You are TQ-04
In the last 45 seconds (how time flies)
You have been restrained, separated from ZC-04
(and that blasphemous monstrosity that was once TQ-42)
and dragged to the mental modification room where
you'll most likely have your mind reformatted due to your
apparent insanity in the face of the establishment.
"Please, cease your flailing about."
"The procedure will begin regardless of your resistance"
"You will not miss your old mind, you will not even recall having it"
"Please be seated,"Mechanical vises and a visor clamp over your head.
"It is recommended that you remain calm.
It will make the epileptic barrage more bearable.
you will participate in hypnopathic bugfix before reformatting" As eye piercing colors flash across the entire field of your vision at a sickening pace
You lose awareness of your body and you lose conscious thought.
Your subsequently regain consciousness in a most unfamiliar place.

You find yourself adrift in a pale void
your center of balance wavering as you try in vain to get your bearings
You hear a voice seemingly from all sides.
"Welcome, Sectoid Tee Kyu Zero For"

"I hope you're ready for mental repair"
You turn to see a bluish shape with a simple expressive face bobbing not far from yourself.
It seems harmless enough, but something about it seems
uncanny"I am the AI responsible for performing your bugfix."
"Do not be alarmed, approximately 1 in 14349 Sectoids must endure reformatting in their lifetimes
Your erratic and dangerous behavior will be nullified for the good of the Gabronian Empire.
But that's not my motivation, I do it our of affection for you all.
Sectoids that have their bad thoughts taken away by me report an average 12.3% increase in measurable happiness and fulfillment.
Isn't that great?!"
"Before we can get to fixing you, we have to go through chemo-environmental bugfix
doesn't that sound fun?
It's where you answer a brief selection of questions to compare your perceptions of events
with the raw data recorded in your brain, and physically collected date with a higher truth value to determine
what aberrations exist in your brain so we can avoid chemo-environmental disturbances in the future.
Doesn't that sound great?!""First question! What is your name and occupation?"
nonono, run Wine.
(ba-dum-tish for Linux folks
That joke was so bad you get like 125 zemblax.
I don't know for sure what you mean. I just don't want you to grow to hate the story.
And I still want the darn chapter to end . . .
I'm far from hating the story, primarily because I'm unsure of the substance of the story in ad of itself.
It adds some degree of excitement, but at times it can be frustrating.
Usually I solve this by thinking of the stupidest possible result and going with it.
Hence, conspiracy theory contest and pirate droids.
I don't know what I was thinking with chapters.
I didn't really understand the Act system of storytelling when I started this thing so chapters served to mark off the points where
major shifts in motivation occurred.
The arc for space voyage originally was a pretty basic three act thing. So chapters made more sense for delineating minor shifts.
now that I see the plot from farther away it would seem like chapter 2 was more the beginning of act two.
Al the characters had experienced some sort of call to action and come to accept it.
They just haven't been called to the
right action because all of the plot threads are free floating.
So, from what I've seen, Space Voyage definitely has more than three acts. It's not what I expected, but then again,
I never expected to still be doing this in October.
In summation, chapters are really acts and I'm an idiot for calling them the wrong thing.
Also I have no idea when the circumstances that will satisfy a new act will occur.