So it all started when I wanted to make a mod, a while ago. I wanted something that added a bunch of new features I felt were missing, or just would be cool. It's called slimelands because half of the mod came from ideas or a game I was making (sadly, flash and complex AI do not go well together). If there are any problems or suggestions, post here. I'm sure there are some bugs or unbalanced things, and some credit I forgot to give. Use the release as a raw folder, it makes changes to almost all files. Minor mods like fortress defense
should work, just drag them into the release folder.
CURRENT: linkFirst release, possibly buggyRelease 1.1-Iron cap metal now requires 10 dwarf caps and 20 iron caps
-Purple cap wood forming now requires 5 dwarf caps (basically one harvest most of the time, makes a lot more sense than 5 per seed)
-Duryl added, new metal
Release 1.2-Fixed reactions bug where all plants could be used to make dwarf and iron cap
-Scorpion technicality in description fixed
-Iron caps now need 5 dwarf cap and 10 iron cap to make 5 cap iron, and seeds for the plants
-Dwarf cap now uses 2 dwarf cap plants to make 1 wood, along with seed
-Slight improvement to ethyl, not too noticeable
-Duryl has a sharper edge now
Release 1.2.1-Fixed seeds bug with making cap iron
Release 1.3-Dwarf caps now take 5/6 of the original time to grow.
-Gryl now appears in all stone
-Ryl now appears in all stone
-Atyl and Ethyl colors fixed
-The hordes should now attack you
-More additions to the HFS civ
-Humans will always have ethyl, bryl, and duryl adds a bit of use to them as trading partners
-Arrow caps added
-Cap steel added (good as iron)
-1 arrow cap + 2 iron cap + 1 cap iron bar = cap steel (arrow cap is almost like a flux)
-Cap iron now has no melting/boiling point
-Overground animals
should appear now
-Chain cloaks
-Chain hoods
-Removed half of ancient ettin's clothes to reduce lag
-Ancient ettins
should use weapons apart from bow now
-Random extras should appear
Release 1.4-Two tier 3 metals
-Sapphire man civ, they're peaceful by default and will trade at developed fortresses
-Worm dragons and giant worm dragons fixed (they had the same name)
-Worm dragons and giant worm dragons now should lay eggs
-Worm dragons and giant worm dragons now have bones
-Tank spiders now have specific castes for webbers that occur 10% of the time
-Build a decorator's workshop (SHIFT+D) to decorate weapons with stone, or encrust helmets, body armor, and weapons with gems!
Release 1.4.1-Crashes fixed
-Gave plump helmet men breastplates
-Removed hordes and beasts, they didn't fit and caused crashes
Release 1.5-Almost all crashes fixed, afaik
-Star cap and grime cap added
-Demon hordes removed
-Ryl beasts added
-Ruby men added
-Sapphire men no longer have instant access to nethyl
-Ettin now have swords
-Some items now return more on melting
Known bugsPlease tell me if you find any others!
-Cave berries are invisible
-Atyl is the wrong color (it's meant to be blue)
-Ethyl and bryl don't seem to exist (tell me if otherwise please)
-Slade ghosts are severely underpowered (fixed in 1.3)
-Arrow caps are very cheap
-Arrow caps can't make cap steel(fixed in 1.4)
-You can decorate something with the same stone/gem multiple times (blame toady)
Plants1. Hopper berry
Just another berry type. Nothing very special.
Original slimelands: Slime hoppers (grobnirak) would appear near hopper berries, and eat them. No slime hoppers in release one.
2. Emerald vine
A plant that can be spun into thread. Nothing new really.
3. Dwarf cap (plant)
These tree-like plants grow underground, in the same conditions as plump helmets. However, they take 10 times as long to grow as a plump helmet, yet are worth as much raw. Their main use is being converted into wood, one of them can be converted into a unit of dwarf cap wood at a craftsdwarf's workshop using the herbalism labor.
-Fixed (
-Now requires 2 dwarf caps per log (
-Now grows slightly faster (
4. Dwarf cap (tree)
These are the non-farmable variant of dwarf caps, and are just another tree.
5. Cave berry
Cave berries can be found underground, and are as valuable as any other plant. They can also be milled, like sweet pods, into a power, which is sour instead of sweet (no actual difference in game due to lack of tastes).
-Tile fixed (
6. Frost bush
Frost bushes are similar to quarry bushes, but grow only in winter, and are always at freezing temperature (similar to nether caps).
7. Iron cap
Iron caps are a valuable plant made of metal-like fibers. Like dwarf caps, they take 10 times as long as a plump helmet to grow, and can be processed into another substance. 10 iron caps combined with 10 dwarf caps will create a unit of cap iron, a very weak metal (worse than copper). This also uses herbalism and the craftsdwarf workshop, and will always clutter the workshop. Cap iron significantly weaker than even copper, but should be better than bone.
-Fixed (
-Requires 5 dwarf caps and 10 iron caps to make 5 units now (
8. Arrow cap (
Arrow caps are made of strangely sharp metal fibers, like iron caps. They're far too brittle to refine on their own, but combined with iron caps and some cap iron, you can make cap steel, an equivalent of iron. However, they grow almost twice as slowly as iron caps, so make your farm plots count.
9. Grime cap (
Grime caps are dark, tasteless mushrooms commonly grown during famine (Nobody would eat them otherwise. Except for Urist McNoble who constantly demands them for no apparent reason.). They grow fast, and are "brew-able" into what seems to be more like grimy water.
10. Star cap (
Star caps are a golden mushroom worth as much as... well, gold! Brewing it also somewhat increases its value. And guess what? Vermin can't do anything to it. Might have something to do with the fact that it's hard as steel, although more brittle. Strangely, it still rots like any other plant. While valuable alone, star caps are used to harden cap steel, making cap gold. Unlike normal gold, cap gold is actually very sturdy, essentially an organic, light steel (it's only named that for its color). All this must come with some drawback, right? They take forever to grow. As in half a year for a singe harvest. And few dwarves can afford to bring a single seed on embark. Make every star cap count, or you'll regret it.
Creatures1. Tank spider
"A large, fast-moving spider commonly domesticated by dwarves. It has strong skin and a painful bite. Only males can make webs."Tank spiders are a subterranean animal, also available on embark. At full size (10 years, 5 years into adulthood), they are 1.5x the size of a dwarf. Tank spiders lay eggs in clutches of 3-10, and have a bite that causes extreme pain. They can be trained into war/hunting animals.
-Now only tank spider webbers (caste name) can make webs (
-Tank spider webbers are non-trainable (
2. Cannon slug
"A huge blue slug-like creature capable of shooting chunks of obsidian. They quickly grow, reaching full size in only two years."Cannon slugs are a subterranean creature, and like tank spiders, are available on embark. In melee, they are very weak and take little damage before dying. However, they can spit globs of obsidian at enemies, so keep them out of harm's way. Their slime causes minor pain, although dwarves are immune (be careful with smaller livestock!).
3. Flesh blob
"A huge blob of meat, loved by dwarves for its taste."Flesh blobs are occasionally found in the caverns, and can be tamed without a dungeon master. They are very slow, and lack any method of attack apart from pushing, so are harmless and a good choice for butchery.
4. Slime
"A green blob of fluid with leathery skin. They grow rapidly for 2 years, and then slowly expand for the rest of their lives.Slimes are cute little green blobs, around 1/3 as fast as an average creature. They are a nice option for livestock if captured, as their eggs take much less time to hatch.
5. Worm dragon
"A dragon-like worm creature that hunts small creatures for food, and lays huge clusters of eggs."These creatures are trainable, and hunt vermin. They take 5 years to mature, and when they do, lay huge clusters of fast-hatching eggs. Beware of a dragon worm-splosion! At least they're trainable. Find them anywhere you find a badger.
-Now has bones (
-Should lay eggs properly (
6. Grassland scorpion
"A large arachnid found in grasslands."Grassland scorpions are a smaller relative of the giant desert scorpion, but are still pretty dangerous.
Worm dragon Giant worm dragon
"A larger dragon-like worm that hunts large creatures, and can spit blobs of claystone."Do not get these confused with dragon worms, these things are actually dangerous. They spit blobs of stone, and are more than 3 times the size of an average dwarf.-Now has bones (
-Should lay eggs properly (
-Renamed (
8. Sky jellyfish
"A flying jellyfish that floats aimlessly. Its poison only causes drowsiness and dizziness."These floating creatures are relatively harmless, there isn't much they can do to you. Although like everything else, a dwarf fortress player
can and
will weaponize them.
Civilizations1. Gremlins
Gremlins of the caverns have banded together to besiege your fortress! Luckily, they're terrible smiths and use poor weapons.
2. Ancient ettin
Ancient ettins use special weapons, along with the plain ol' bow.
3. Triggerhapps
A mysterious race of humanoids with cruel intentions. Their weapons are like nothing you'll see in vanilla.
4. The hordes
The hordes are actually a large number of civilizations which constantly attack your fortress from year two, stopping only during autumn. They're not too strong, but dwarves can't fight forever.
5. Escaped demons
So some demons escaped. They multiplied. Sure they can't dodge traps or anything anymore. But they're still dangerous. Slade ghosts, silver brutes, icy phantoms. They'll try to kill you. They may or may not succeed. Good luck
-Even more variation of demons with special drops (
6. Sapphire men (
These guys are peaceful, normally coming to your fortress for trading. Annoy them and you'll have a dangerous enemy to face.
Metals&minerals6. Cakestone
Cakestone is just a typical sedimentary flux. Oh, and it functions as a clay.
Original slimelands: cakestone was erupquint in slime language (erup = cake = lie, quint = stone). It was meant to be a common sedimentary stone that could be shaped into brittle objects, similar to clay.
7. Deadstone
Dead stone is the only source of gryl, and is igneous intrusive. It's also similar to obsidian in that it has enough of an edge to make into a sword.
Original slimelands: dead stone was triggquint (trigg = dead. yes, the same trigg who's on these forums.) and meant to be a source of a slime-like metal.
-Removed the space (
TIER 1 METALS:Tier 1 metals are pretty standard, ordinary metals.
1. Ryl
Ryl is a bright red metal, somewhat similar to iron in stats. It's only found in cakestone.
Original slimelands: Ryl also meant useful in the slime language, and was a general purpose metal.
-Now found everywhere (
2. Gryl
Gryl is a greenish metal, meant to be a dense metal like silver.
Original slimelands: Gryl was a somewhat common metal, with clusters of duryl inside. Release 1 has no duryl though. In the original, gryl was found in sedimentary stone (cakestone mainly), but to add some more variety to igneous, it's found in dead stone.
-Duryl added as clusters (
3. Cap iron
Cap iron is a "metal" made a craftsdwarf's workshop using dwarf caps and iron caps. It's like copper, but lighter, so it's not really great for anything, but at least decent for training.
4. Atyl
Atyl is a very light, sharp metal (not as extreme as adamantine). Compared to iron and steel, atyl wins over iron but loses to steel. It can be considered the best tier 1 metal.
Original slimelands: didn't exist
TIER 2 METALS:Tier 2 metals normally occur inside clusters of tier 1 metals, as smaller clusters. Humans always have access to bryl, duryl, and ehtyl.
1. Bryl
Bryl is similar to ryl, and is found in small clusters of it. It's comparable to steel. Just an uncommon, somewhat easier to get, standard weapons-grade material, like iron and steel.
Original slimelands: I don't remember, but bryl was in there.
2. Duryl (
Duryl is a metal found within clusters of gryl. It's a dense metal similar to silver. Although not heavier than gryl (making it better for blunt weapons), it has a much sharper edge.
Original slimelands: Duryl was an alloy of gryl and another metal I forgot about (ryl maybe?).
-Now has a sharper edge (
3. Ethyl
Ethyl has an exceptionally sharp edge, and is the tier 2 version of atyl. It's also lighter, and generally beats steel. But it's not cheap, and dwarves rarely have it. Found in clusters of atyl as small clusters.
Original slimelands: didn't exist
4. Cap steel
Cap steel is made with 1 arrow cap, 2 iron cap, and a cap iron bar, making it a renewable source of decent metal. Cap steel is as good as iron in pretty much every way, except that it doesn't melt.
TIER 3 METALS:Warning, somewhat spoiler-ish
9. Aoryl (1.4+)
Aoryl is almost, but not quite, equal to adamantine. It's extremely rare, occurring as a single piece inside clusters of ethyl, but has no dangers associated with it. Sapphire men always have this metal.
10. Nethyl (1.4+)
Nethyl is effectively slade with a much, much sharper edge. Pretty friggin dangerous.
Workshops1. Decorator's workshop (SHIFT+D)
The decorator's workshop is a place where you can encrust helmets, body armor, and weapons with gems, along with encrusting weapons with stone. All of it uses the gem setting labor. Right now, you can decorate the same thing with the same material multiple times, this is a bug. You could end up with "This is an iron short sword. It is decorated with microcline. It is adorned with hanging spikes of microcline microcline and microcline." etc. Encrusting with stone can get you multiple decorations from the same task, or, occasionally, no decorations at all. Just keep trying, there's plenty of stone in the fortress!
Other changes1: Dwarves don't lose skills
2: Dwarves have a much higher stat cap, hopefully we'll see stuff flying across the screen like in 40d (or not, due to the limits on stats. I guess it'll depend on that...
special civ.)
3: PET_EXOTIC changed to PET in all creatures
4: Elves and humans let you request stuff
5: New food types
6: Bone swords, axes, maces, spears
7: Chain robes
8: Chain hoods and cloaks (
9: Dwarves have longswords (