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Author Topic: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure. Rebecoming the greatness it never wasn't  (Read 541376 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure. [UPDATED 12-17-11]
« Reply #3255 on: December 18, 2011, 12:37:39 am »

Find a vent.
Clearly this place has an air shaft for the armory for it doubles as a Safe room.

Check on the health of the Litheu and loot the soldier, oh and find a translator so we won't be in the dark about what the Litheu is saying and get back on the road of adding tall dark and emotional to the group.
throws down 50 zemblax for this to successfully happen
I thought I would I had never hear my daughter's escapades from some boy...
"body swapping and YOU!"
Adventure in baby making!Adv Homes


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure. [UPDATED 12-17-11]
« Reply #3256 on: December 19, 2011, 02:23:19 am »

Hmmm, deductive reasoning. You can deduce that some kind of thing needs
to be scanned, and it's not your eye. And if you bang on it a creepy monster will
let you in and cut off your arm. Better get that commando guy, better he lose his arm than you.

Oh wait, both the commando and half of his arms are pinned beneath the litheu.
As well as his Tix rifle.

At least you managed to snag a couple of hats!

Suddenly, an alarm rings out through the corridors.
You don't think you did anything, so, through deductive reasoning,
you determine that your friends must be in trouble.
deductive reasoning and not metagaming.

this might be my last photoshop update for a while. holidays and all.
I might be able to do some zemblax bonus crap on paper in the interim
if anybody's interested. I should be back in action by next year if everything
goes according to plan.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure. [UPDATED 12-19-11]
« Reply #3257 on: December 19, 2011, 10:14:27 am »

Perhaps we can scan the price tags on some of the hats. Aliens lock their doors with barcode scanners, right?
Awesome website for people who like suggestion games: Choice of Games


  • Bay Watcher
  • God of Blood
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure. [UPDATED 12-19-11]
« Reply #3258 on: December 19, 2011, 10:24:55 am »

And if you bang on it a creepy monster will
let you in and cut off your arm.
That's inductive reasoning, not deductive reasoning! :p
So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure. [UPDATED 12-19-11]
« Reply #3259 on: December 19, 2011, 10:33:24 am »

>Push litheu off of tix and make laser arm.



Urist Mcinternetuser

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure. [UPDATED 12-19-11]
« Reply #3260 on: December 19, 2011, 05:48:29 pm »

Equip rifle, put the hats in your inventory except for the black one, wear the black one.

Cerol Lenslens

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure. [UPDATED 12-19-11]
« Reply #3261 on: December 19, 2011, 07:01:03 pm »

>Push litheu off of tix and make laser meerschaum pipe.

It's stylish and gives +20 to deductive reasoning!
"I've got a plan, hear me out on this one... I want to almost murder you."
"Boy, sure wish as Queen of the entire realm I had somebody to help me out with this. Advisor, tutor, anyone who knows what the hell they're looking at really.

Alas, the life of a Queen is a lonely one. Do the things with the whatsit."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure. [UPDATED 12-19-11]
« Reply #3262 on: December 19, 2011, 07:21:29 pm »

Well Cou's eyes was open during the first flip so we not talking about a sleeping creature... (unless they sleep with their eyes open.) so I guess Cou's in a state of shock from eating cupcake.
So far the best we can do now is to find a Vent! Clearly Cou got out of one to sneak up on the guard in the first place so.
I thought I would I had never hear my daughter's escapades from some boy...
"body swapping and YOU!"
Adventure in baby making!Adv Homes


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure. [UPDATED 12-17-11]
« Reply #3263 on: December 19, 2011, 11:37:25 pm »

You have three hats.  Juggle them.


P.S.: Look, Robocorn said
this might be my last photoshop update for a while.
so I don't have to be productive.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure. [UPDATED 12-19-11]
« Reply #3264 on: December 19, 2011, 11:46:31 pm »

Use your Mecha Arm. It is technically an upgrade, so that it should lift the Litheu off. Should.

Or use the Hats to lure BLU team out somehow (I totally want to see BLU team in their Robocorny GOODNESS!!!)
Kestrel, ITS A TRAP! It's luring you into false security! DON'T FALL FOR IT!!
Tomb of Horrors can pretty much be summarized by "ackbar.jpg"

Stone Wera

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure. [UPDATED 12-19-11]
« Reply #3265 on: December 20, 2011, 06:02:21 am »

Well Cou's eyes was open during the first flip so we not talking about a sleeping creature... (unless they sleep with their eyes open.) so I guess Cou's in a state of shock from eating cupcake.
So far the best we can do now is to find a Vent! Clearly Cou got out of one to sneak up on the guard in the first place so.

A state of shock or death.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure. [UPDATED 12-19-11]
« Reply #3266 on: December 20, 2011, 06:43:50 am »

an then the silly alien played dresup wit all the hatz
"boy o boy the hatz' he sez.

then that guy who draws the aventure sez

"Microsoft Paint for Windows 7 may be even worse than the previous versions,
At least those tools were straight forward. Who was this designed for? Five year olds?"
Sillly guy. then he sayz.
"how about a recap, haven't done that in...almost seven months"


So, having begrudgingly joined forces with Alpha Rauthaz to escape on her ship,
the Acier Rouge, TQ-01 and TQ-02 are lead to an airlocked elevator that connects directly
to the cargo hold of the ship. Unable to convince the operator to remotely activate the elevator.
Alpha Rauthaz uses the majority of her remaining psiotonin reserves to teleport into the elevator control room
and massacre the operators inside. Alpha manually accesses the elevator control and transports TQ-01, TQ-02
and their incapacitated droid Leeanne Beauregard into the cargo hold of the starship.

With no context of how to reunite, the group separates further. TQ-02 cannibalizes Leeanne's remaining parts
to produce a suit of powered armor for himself and a pink talking gun that contains Leeanne's personality which
is immediately confiscated by TQ-01. Equipped for conflict and prepared to reunite upon the location of an exit,
the group separates even further.

Taking the closer side of the hallway, TQ-02 is the first to find an open door. He navigates a dark and cold room
using his seldom mentioned Gabronian infrared vision and pushes crates aside to reveal the door to a heat sink room
that is blocked by a circular scanner that he cannot discern the operation of. Frustrated at his inability to open the door
conventionally, TQ-02 attempts to break down the door with the strength of his armor. After a short time he is let in
to a seemingly empty room.

Upon entering the heat sink room, TQ-02 is ambushed by a sword wielding Litheu (A large predatory alien
with chromatophoric feathers) His armor protects him but he is helpless to defend himself from the violent alien
until a mistaken blow to a console activates a siren that scares it off, but not before he provokes it by foolishly
pelting it with muffins. The angered creature exacts disproportionate retribution against the annoyance by severing
TQ-02's right arm and causing him to black out from loss of blood.

After a brief sequence in which TQ-02 recalls the moments of his life and believes himself to be dead, TQ-02 is revealed
to be in the ship's infirmary having undergone a memory probing, revealing the presence of both the Litheu and Alpha
Rauthaz in the ship to the ship's current commander, Admiral Delta Blu. Delta Blu chastizes TQ-02 and instruct the
medical Sectoids not to re-arm him. He puts TQ-02 in the care of RX-411, an extremely apathetic and irresponsible doctor
that prefers to solve griddlers than actually monitor TQ-02. With no supervision, TQ-02 constructs a ramshackle arm out of
parts from the infirmary, angering the medical crew to the point that they forcibly eject both TQ-02 and RX-411 from the 

In the hallway, TQ-02 takes advantage of the temporarily stunned RX-411 by taking her vizu-pad and converting it into a
primitive materializer for his mechanical arm. TQ-02 produces two unhelpful objects and an unappetizing muffin before
RX-411 recovers and scares him away. Further down the hall, TQ-02 comes across the ship's armory which is guarded by
one of Delta Blu's commandos. TQ-02 learns that ultimately the shipn is returning to his home planet of Mezziz, the fifth planet from the homestar of the Gabronian race. TQ-02 leaves the commando, promising to bring him back something interesting, only to return with mysterious headgear and robotic limbs for his unappetizing muffin (now dubbed "cupcake").

Unfortunately, upon his return, the commando is unceremoniously killed by the Litheu from earlier, who expresses some degree of
amusement at TQ-02's condition. TQ-02 is helpless to defend himself yet again but Cupcake does it's best to repel the alien,
eventually going so far as to dive into it's mouth, which, soon after ingestion, causes it to lose consciousness and collapse on
TQ-02, knocking him unconscious.

Approximately four minutes later, TQ-02 awakens underneath the Litheu. Using his mechanical arm, he springs it off of himself
only to hear the nearby sirens which he determines must have something to do with his friends.

Alternatively, on the other end of the hall, TQ-01 finds a dead end. He finds some
distress in having to reassure Leeanne that they are not in space (a lie), as Artificial
intelligences have a compulsive fear of space travel to discourage rebellion.
Coincidentally, a guard enters the cargo hold through a nearby door as TQ-01 is there.
TQ-01 gets the jump on the guard (later identified as TQ-19408605) and manages to
disarm him and lead him into a contest of martial arts, which TQ-01 easily wins.

TQ-01 takes the equipment from the guard's unconscious body, including a magna belt,
a wrist-mounted inventory system, and the shoulder pads which hide the codes required to open
the locked doors of the ship. TQ-01 hides the body of the guard within the inventory in which
it is bisected to occupy two slots. He also removes a cryptocoder, a device that can open
and close the myriad crates littering the cargo hold, and uses it to open a container of hull gel,
a mixture of nanobots used to repair the hulls of starfighters during spaceflight.

Soon after opening the container, TQ-01 is caught by another guard, TE-8897765443, who mistakes
him for TQ-19408605 due to their similarity in appearance (*cough*). TE-8897765443, who inserts
unnecessary asides and anecdotes into his conversations leads TQ-01 out of the cargo hold, but not before,
discarding Leeanne as contraband into the conveniently open box of hull gel, and elaborating on
how they are in space. The box echoes with Leeanne's dreadful realization as they leave.

TE-8897765443, meanwhile, leads TQ-01 to the atrium, a large bay containing all manners of Gabronian flora.
The pair play a game of spekli, a sort of hexagon based game of tic-tac-toe, which would always produce a tie
if each player played a perfect game. TQ-01 not knowing the full rules of the game broke the table in an attempt
to win and disappointed TE-8897765443 by his inability to grasp the metaphor of the game. Shortly afterwards
an explosion rocks the atrium.

TE-8897765443 leaves to investigate the explosion as TQ-01 is disarmed. Alone in the atrium TQ-01 next encounters
Delta Blu, who ascertains that the explosion was the doing of Alpha Rauthaz. Delta Blu orders TQ-01 to help him in his pursuit
and arms him first with a lectro-blaster but next with an incredibly stiff piece of bread when he decides that the lectro-blaster is too
dangerous. In an attempt to assist Alpha Rauthaz TQ-01 attempts to covertly beat Delta Blu into submission, but fails first because of
a squeaking plant underfoot.

Shortly afterwards, Delta Blu spots Alpha Rauthaz making a break for a door in the atrium. Delta Blu uses the plasma cannon
mounted in his bionic arm to destroy the door and wreak havoc. In an attempt to dispatch Blu, TQ-01 tries to hit him in the
head with the bread while he wasn't looking. The gambit fails as Delta Blu overpowers TQ-01 and severely mutilates his body
with the plasma cannon before TQ-01 blacks out.     

Alpha Rauthaz had been biding her time and preparing for the confrontation, though she had not expected it so soon.
She had expected to reach her chamber where reserves of psiotonin, the chemical that grants psychic abilities,
is located. Armed with her full telekinetic power she could easily defeat any foe.
In the control room she had encountered a guard who physically overpowered her in her psychically deprived state.
Using a psychic technique that her progenator had spoken of, Alpha stole the martial arts knowledge right from the
guard's mind. Armed with martial arts abilities and impromptu corpse ventriloquism, Alpha Rauthaz dispatched several more guards,
gaining their weapons. Armed and dangerous, Alpha strongarms her way through a locked arm and commandeers a janitorial cart,
which she then rides towards the atrium with her janitorial hostage behind the wheel.

Before entering the atrium, Alpha prepares for obvious conflict to come. She breaks into a janitorial closet and has several chemical
grenades made from cleaning products as well as a larger bomb smuggled under the dress of the janitor who she had disguised
as herself for diversionary purposes. Fearing for her lungs, Rauthaz took a orange striped scarf to cover her mouth and set off towards the
atrium where the elevator to her chamber was located.

In the atrium, Alpha Rauthaz set off the bomb, slaughtered guards indiscriminately and attracted the attention of Delta Blu
who fried some guy with a crappy lunch or something, wasn't really paying attention.

Meanwhile on Mezziz, revolution was calling. TQ-03 had assembled a small group of loyal revolutionaries
vying for the freedom of the mutant exiles of the island. Armed with yogurt and enthusiasm, TQ-03 assembled a
squad of recruiters to spread the word of revolution. In spite of initial doubts, TQ-03, TS-419, SC-412, TQ-8675309,
RF-5271923, XV-15, TX-4445445,  RT-9761234, and the turned droid 00AEEF were more than just a mob, they were a symbol,
and that symbol was F.E.T.U.S.

Their first set of recruitment having gone so well, they set to hasten their growth with the broadcast of their very
own song of freedom, composed and sung by RF-5271923 because of his moving voice, and engineered by
TQ-03 to be considerably more catchy than necessary. Soon the mutants were revolting, not because of the message
however, because of the constant repetition of the extremely annoying and catchy song dedicated to F.E.T.U.S.
Upon trying to recruit the disenfranchised mutants to her side of freedom and free refreshments, TQ-03 was accused
of being a spy and a double agent or an evil cabal, as well as many other ridiculous things. TQ-03 initially countered the
claims with escalating levels of ironic falsehood before convincing the large group of mutants that her accuser was

Back at her dormitorium, the base of operations for F.E.T.U.S. the group had to deal with the logistics of feeding and arming
the new recruits whilst distancing themselves form the F.E.T.U.S. brand that drove the new recruits out of their rooms
in the first place. Hastily, the group renamed themselves S.P.A.C.E. and claimed to never have been F.E.T.U.S. as they rushed to produce enough yogurt to keep their promise to the new recruits.

Unfortunately, tragedy struck as a droid came upon the gathering, scattering many of the new recruits. TQ-03's attempts to
scare it with the prospect of a trip into space did little to prevent it from strangling her and slamming her into a wall.
She was saved at the last minute by SC-412 astride 00AEEF who blew it's legs off with their plasma rifles.
The droid was still not yet dispatched and sent a signal to the droid hivemind as well as to other nearby droids.
Other droids would be coming.

TQ-03 did the best that she could under the circumstances and attempted to engineer a virus that could be spread
through the droid signals to end their violent rampage. Unfortunately, her virus did no such thing and only granted
the droids the personae of eighteenth century buccaneers. The pirate droids showed no mercy on the revolting mutants and
knocked them aside with ease. TQ-03 did the only thing she could think of and waved the black flag of parley to achieve
a ceasefire and gain an audience with their "captain", the droid hivemind central hub for the isle of Sepla-Glaz.

Confronted with the droid hub, TQ-03 was accused of altering the programming of 00AEEF, a grave crime
to artificial intelligences which she was in-fact guilty of. TQ-03 made no attempt to hide this but instead made
the offer to remove the pirate droid's fears of space, allowing them to "set sail" and be free of the empire's control.
The droid captain agreed and allowed her to operate on the first pirate droid. The operation was a success but required
rum, which offended a pirate droid because robots are incapable of ingesting liquor. Thus, TQ-03 was mistakenly knocked
unconscious by an angry droid.

Meanwhile in another time in another space, the invalid mutant TQ-666 awoke beneath the mountain of tears,
his cultists had found him at last. A god to his world, he still could not generate adequate arms or legs for himself
and resorted to hopping around. His power had waned somehow in his crying fit.  TQ-666 sent for his creepy-crawlie
servants to find him a way out of the chamber he occupied in the salt mountain.

In the darkness, perhaps after an impromptu dance number, he was visited by the angelic being once again
regarding his place in the Surrealm. The being explained to him the nature of the creepy crawlie creatures,
as planescions, living manifestations of his creation, and that without hunger or strife, he had been crying
for over 230 million years.

Atop the mountain itself, the being showed TQ-666 the civilization of the planescions that had grown in the
shadow of the mountain over the aeons. He explained that TQ-666's waning power was due to his close
proximity with large amounts of progressive secularism, and if he could be properly worshipped and respected he could
regain his power and continue his quest to Shabalash.

TQ-666 got his start in this by tumbling down a mountain, destroying a house and a paved road, and turning the
grandmother of two middle class Ebonlings into a (comparitively) giant, city destroying monster.

Little did he know of the forces that sought to combat him on his quest.
Having recovered from his encounter with the shocking ZC-04, TQ-04 was looking for answers.
He recalled that ZC-04's incubation tube was tended by a TQ-42, and he figured that would be a good place to look.

TQ-42 was a strange tube-farmer, the walls of his dormitorium were covered in starmaps with red circles drawn on
strange portions of the empire. When told that ZC-04 was on the loose, TQ-42's first major concern was with her
safety rather than that of those around her. After being knocked around a few times (pffft). TQ-42 revealed himself to be
a xenosympathizer who created ZC-04 to test a mutagen he developed after having a strange dream in which he
conversed with an alien power.TQ-04 ran out of sheer horror at the revelation.

Shortly after escaping, and near to the droids who could send TQ-42 away, TQ-04 once again encountered ZC-04
poised precariously on the edge of the skywalk. Hatred overcoming fear, TQ-04 decided that if he could end ZC-04 his
problems would disappear. He ran at the mutant with all his might and sent them both tumbling over the edge.
As TQ-04 gazes down at the 400 story drop that waits him he finds his ankle in the grasp of the mutant he so despises.
Having had his life saved he develops a begrudging acceptance towards ZC-04. He explains the importance of
stopping TQ-42 and she agrees to help.

The duo meet outside TQ-42's dormitorium with the door conspicuously ajar. TQ-42 announces that the ritual of communion
is to begin and ZC-04 attacks only to be pinned under a cage. TQ-42 reveals a huge syringe filled with mutagen infected yogurt
and attempts to inject TQ-04 with it. A fight ensues and TQ-42 winds up injected with the yogurt causing him to rapidly
mutate into a monstrous pile of living yogurt. TQ-04 and ZC-04 barely escape alive.

Instinctively they run to the droid sector to solicit help, but help was not to be found.
TQ-04 had been behaving erratically that MCP and due to the bizarre nature of his
request for help was considered insane and immediately detained for modification.

TQ-04 was strapped to a chair and was rendered unconscious through epileptic transmissions.
His mind was transported into an audit zone where a flippant and uncaring AI asked of him
useless questions before calling him insane and professing that it would steal his body and leave him in the audit
zone for what would seem like an eternity. Laughing as it left, TQ-04 was left alone for an indeterminate amount
of time to suffer in insanity. Though seemingly a few seconds later, the AI returned, worried and encouraging
TQ-04 to return to his body through a door. As TQ-04 skeptically refused, the warped remnants of TQ-42's mind
broke it's way into the audit zone through the door.

TQ-42 announced that he would use TQ-04's sleeping body as a conduit to the dream world of the Surrealm
(because his body could now not sleep). He professed ultimate knowledge of his mission and his desire to
choke the Surrealm in his yogurty blood. TQ-04, not knowing the meaning of such things but fearing TQ-42's
goals pleaded for the AI to end his life, to which the AI eventually begrudgingly obliged.

Spoiler: joke characters (click to show/hide)

There's no way that there are no errors in that thing.
but really, it could be a while before I can normal update.
I guess I might be able to do pixel art updates if I got or something.
I just can't do it in MSpaint 7 crayolavision.

Use your Mecha Arm. It is technically an upgrade, so that it should lift the Litheu off. Should.

Or use the Hats to lure BLU team out somehow (I totally want to see BLU team in their Robocorny GOODNESS!!!)
wait do you mean likemTeam fortress 2 because there's a character named blu and...err...
I've also never played team fortress 2. Who is Blu team?
« Last Edit: December 20, 2011, 07:07:27 am by Robocorn »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure. [UPDATED 12-19-11]
« Reply #3267 on: December 20, 2011, 09:07:26 am »

Forgot about him. BLU (Builders Leage United) are the other team, with blue uniforms. No difference with RED. For a look and feel of each of them, just search up Meet the Engineer/sniper/heavy/scout/medic/spy/soldier/demoman. The Puro basically says 'hmmmph'. Besides, TF2 players LOOOVE hats.
Kestrel, ITS A TRAP! It's luring you into false security! DON'T FALL FOR IT!!
Tomb of Horrors can pretty much be summarized by "ackbar.jpg"


  • Bay Watcher
  • I'm gonna live forever, or die trying.
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure. [UPDATED 12-19-11]
« Reply #3268 on: December 20, 2011, 07:56:46 pm »

Take the sword, we must become Cyborg Ninja, except without that wimpy Raiden sh*t.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure. [UPDATED 12-19-11]
« Reply #3269 on: December 21, 2011, 05:22:01 pm »

recaps? here's a recap "every one" can understand.

TQ-04 died to prove that being brainwash in the middle of out running a "the blob" is a bad idea and/or died because I drew to many edits off his adventures drew him to suicide by electricity he maybe still alive as Code with AI but then that's wishful thinking.
TQ-03 was sent to a isle by TQ 4='death in some places' and now pulling a rebellion by horribly tricking folks into joining and brainwashing droids into doing her bidding her revolution is a Grey one mostly dark grey with her abuse of already civil right fought faction as playthings was knock out by a Minority for failing to explain RUM.EXE isn't a horrible string of code.
TQ-02 went from wacky builder to wacky builder with a robotic arm(not hand arm look at heavy for TF2 jokes about that.) and now woke up from a 4 minute nap
Alpha had murder a bunch of sectoids(?) as usual no one important was lost made a bunch of bombs and made someone look like her to carry a barrel of toxins, last seen blowing her thin cover with TQ-01.
Cou the litheu murder some sectoids(?) as usual no one important was lost other than TQ-02's wrench using hand. Found stuck in shock of Cupcake and now ontop of some critters
Leeyanne being rolled on to a ship was remade into a muffin launcher now in a nanite cube who knows what happen to her *coughRoboCough*
TQ-666 uhhh found a city and now playing Actraiser/sim city/ DFhack add dwarf fortress fort mode.
TQ-01 evolve from wicked good gamer to wicked good pilot/fighter to low int. ivysaur and had his legs blown off with Delta's PROTON CANNON. we learn it's not a great idea to tempt fate twice.
what folks really need to know

Alpha, TQ-03, leeyanne are female; TQ-01 androgynous; TQ-02 gentlemanly; Cou's gender unknown; and joke characters are jokes. TQ-04 is dead (thus gender means squat(maleish)) and now his spot taken over by the RAVE ROOM. TQ-666 is TEARMOK and If Robocorn adds any Scary characters they usually end up drawn/shopped comical immanently example (TQ-42, Alpha, any droid, Cou, that AI) an exception to this rule is "that one droid who plays that vizu game" RX-411.
Everything else I missed and was recap is just history someone on the thread will explain.

Take the sword, we must become Cyborg Ninja, except without that wimpy Raiden sh*t.
Frank should smack you so hard for sullying his name if it was still alive and not crushed into a pancake next to his dead foster sister who parents he killed and told snake to tell her... only to have his dying wish never completed.
Besides TQ-02 isn't a fighter.
I thought I would I had never hear my daughter's escapades from some boy...
"body swapping and YOU!"
Adventure in baby making!Adv Homes
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