US air force is having a blast with callsigns. Mid air refuellers are EXXON. Attack aircraft are MAUL, PANTHER, SATAN and so on. Electronic jammer aircraft are SHEEN.
There's a crazy dutch guy who listen in on open ATC comms traffic and HF radios. You can read the twitter feed here.
Or if you want direct confirmation you can listen to the squadrons as they transit through maltese airspace and go tactical here.
He's made a few recordings too, like psyops from an EC130 and this unmarked plane known for "unofficial US government business" landing at the Tripoli military airbase not long before the no-fly-zone was decided on.
I was about to make a comment that this guy is bordering on Wikileaks irresponsibility by divulging flight info like that, but then I saw this on his Twitter feed:
@USAfricaCommand be advised, one of your WEASEL's F-16CJ from 23th FS Spangdahlem Germany has his transponder Mode-S on! NOT secure!
about 3 hours ago via web
Ok, the guy has some big brass balls. Actually tweeting the people you're snooping to tell them effectively, "Hey, your shoelaces are untied..."

Two RAF Tornado GR.4 fighter bombers just buzzed my office building, fully loaded with munitions and extra fuel tanks. They were so low I could almost read the labels on the bombs. Very cool, but someone should perhaps tell them western Norway isn't really on the flight route to Libya.
Tripoli, Trondheim...same difference.

Shit's starting to get real in Yemen. The commanding general of the Yemeni 1st Armored Division has defected to the protesters and deployed the tanks and APCs of his unit to
protect the protesters in Sana'a. Meanwhile the President's own tribe is backing a different potential successor, while his household troops have taken up positions around the palace.
And protesters actually set fire to a Ba'ath Party building in Syria, the first time that Syrian protests have gotten beyond anything more than a few angry chants before being broken up.