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Author Topic: Let's Play with these Newfangled Pokemanz! RUN COMPLETED  (Read 330705 times)


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Let's Play with these Newfangled Pokemanz! RUN COMPLETED
« on: June 02, 2011, 10:06:04 pm »

Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce myself. I'm a cranky old grognard who hasn't played a Pokemon game since Pokemon Crystal, and hasn't loved one since Red. I've sneered in derision at the nonsensical plots and frivolous additions to a game I held dear as a wee lad. Until last week, I didn't have a Nintendo DS- I had a Gameboy Color, and I skipped the Advance entirely. I've become a fan of Nuzlocke runs, however, and enjoy the added difficulty and maturity it lends to this saccharine setting.

And one day, as I readied my party to face down Gary on my way to Victory Road, I thought to myself, I remember this fight. He kicked my ass my first playthrough, because I didn't know he was coming. If only I could bring back that innocence, that risk of the unknown, that pure time when I didn't have preternatural awareness of the next fight, the hidden items, the exact effects of every move and mechanic. If only it was new, again, for the first time.

You'll never guess where this is going.

seriously, wtf is that shit? an alligator? back in my day, you could figure out what the damn thing was just by looking at it


Tomorrow I'll be heading out to the store to buy either Pokemon Black or Pokemon White. If you folks have a preference, let me know, otherwise I'll flip a coin. I'll be playing this on my DS, so you won't get screencaps, but I plan on inserting a lot of random appropriate art into my posts to keep this LP from being a wall of text.


1) If a Pokemon faints, it is dead. It cannot be revived or healed in any way, and at the earliest opportunity it must be permanently boxed in a designated Grave box.

2) I may only catch the first Pokemon I find in each location. If it faints, SUCKS TO BE ME.

3) Battle Style = Set. No pansy free switches when an opponents Pokemon faints.

4) No Metagaming! I may poll this thread for information on specific Pokemon (learnsets, when to evolve, etc) but I cannot look up things like puzzle solutions, plot twists, rival locations, or any other nonsense like that.

5) No Savescumming! Because, seriously, that would kinda defeat the point.

6) If all my Pokemon faint in a normal trainer/gym battle, I may continue playing if I have legitimate Pokemon in a box (although at that point I'm likely unable to win at all.) If all my Pokemon faint while fighting a wild Pokemon or a VILLAIN then I am assumed to have been killed, and its game over.

7) If I need a Pokemon with a particular HM to advance the plot, and I do not have one and cannot get one, then its a Nonstandard Game Over.

COROLLARY TO RULE 4- USE SPOILER TAGS WHEN DISCUSSING... er, SPOILERS! I encourage kibitzing on my run, and you're welcome to chat about how difficult Gym X will be with my current party of Y, but as far as speculating about the unforeseeable FUN that will likely end this run, put it in spoiler tags.


That's the first hit for audience participation google image search will give you. Nice to put a face to my fans.

Because this would just be some kind of terrible fanfic without it! Obviously, part of the whole point of this run is that I don't know what's coming, so I won't be putting major decisions up for audience choice (well, apart from what version of this game to buy, anyway,) and by the nature of the game I'll be using whatever Pokemon fall to me, so party creation is somewhat out of the question.

That said, I'll be letting you (yes, you!) choose Pokemon to nickname. Given the relatively small party size, I had the thought we could do it as a community game. Basically, every forumite can make a guess about what Pokemon I'll first encounter in each area as I adventure, and suggest a nickname for that Pokemon (your forum name is acceptable, or a unique name you come up with.)

If that is the Pokemon I end up catching in that area, I'll use your suggested name. If multiple forumites guess the right Pokemon, then I'll randomly decide between the correct guesses. You can find a list of places Pokemon show up in these games on Bulbapedia as well as the probability that a particular Pokemon will show up in each area. If nobody guesses correctly, I'll make something up on the spot. If a forumite has already named a party member, they are free to keep guessing, but will not be entered into the name drawing unless every other correct guess also has a named party member.

I am of course receptive to suggestions for other ways I can get you guys involved, as well as open to criticisms, critiques, and general feedback on the format and execution of this LP in general. If anybody knows a good site for Pokemon fanart to spice up this thread, please let me know, especially if it isn't a quivering mound of spoilers like Bulbapedia!

I'm very likely to get my ass handed to me the first time my rival shows up, but hey, it'll probably be pretty funny. I'll post a prologue tomorrow morning-ish to open the voting for starter Pokemon. Now get off my lawn you damn kids.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 05:33:12 pm by monk12 »


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Re: Let's Play with these Newfangled Pokemanz!
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2011, 10:26:43 pm »

Crystal was my favorite Pokemon game. I loved my Typhlosion, I thought it was the best starter evolution ever.
I also pretty much grinded it till it could solo the game, only ever using another 'mon as a free turn to use a revive.
Ah, the days of my youth. I feel old.


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Re: Let's Play with these Newfangled Pokemanz!
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2011, 10:40:21 pm »

Crystal was my favorite Pokemon game. I loved my Typhlosion, I thought it was the best starter evolution ever.
I also pretty much grinded it till it could solo the game, only ever using another 'mon as a free turn to use a revive.
Ah, the days of my youth. I feel old.

Typhlosion was freaking amazing- there's no question that Gen II was the more balanced of the first generations (although its difficulty curve was a bit strange,) but I can't seem to take the nostalgia glasses off when it comes to Gen I. I rather hope Black/White will be able to sweep me off my feet and give me a taste of my lost youth, but I rather suspect my experience will be more like the old guy at the grocery store who has trouble figuring out how to use his debit card.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2011, 10:42:56 pm by monk12 »


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Re: Let's Play with these Newfangled Pokemanz!
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2011, 11:58:52 am »

I'll definitely be following this and I'll be interested to see what kind of info/pictures you give us. I vote water starter just because I like it, in case you care (I haven't played Black/White or even really looked at it to figure out which starter's easiest). Also, reading the comic you linked in the OP (part-way through anyway) makes me say make sure you always have antidotes. ALWAYS. NEVER FORGET POOR BEAUTIFLY/RATTATA.
The moment the lever was pulled, somebody's pet kitten stepped onto the bridge. I read somewhere that if a cat falls more than 11 stories, it instinctively flares its legs out to increase air resistance. This slows it down enough to stick the landing with relatively minor injuries. In Dwarf Fortress, apparently, cats don't do that.


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Re: Let's Play with these Newfangled Pokemanz!
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2011, 12:07:54 pm »

I'm off to buy... something, which means its time to CHOOSE A STARTER. Since I know nothing about their moves or evolutions, I'll be making snap judgements just like I did on my first Pokemon game, so many years ago. Let's meet the candidates-

This suave bastard is Snivy, a decidedly prissy name for what is clearly the smoothest operator in the bunch. Dude looks like the James Bond of the Pokemon world.

   -Smug expression lets you know he's the boss of this group, not that he has much competition
   -Sweet shoulderpads included

   -What the hell is he? An alligator? Snake? Lizard? A walking plant? Actually, judging by his body shape he might be a grass duck.
   -I don't really care for Grass types, and unless Unova is wildly different from Gen I and II I'm bound to find plenty of Grass types wandering around the early routes.
   -His color scheme is a bit off, in my opinion. Back in my day, Pokemon had two colors. Maybe three. I count four on this guy alone, five if you count that light green patch. That said, at least they are complementary colors, and given the artistic atrocities to follow I could justify citing "not completely terrible" as a pro.

By far the derpiest Pokemon I have ever seen, this stunning specimen is Tepig. Apparently, the same people who obfuscated Snivy's name to where I don't know what he is based on took one look at the word "Pig" and gave up.

   -Fire type is cool. I like fire.
   -Fire type can be difficult to find later on (in Gen I and II, anywho)
   -I was trying to come up more pros, but I"m having a hard time.

   -He looks like Swinub's sugar-high little brother who probably has ADD- not qualities I look for in an unstoppable warrior.
   -His color scheme is rather strange, but to be fair, all these Pokemon are pretty fugly in that regard.
   -Despite being a pig, he has rabbit ears.
   -His tail seems designed to make it easy for other Pokemon to grab onto, to facilitate their delicious barbecue dinner.

Oshawott. Remember what I said about how Pokemon got fugly since I was a kid? This depressed bastard right there is the prime example.

   -Otters are cool. I like otters.
   -He can learn Surf, which guarantees I'll have the ability to cross water. (Kids still surf these days, right?)
   -His evolutions might be prettier?

   -I could make a whole string of cons based purely on how terrible he looks- spherical head, neck ruff, inexplicable brown nose, appears to have Tepig's appropriate ears, seashell makes him look like he belongs in Bikini Bottom... to be merciful, I'll just leave them all under this same tick.
   -He looks like if I leave him alone too long he'll find some way to kill himself- not a quality I want when choosing who will get into deathmatches with me. Honestly, if I was that fugly I might kill myself too.
   -Continuing the trend of terrible names... Oshawott? I haven't spelled that right ONCE in typing this, and it sounds a lot more like Ocelot than Otter. Hell, maybe he IS a water themed Ocelot.
   -I was REALLY hoping the "wott" part of the name would be a clever indication that he is part electric. I am disappoint.

So there we have it. Looking back, they all have more cons than pros, so I throw up my hands and throw open the voting.


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I'd say go with the water Pokemon.
This opinion is based only on the fact that his third evolution has a badass moustache.


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I say we go for the smooth grass duck.

Look at that face. That smug little face.
We all have problems. Some people just have more awesome problems than others.
Getting angry is fun. Getting angry over petty things even better.


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I'd go for the water pokemon. It does look like a depressed little thing and it'd be funny to joke about him :P


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OK, Oshawott's final evolution does have a badass mustache, but its massive helmet makes it look silly since it doesn't have a lot of armor on the rest of its body.
Tepig is stupid, but its evolutions have really punny names and it'll evolve into fire/fighting which I find to be a useful combination.
Snivy is definitely the best though. Its final evolution manages to look smug even though it has no arms. Yes, it's a deadly grass snake, and its sweet shoulderpads have evolved into a sweet collar.



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Tepig, mostly because the final form looks BAD ASS.

Named Beowulf or Hrothgar
Tell me your mother isn't a Great Old One, please.


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Snivy: 2
Oshawott: 3
Tepig: 1

The dismal Otter guy is out in front, followed closely by the debonair grass duck/snake thing, with the... special pig still within striking distance.

Since I couldn't decide which version to get, I went with the same strategy I used when I first bought Pokemon Red- I picked the one with the fewest on the shelf. Pokemon Black Get!

Voting on the starter is not yet closed- I have some errands to run so I won't get started until later tonight. At this point, anybody who wants to have a named pokemon can start making their guesses for the first few areas. You get one guess per area.


Burnt Pies

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Oshawott. Because I don't take enough Water Pokemon at the start.
I can read box now
Also, I am a bit drunk


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Monk, Boksi was voting for Snivy. And so do I.


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Get the adorable little fire pig. You won't be disappointed.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Oshawott: Burnt Pies, Shadowgandor, FuzzyZergling, Blue Robin- 4
Snivy: Darvi, Boksi, Myroc- 3
Tepig- IronyOwl, warhammer651- 2

Oshawott it is! Part one, upcoming.
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