Just started a game of UFO Aftershock. I haven't done anything that awesome yet.

- Only had one guy in the deployable team due to everyone else being heavily injured or in specialist training. Mission comes up, I hire a raw recruit. They then breeze through the whole thing - if they took damage, it was probably barely a fleshwound.
- In the halls of an underground base clearing out Grays. Due to having played Afterlight I recognized what their rocket launchers looked like, so when my shotgunner and the SMGman ran into a xeno with one far down the hall, I was like "oh shit" and ducked into a nearby corridor. We set up at the intersection, and when he rounded the corner he got a faceful of shotgun and a bad case of dead. Burst fire, too, so it's practically "squeeze trigger, something dies".
- Defense mission against some cultists, shotgunners waiting once again with their guns pointed at the doors. They do SHITTONS of damage - the frail little psionics usually die in one hit, whereas the tougher ones will only take about two.
- I don't know what I did to get it but one of my soldiers has ridiculously high HP - about 2400, where the rest of my dudes soldiers have like ~1000 or so, and about 600 over the second toughest, the cyborg. He can tank damn near everything. In addition, his modded rifle hits 100% accuracy at ranges the other guns are already falling off, WHILE snap shooting bursts (it's a little different from X-com; burst fire/single fire and snap/aimed shot are both separate things). Ridiculously robust.
- Shotgunner from before leading civilians out of a cultist-controlled area. I had her check a doorway into a building between her and the objective, and SUDDENLY FIVE CULTISTS! She dropped like three or four of 'em with her one mag of shells, after which I had her beat it because the civs were following her around. One even ran into the hall with all the cultists, which was kinda scary.