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Author Topic: I love/hate the site finder  (Read 1643 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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I love/hate the site finder
« on: August 11, 2011, 09:40:56 pm »

So I just started a new fortress and wanted an easy embark for building a megaproject. The current site finder makes it very easy to find exactly what I need: brook/river, no aquifer, flux and lots of metals. Some vegatation and calm surroundings are an added bonus. Lovely.
After some digging around (basic fortress and a stairway to the caverns), I got confused: Why are there no meta ores? The embark screen said, there are two biomes, one with shallow metals and one with deep metals. Ok, I did some more exploratory mining and found nothing but marble and some gems. So I got the prospector from DFhack... guess what it has to say about the embark:
Code: [Select]
Vein materials:
               ALMANDINE : 1595
               SCHORL : 1072
               RUBICELLE : 538
               OPAL_WHITE : 304
               RED ZIRCON : 255
               RED PYROPE : 52
               SPINEL_RED : 14
>>> TOTAL = 3830
If you didn't notice, none of those are metal ores. Just a few gems and mostly worthless ones too... why the HFS is the site finder and embark screen lying to me?  :-[
It was right about everything but the metals... is this a known/common bug?

Oh well, if I can't pave the world with copper and iron, I'll just build a giant pyramid or something... I wanted some flux to make steel weapons and what did I get? Just over 110 000 cubic urists of marble to work with.
But my good sir, the second death was for Dwarven Science!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I love/hate the site finder
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2011, 09:42:10 pm »

It is a biome issue. If your embark has multiple, instead of using the resources from all the biomes it just takes the minerals for one and makes it uniform across your entire embark.
Oh yeah: Nazis.  Now I lost the argument.  So you can't argue with me anymore.  Nyah.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I love/hate the site finder
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2011, 04:51:01 am »

And btw, the current prospector from dfhack only shows the minerals you have already seen by default, to know all minerals you need to run dfprospector-all (also in dfhack).
Yes he is... So the countess will never bread?
If she doesnt bread, let her cake.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I love/hate the site finder
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2011, 07:01:09 am »

That's what I did... I got the whole package with all the .EXE files and some added .BATs for frequently used parameters.

Code: [Select]
echo | dfprospector.exe -a > dfprospector_report.txt

It's still irritating, that both biomes showed some metal. One displayed some some sand, heavy vegetation , flux and deep metal while the other had no soil, no vegetation, flux and deep metals.  Shouldn' there at least be little metal?
« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 07:03:29 am by moki »
But my good sir, the second death was for Dwarven Science!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I love/hate the site finder
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2011, 07:09:05 am »

Well, you clearly did someting wrong, as you dont have candy in your map. Try running df reveal and then prospector (while reveal is on)
Yes he is... So the countess will never bread?
If she doesnt bread, let her cake.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I love/hate the site finder
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2011, 09:29:06 am »

I did reveal the map afterwards and actually there's no spoilerite at all. It's a custom world with only one cavern layer and all the distances reduced to minimum. There's 9z of soil and rock, one cavern (with some water, as planned), some more rock, the magma sea, some semi-molten rock and then there's the circus, but no way to get there. No spoilerite tubes or veins whatsoever.
Now that I think about it, that is strange and probably a bugged map gen. I read that on every embark of more than 2x2 (I'm on 3x3) there should be at least one tube to the circus.
The prospector works alright... the numbers sound very plausible from what I saw in the revealed map

I just tried another embark nearby in the same world. It's pretty much the same, except it has more trees and is a little less hilly. Again, I ran the prospector (right after embark) and got this:
Code: [Select]
Vein materials:
            LIMONITE : 2051
            TETRAHEDRITE : 1985
            RAW_ADAMANTINE : 401 all the usual gems. Again, the embark screen showed almost the same as with the first site (two biomes, both with metals), but this time everything's actually there. I guess, it was just that one site that got broken.
I think, I'll just run prospector at every embark from now on, just to see if everythings actually there. It's really annoying to notice all your ores missing after already having played for a few hours. As it doesn't reveal anything, it's one of the most useful and non-cheaty tools available.
But my good sir, the second death was for Dwarven Science!