"Being Shogun is fantastic, but it has its disadvantages as well. Any shogun that tries to conquer all of Japan will find his authority rapidly waning, sending his reputation skyrocketing whenever he adds another province to his clan’s power."
Conquer a Kansai minor.
CleverBot: It hurts when you laugh at me.
Re: The Ashikaga Dynasty - Let's Play Europa Universalis 3 Magna Mundi
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2010, 06:27:51 pm »

You are the Shogun. You have access to the men of Japan, though very few will come to your call of arms, but you will become hated the more and more you annex. We need the Kansai region. Take out some of the lesser Japanese before they build armies.
"Being Shogun is fantastic, but it has its disadvantages as well. Any shogun that tries to conquer all of Japan will find his authority rapidly waning, sending his reputation skyrocketing whenever he adds another province to his clan’s power."
Conquer a Kansai minor.

Now I'm going to read the entirety of the Magna Mundi manual.

Link for the curious.
The Ashikaga Dynasty - A Europa Universalis 3 Let's Play - Sadly Cancelled Due To Bugs

Toady Two

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Re: The Ashikaga Dynasty - Let's Play Europa Universalis 3 Magna Mundi
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2010, 06:28:14 pm »

Sengoku Jidai is likely to give you some event that will ruin those nice relations anyway. Don't go crazy with conquering since bad rep can send you into a war spiral that means game over in Magna Mundi even if you own an empire. In the early run try to get the clan to the north before Takeda(brown, landlocked) does.


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Re: The Ashikaga Dynasty - Let's Play Europa Universalis 3 Magna Mundi
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2010, 06:29:18 pm »

Exactly what that said. Shoguns are a pain in the ass. A quick war and annexation will give you a 10 reputation hit, which is brutal in MM.

Simmura McCrea

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Re: The Ashikaga Dynasty - Let's Play Europa Universalis 3 Magna Mundi
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2010, 06:29:25 pm »

I vote A, mostly to give this post a little on-topicness.

As for the off-topicness, how easy is it to switch from vanilla to MM and back?
Re: The Ashikaga Dynasty - Let's Play Europa Universalis 3 Magna Mundi
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2010, 06:31:08 pm »

I vote A, mostly to give this post a little on-topicness.

As for the off-topicness, how easy is it to switch from vanilla to MM and back?

Fairly easy, you just clean out the map cache folder whenever you need to change.
The Ashikaga Dynasty - A Europa Universalis 3 Let's Play - Sadly Cancelled Due To Bugs

Simmura McCrea

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Re: The Ashikaga Dynasty - Let's Play Europa Universalis 3 Magna Mundi
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2010, 06:32:43 pm »

Huh, simpler than I thought. Sweet.


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Re: The Ashikaga Dynasty - Let's Play Europa Universalis 3 Magna Mundi
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2010, 06:33:06 pm »

Wait, is this MMU or MMP?

Also, as far as I know, at least in IN, there isn't much other than having to run your launcher each time you want to play with a mod.

And I read of all of the MM manual, all 26~ something pages. IT ISN'T WORTH IT, IT TAKES HOURS. Besides, reading the manual through doesn't really help you feel the game, or at least in my experience. Best way to learn MM is by burning and crashing hard, repeatedly.

Simmura McCrea

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Re: The Ashikaga Dynasty - Let's Play Europa Universalis 3 Magna Mundi
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2010, 06:33:49 pm »

Best way to learn MM is by burning and crashing hard, repeatedly.

That's how I learned vanilla.

Toady Two

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Re: The Ashikaga Dynasty - Let's Play Europa Universalis 3 Magna Mundi
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2010, 06:40:05 pm »

It's funny that your first long term objective as shogun should be ABLOISHING THE SHOGUNATE at least thats what I understand from the manual.


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Re: The Ashikaga Dynasty - Let's Play Europa Universalis 3 Magna Mundi
« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2010, 06:40:59 pm »

Well, the Shogun does have its benefits - the Bafuku for example.
Re: The Ashikaga Dynasty - Let's Play Europa Universalis 3 Magna Mundi
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2010, 08:25:57 pm »

Chapter One and a Bit: A New Year for Nippon

Damnable daimyo! Treacherous oni who do nothing but sit in their forts and drink rice wine! My advisors have told me that they laugh at me in their cups, and claim that I am a Shogun in nothing but name! I will show them!

Luckily, my own people view me better. They say I am a good lord, that I treat them fairly and well and do not waste my time on frivolous things like the others. They know the truth of me, and it is glorious that they do.

Spoiler: Shogun in Name Only (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Minor Holding (click to show/hide)

I have also been asked to marry one of my family into the Toki Clan. They are a close and powerful neighbour, although dishonourable and disgustingly obsessed with pushing their power over their own people. I think I shall do so, if only to gain a foothold onto their property.

Spoiler: Love and Marriage... (click to show/hide)

We have gained a pair of powerful advisors in the form of a Rear Admiral and a Sergeant Major General. They will prove to be extremely useful within the coming years. At the very least, I must get them within my grip before one of the nearby Clans does.

Spoiler: HOLY CRAP WHAT LEVEL (click to show/hide)

This year is already proving to be a greatly mixed wind for my Clan and myself. I hope it turns more favourable within the year.

Spoiler: Comments (click to show/hide)


Now for out of character chat!

It's funny that your first long term objective as shogun should be ABLOISHING THE SHOGUNATE at least thats what I understand from the manual.
Well, the Shogun does have its benefits - the Bafuku for example.

It's weird but true that it's probably better to abolish it. But bollocks to that, I'm here to roleplay as well as play, and where's the fun in it if we just go the path of least resistance? Screw history, I've got brains!

Wait, is this MMU or MMP?

Also, as far as I know, at least in IN, there isn't much other than having to run your launcher each time you want to play with a mod.

And I read of all of the MM manual, all 26~ something pages. IT ISN'T WORTH IT, IT TAKES HOURS. Besides, reading the manual through doesn't really help you feel the game, or at least in my experience. Best way to learn MM is by burning and crashing hard, repeatedly.

You asked me this question before and I still don't know the answer. :| Are there any major differences?

Definitely need to clear the cache every time I play. It crashes when I try to start it up, otherwise.

Two hundred and sixty FOUR pages exactly. :D I don't know, it was pretty worth it to learn a shit tonne more mechanics. I mean, I knew about the attrition etc stuff from playing a game (or two... or three) as Austria, where I got about ninety percent of my casualties from simply being in enemy (or non-affiliated) terrain. It's especially brutal when your enemy is halfway across Europe from you and you have to slog through the HRE to get to him.

I think the best way to learn is to fly free!
« Last Edit: November 21, 2010, 11:50:22 am by The Transcendent Tyrant »
The Ashikaga Dynasty - A Europa Universalis 3 Let's Play - Sadly Cancelled Due To Bugs
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