Hi Alexm, and welcome to the forums!
Just wanted to say that I really like what I see! I agree with the comment above likening the early development to Distant Worlds, one of my favourite 4x games, makes for a universe that feels very alive!
Thank you! I've never actually played Distant Worlds, but looking at it now, it's really tempting. I'm actually afraid I'd really like it and end up spending too much time playing.
It might have been mentioned somewhere, but I imagine the game will be pausable during combat to issue orders? I'm not sure how in-depth you plan to make the command and control, but I'm sure it would be nice to take a break and look over all your ships and see which of your officers need attention. How much fleet management will there be in a game? if we can make space stations, does that mean we can leave defence fleets behind to protect our assets?
I also really like the idea of officers having their own personalities and traits, reminds me of Crusader Kings where everyone had their own personality and agenda. Will they gain experience as the campaign wears on? If their ship gets destroyed do they go with it, or is their a chance they might escape in a pod? How much control will we have on officer selection and assignment?
Yeah, you can pause during combat. There's a "war room" style interface for giving orders to ships, and you can take your time there to look over everything. You can also keep combat going while you're in the warroom, if you so decide.
The plan is to let you leave defense fleets behind, yes. For example, if you have a mining outpost, you could leave some ships in the system to help protect it. You could also leave most of your fleet parked somewhere if you need to do something that's easier to do with a smaller task force (or even just your flagship, which can be quite powerful in its own right).
The details of how officers will work are a bit up in the air - that is to say, I have a pretty good idea of how I want them to work, but no idea survives implementation unscathed - so it's quite likely to change. That being said, officers (and crews) gain experience and provide skill bonuses to your ships and fleet. I'd like them to be killable to add a certain grimness to the setting, but how likely that is depends on how it plays out. One idea for officer replacement is to let you promote from the ranks after a battle (i.e., "several crewmen have performed their duties admirably, etc etc", and then you'd have the choice to make them into officers. The crew itself will be abstracted to save the hassle of managing it if you have a very large fleet - it's assumed that new recruits are brought in as needed during planetfall, a crew's veterancy level may drop after a battle in which the ship is heavily damaged (to reflect casualties - the crew you have left are battle hardened, but there's just not enough of them to do all the work - and anybody else brought in behind the scenes is green), etc.
Sorry for all the questions, but this just seems like a very in-depth and rewarding game and I want to know more! 
More than happy to talk about it

What are the current plans for the game? Will it resemble EV Nova perhaps?
FAQ should give some idea of the general direction. EV Nova is pretty focused on one ship (iirc), so in that sense it's not an ideal comparison (though you /could/ just go with a single ship here as well).