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Author Topic: League of Legends - Patch 7.22 - Runes Reforged  (Read 1234039 times)


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Re: League of Legends - Patch 3.11 - Lucian, the Purifier
« Reply #12135 on: September 22, 2013, 05:06:56 am »

Time to try ranked out!

Elo is going to be soft-reset after 10/10 or so anyways, might as well have the experience ;D

I'm so nervous...

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Re: League of Legends - Patch 3.11 - Lucian, the Purifier
« Reply #12136 on: September 22, 2013, 06:50:46 am »

Vayne is the AD carry for people who don't know how to AD carry /vaynehate
I'd like to object, but it is true that, at least at low levels, all you really have to do is not lose your Nexus for 45 minutes at which point you can just sort of annihilate everything that doesn't instagib you first.

The trick being, of course, that usually enemies won't let that happen if you're literally just facerolling. She also used to have a fairly horrid early game, though that doesn't seem as true anymore.

Hehe, half the reason I started playing Vayne is because I'd lock in and call ADC as Ashe, and then some other guy would lock in an ADC and say "WTF y u go botum i had it". This way if that happens I can just shrug and take mid.  :P
I've always wanted to try her top. Never considered going mid, though. o_O

Time to try ranked out!

Elo is going to be soft-reset after 10/10 or so anyways, might as well have the experience ;D

I'm so nervous...
You'll be fine. Ranked really is just Normal with some champ select alterations and that people tend to take somewhat more seriously.
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Re: League of Legends - Patch 3.11 - Lucian, the Purifier
« Reply #12137 on: September 22, 2013, 09:19:56 am »

Maybe things are different now, but I would strongly discourage going mid as Vayne.  It's all open so you'll rarely get your wall-stuns, you're going against people who probably outrange you, and it's a shorter lane which means pinking the lane will cover more and put you in more trouble.  I went against a Vayne mid yesterday as Viktor and while I only got one kill on her in lane (I'm still learning the ins and outs, plus I don't have flash yet), she couldn't really do anything to me and by the time I had my core done a single E was chunking her for almost half her health.

EDIT:  Forgot to mention.  I've also gone mid as Vayne a few times, back when I was still in my prime.  It did not go well.

Overall I think my smurfing was probably a good thing at least for now.  I always played solo queue but at some point I lost the solo queue mindset and couldn't regain it.  I was being a team player without a team.  Back when I was leveling, when I wasn't experienced enough to be a team player, I was hyperaggressive and very reckless.  I dove towers all day, strived for kills, pushed like a madman (incidentally causing the jungler to camp my lane and relieve pressure on the other lanes).  I also carried game after game after game.  I got to level 30 with something like a 60% win-rate, lost my nerve, and got beat back down to 50%.  Since I've been smurfing, I'm starting to feel that balls-to-the-wall solo queue spirit again.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2013, 10:20:28 am by Cthulhu »


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Re: League of Legends - Patch 3.11 - Lucian, the Purifier
« Reply #12138 on: September 22, 2013, 12:38:44 pm »

Rough Order of Vayne Positions: AD>Top>Jungle>Support>Mid. Support Vayne is more effective than sending her mid, because she (USUALLLY) can't get the farm she needs safely after level 4 or so. Any of the popular mid choices right now would just laugh in her face and force her to back. At least when she gets levels, Vayne is surprisingly effective even without gold. 2 built in steroids goes a long way.

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Re: League of Legends - Patch 3.11 - Lucian, the Purifier
« Reply #12139 on: September 22, 2013, 12:57:24 pm »

Just in case it wasn't obvious, mid Vayne was a joke.  :P

But yes, she's pretty decent early-game once you get both your Q and W; the silver bolts take a chunk large enough to scare most people off, and you can pretty easily drop people if they aren't careful. There are few phrases I love as much as "% health true damage".

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Re: League of Legends - Patch 3.11 - Lucian, the Purifier
« Reply #12140 on: September 22, 2013, 09:53:17 pm »

What with Ahri's popularity in the WC, I feel like she's going to be hit by the nerf bat soon :<

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Re: League of Legends - Patch 3.11 - Lucian, the Purifier
« Reply #12141 on: September 22, 2013, 11:24:10 pm »

What with Ahri's popularity in the WC, I feel like she's going to be hit by the nerf bat soon :<
I foresee a nerf to her ult cd. But, really, the problem lies in DFG.


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Re: League of Legends - Patch 3.11 - Lucian, the Purifier
« Reply #12142 on: September 23, 2013, 12:05:25 am »

Yeah, even without my ult I can often burst down anyone with a Charm, DFG, foxfire and ball. >_>

bay12 lower boards @ #bay12lb
"Oh, they never lie. They dissemble, evade, prevaricate, confoud, confuse, distract, obscure, subtly misrepresent and willfully misunderstand with what often appears to be a positively gleeful relish ... but they never lie" -- Look To Windward


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Re: League of Legends - Patch 3.11 - Lucian, the Purifier
« Reply #12143 on: September 23, 2013, 01:11:05 am »

... wasn't it exactly like that the last time DFG got nerfed?
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Re: League of Legends - Patch 3.11 - Lucian, the Purifier
« Reply #12144 on: September 23, 2013, 01:21:36 am »

I think part of what makes DFG strong is the sort of % hp stacking meta going on right now. Resistances are invalidated because of the way penetration is calculated now, and the fact that you can stack as much hp as you like but when it's all based off of a % of that anyways, it's kinda useless. Almost all of the new champs have a % hp move, and it really shows how hard that kind of thing is to balance. A while ago, some rioter (Morello I think) made a post about how it's fine to have one really strong gimmick thing, but when it starts to become more available they all have to be toned down. His example was Amumu's ulti. If Amumu was the only one with an ulti like that, then it could be much stronger because it was the only one like it. However, because there are so many similar (Oriana, Sejuani, Galio, Malphite, Nami, Morgana, Kennen) they all have to be toned down. In fact, so many champs have a huge aoe cc ulti thing now that it's past critical mass and they can't be made any weaker, because you can only have 5 at any given time.
The same thing is happening with % HP, only they haven't been toned down. Almost all of the popular champs right now can shove % hp somewhere into their kit, either through base skills like Elise, or through items like Ahri. It's really interesting when you look at it from a design perspective.


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Re: League of Legends - Patch 3.11 - Lucian, the Purifier
« Reply #12145 on: September 23, 2013, 02:19:27 am »

Is it just me or is Tryndamere broken as hell right now?

I don't mean the typical bronze level boohoo 2 stronk, I'm talking about dudes like Hao going 0/8 in lane and then coming back to win with ridiculous splitpush and 1v2 power, in diamond level games.


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Re: League of Legends - Patch 3.11 - Lucian, the Purifier
« Reply #12146 on: September 23, 2013, 03:09:25 am »

Trynd is the kind of champ that can do that. He can suck horribly until 6, still suck after 6 because he gave advantage to the enemy pre-6, and still suck for quite a long time in the game. However, he scales ridiculously thanks to his innate steroids, so if he ever gets started he just wrecks face. I don't think he's broken, I just think that people don't expect him to do much if he's down all game.

Finished a 29-7-26 ARAM game a bit ago playing Cass. Going off of this experience and previous experience in ARAM games with Cass, I definitely feel that she's overpowered on ARAM. If you start with Tear, you will never have to worry about mana the entire game. A chalice would be just too much wasted mana regen. She easily gets her passive up to 5 and can keep it there literally the entire game as long as she's alive. As long as your team isn't horrible or makes poor decisions, you should be able to just kite the enemy forever and keep them low with DoT abilities + Liandry's. That could theoretically be said about a lot of champs, but the mana regen thing and keeping her passive capped is just way too much IMO.
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Re: League of Legends - Patch 3.11 - Lucian, the Purifier
« Reply #12147 on: September 23, 2013, 04:19:48 am »

I found Trynadamere is one of your best choices if you have to go 2v1 top. As long as one of the champs isn't Jayce, he can handle two bruisers and only die very few. Heck, in one game Trynd locked down Darius and Garen trying hard to kill him at the tower while I, the jungler who couldn't gank a tank+bruiser lane, pressured other lanes. And by endgame Tryndamere was still a beast in fights.

bay12 lower boards @ #bay12lb
"Oh, they never lie. They dissemble, evade, prevaricate, confoud, confuse, distract, obscure, subtly misrepresent and willfully misunderstand with what often appears to be a positively gleeful relish ... but they never lie" -- Look To Windward


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Re: League of Legends - Patch 3.11 - Lucian, the Purifier
« Reply #12148 on: September 23, 2013, 05:22:14 am »

Trynd can be played basically like Singed except doing more damage to towers. Trynd can win games just constantly pushing his lane all game, this can be countered by constantly having a presence in that lane and then hoping trynd doesn't move to another lane.

Trynd can eventually take down towers fairly quickly and then escape.


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Re: League of Legends - Patch 3.11 - Lucian, the Purifier
« Reply #12149 on: September 23, 2013, 07:21:56 am »

Tryn is still overpowered- so long as you smack people with your spinning strike as your escape ability.

This is how you punish harassers- with a razor's edge.

Then you turn on them and kill them.
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