Meanwhile, in the infinite desolation of space you hurtle forth at blasphemous speeds
nearly 6000 times the base speed of light and a quarter of the speed of the fastest
transmissions your empire is capable of transmitting. Nonetheless you hurtle onward
,the breaking waves of the grey tide, ready with your payload of three billion Sectoids,
never to rest until no star goes unclaimed in your empires hands. Bound to your oath to
defend and expand utopia for all Gabronian kind you trek on, elder and xeno be damned
You are Omega Puniceus
Really, it's not that exciting. You've been in the Grey Tide from the beginning, at first
there were alien planets fresh to be fought and plundered for the glory of the empire.
Nowadays it takes weeks to find habitable planets so close to the nucleus. You have to save as
much power as possible to insure that the lasers will have enough juice to raze the planet
of all life. That's why the lights are off. Every little bit helps.
"Admiral, incoming transmission"
Let me guess? a Litheu Threat?
The Elders are protesting our onslaught?
Uh...Kissoks are pro-threatening our onslaught?
"It's from the homestar"
Oh! really? put it on!

One of your many secretaries puts the transmission up on the big screen.
Some fresh faced biotok admiral from the home system greets you. You remember those days.
Back when psychic power seemed like the way to go, thelytoky was a feasable
choice to make, and you still had all your original limbs because your old ones kept
getting exploded off by space pirates"
"Salutations grey tide admiral! I am Gamma Magenta.
For nearly two hundred years Alpha Rauthaz has devalued gabronian life
and threatened the stability of utopia. So anyway, we're having a coup d'état.
on a completely different note, we might want one of you grey tide cyborg guys to
do this Protocol of Arbitration thing with the elder species. After we kill Rauthaz,
we're thinking of forming a party. Maybe we'll form the party during a party. It'll be like
a party-party. You'll love it. It will be great. Anyway, show up for the rehearsal at
zerblex-14 on 1-1-20457 we're going to take the poison gas out of the walls.
RSVP I hope to see you there!"
Even relativistically, that was over ten months ago.
"Admiral! What's wrong"
You got invited to a partyparty
"Admiral! you wipe those tears this instant! you're going to short out!"
Nobody's ever been that kind to you.

You died happyYou are now TQ-02
There once was a Sectoid named two
Of luck and right arms he had few.
From danger and strife
he ran fro his life
and now he's stuck 'neath a litheu
Heh, I'm glad you're happy. I still have trouble believing that I've been getting more cool since the
keeps spawning new legendary stories to the point that they're working on new criteria to keep them out.