Kingdom Come Deliverance
Henry brillantly managed to stay alive during the battle of Pribyslavitz that was happening during the "Baptism of Fire" quest.
After leading the armies of Lord Radzig and Lord Divish to the best path he scouted in the previous mission, the battle raged.
With some good sword skill, Henry helped honorably ... with some accurate stabbing in the side and the back of enemies busy dealing with our guys
Our local hero managed to kill a bunch of enemy archers thanks to having improved a lot his Bow skill (hunting a lot helped) , allowing our infantry to crush the bandits and cumans mercenaries that comprised most of the enemy troops with few losses.
Then after breaching the last gate, Henry finally confronted that Runt massive bastard and to my surprise annihilated that guy rather easily (i guess training really paid a lot there, master striked Runt in the face a few times to put him down was very very satisfying )
That battle nearly felt like a Mount&Blade assault

, what a game a mix of M&B and KCD would be.
I had pushed back doing this mission since a while, as i thought it was the game final mission, going for the truckload of side quests instead.
But how wrong i was when i noticed it was in fact only half of the campaign, there are even more main quest mission after that, the game is really gigantic, no wonder the sequel that was released a few days ago is selling insanely.
What an excellent game it is, especially if you're interested in medieval history time like i am, it's trying to keep the accuracy of the era (and follow actual historical events too) with of course some romanced situations to make Henry and some NPC more interesting , but overall it's incredibly immersive and atmospheric.
lessons learned so far :
- to train stealth , nothing beats lockpicking doors/chests and chocking random people unconscious (make sure you have no weapon in hand or it will not work), walking in stealth mode all the time does absolutely nothing to improve the stat (i know i tried), go lockpick and choke people unconscious out of view to improve it
- when ambushed, while at first you're not spotted yet (make sure to get the skill to spot events from afar), go with some good stealth (and light noiseless clothing of course) so you may be able to stealth choke out (or stealth kill once you have the skill) some of the enemies hiding on the road sides, but don't try all of them as if one guy roll a detection, all of them will attack you and getting hammered while wearing light equipment from multiple enemies at a time is game over
- in battle situation (or ambush in which you are detected) , make sure to quickly go to your inventory and wear your best armors, you're always very disadvantaged if fighting on light armor vs 3 or 4 guys at the same time (as light armor will only increase your dodging but you'll never dodge 3 guys striking at the same time when one or two are out of your field of view , as they always try to surround you, AI not being stupid)
- heavy armor will protect you enough to fight back from multiple enemies, light armor means you're going out of stamina and blood in only a few hits, so don't get in fight without your heavy armor (get a horse with good capacity + buy a good saddle for transporting heavy stuff so you're not overburdened yourself)
- master strike, learn them as soon as you can from the captain Bernard at Rattay (ask him when he'll be waiting at the training ground) , as without getting the master strike training your character can't do them.
It really really really really (yep) help when fighting multiple opponents as master strikes will do a lot of damage
and regardless, make sure to train your prefered weapon with Bernard as often as you can to gain more levels of it (+ more strenght/defense/etc... during the practice fights), this help in making short work of people with the skills you can choose from the level ups
- the regular tourneys at Rattay, a tactic that seem to always work, is to rush our opponent then win the clinch (there's a skill to get to get stronger at clinches) and push the guy back to the limits of the small arena, then each time you'll clinch and push back you'll be able to strike at least once without the guy being able to defend, theoretically you may get easy wins this way (longer weapons make it easier without having to be at the arena limits)
- oh and the game has a ton of side quests hidden here and there, so don't rush the main quest especially when the "Nest of Viper" appears (the main quest mission before the "Baptism of Fire") , if you don't have good stealth/equipment you should go do something else until you get there as to obtain the best result of Nest of Viper (that influence Baptism of Fire) you will really need great stealth and equipment.