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Author Topic: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall  (Read 90061 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #30 on: August 09, 2011, 11:40:28 pm »

With a movie, game, anime etc. character, all the information you could get without watching or reading the source material is a wiki page or two. So, it would be natural for you to reject them.
For a webcomic character, the entire thing is right there for you to read through

It's easier to watch 5 or 10 minutes worth of youtube videos of a specific character than to read an entire webcomic. I had never heard of Alex Mercer, but when Shadowgandor submitted him all I had to do was type the name into a youtube seeach, and there were videos showing his personality. Now, what if someone were to submit General Tarquin from Order of the Stick? He's an interesting character, but if you were to start at page one looking for him you might have to read for 5 or 6 hours before you found him in even a single strip.

Take even a relatively minor character: Zarbon from Dragonball. He was a henchman who appeared in only about 5 out of nearly 300 episodes. Totally unimportant to the overall plotline, and even in the episodes he was in you could have removed him and it wouldn't have made much difference. But I type his name into a youtube search, and BAM I get a video that shows him to be a fruity, narcisisstic melee fighter who likes to monologue. 3 minutes into the first search result on the list gives me more information about a totally insignificant character like Zarbon than a solid 5 hours of reading Order of the Stick would give me about General Tarquin, despite Tarquin being a plot-critical character, a major villain in the OOTS verse, and father of both the main character and his arch enemy.

1/0? You have good taste.)

Thank you. As I recall, once I got started on that one I was up until dawn trying to finish it. Definitely a fun read.


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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #31 on: August 11, 2011, 05:33:57 am »

Sorry about getting back so late on the Sam and Max point, but I really gave you a decent tip off to a decent choice for videos when I said Poker Night at the Inventory. For a good showcase, TotalBiscuit did an interesting video on it, but I can't remember how much dialogue he has in it. Because I do own the game, I can tell you that he does mention something about beating someone like a pinata, which would suggest some melee skill. He also mentiones laundering money "for research", which would give him the thief aspect.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #32 on: August 12, 2011, 01:30:59 am »

For a good showcase, TotalBiscuit did an interesting video on it,
but I can't remember how much dialogue he has in it.

Really not much. Out of 18 minutes of video, apart from stock poker phrases like "hold" "raise" "call" etc, Max only has a couple lines in this. The biggest sequence is from 6:35 and 7:00. Max doesn't have enough cash to buy in to the next round, so this exchange ensues:

Max: "Would you settle for a travel pack of tissues and a half eaten jar of maraschino cherries?
Dealer: I do relish a good cherry, but I'm afraid there might be an issue of parity.
Max: I don't have any pears either. Oh! I've also got 38-40K in uncut diamonds. But, how about my gun and badge? You know, you can't put a price on a license to maim.

Granted, that's probably more than I've seen him speak in any other video, but out of 18 minutes the above exchange represents about half of everything he says, and it's not a lot to work with.

So I've gone and watched several more videos, and it really doesn't seem like Max talks much. Or does much. He's very much a sidekick to Sam. But so far as I can tell, Max basically seems to be a Heroic Sociopath in a mild but more or less constant state of not "trope" psychosis, but clinical psychosis.

When he says things, they do generally relate to the reality around him. He's not spouting Non Sequitors. He's not a Ditz and he's not a  Cloud Cuckoolander. But his manner of perceiving reality is not quite in sync with that of those around him. If he were standing in a crowd and saw someone run up to an old woman and steal her purse, while a hero might think "How awful! I must stop him!" and a villain might think "How awful! He beat me to it!" Max might be more inclined to think "How awful! That woman over there has a much nicer purse to steal." And after thinking those thoughts, while the hero might go stop the mugger and return the purse, and a villain might shoot the woman or go steal some other purse, Max would keep doing whatever he was doing anyway. Not out of cowardice, not out of maliciousness...there would be neither pleasure nor remorse in having seen the purse stolen. He wouldn't have felt bad for the woman, or a desire for justice. But he wouldn't have enjoyed it or felt envy for the mugger either. It simply wouldn't have affected him at all. If the people he was with were to retreive the purse, he'd tag along and help them. But if they pulled out guns and started shooting everyone, he'd go along with that too. And he'd attach no moral significance to either choice. Either way he'd get to shoot people, and that's going to be fun for him. Not that he enjoys hurting people, but I think it wouldn't occur to him to intellectualize the process enough to understand that shooting people hurts them. And in the above exchange with the dealer, I think he wasn't joking and he wasn't being sarcastic when he offered tissues and cherries in lieu of a $10,000 buy-in. I think his connection to consensus reality is simply weak enough that it genuinely didn't occur to him that they might not be worth $10k.

So that's my impression of Max. It's not a very deep character, but it's a character I can write for. If the above description is close enough to your perspective that you're ok with it, I'm ok with accepting Max into the lineup.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #33 on: August 13, 2011, 06:15:16 am »

That's.... pretty much delivering a headshot to the nail there. Let there be Max.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #34 on: August 13, 2011, 10:35:22 am »

That's.... pretty much delivering a headshot to the nail there. Let there be Max.


And there was Max.

Just need one more charcter before we can begin. So far everyone is either a fighter or a multiclass fighter/something, so we may as well go with the theme and pick up one more.

Who will it be?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #35 on: August 13, 2011, 11:16:58 am »

TF2's Heavy?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #36 on: August 13, 2011, 11:26:36 am »

Fighter-type? Little consideration to the fourth wall? Rather well-known?

I shall submit none other than Overlord Laharl, the most badass downright brat in existence. While technically still a child in demon terms (only 1313 years old, give or take), Laharl has the strength, arrogance, stubborness and ego that can rival mostly anyone. The linked article can explain more in depth on this, but in rough terms, if he wants something or seeks a certain goal, he will use mostly anything in his power (most of the times brute physical force) to achieve it, with little consideration to others. He's a Chaotic Evil Fighter, plain and simple, though he could arguably cross-class into Mage without straying too far from his respective canon.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2011, 11:28:37 am by Myroc »
We all have problems. Some people just have more awesome problems than others.
Getting angry is fun. Getting angry over petty things even better.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #37 on: August 14, 2011, 12:27:03 am »



Though you seem to be describing the character more from his own point of view than from anyone else's. He'll probably get along well with Alex. They both seem to enjoy thinking they're more evil than they act. And let's go with fighter/mage. He's might not technically a mage, but the demonic powers he uses certainly keep him from being a straight fighter.

Making characters now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #38 on: August 14, 2011, 06:09:16 am »

Welcome to game night: character creation
: Thank you all for coming. This campaign will be called "Pool of Radiance" set in the Forgotten Realms. We'll be using Advanced D&D First Edition Rules, with a few modifications. I trust that everyone got my game notes and made characters accordingly?

: Aye.

: Yep.

: I did my best.

: Ok Sturm, I'll start with you. Let me see your character sheet.

: Ok, that looks fine. Pretty standard. But, no platemail? That's sort of your trademark isn't it?

: 400 gold was a bit beyond my reach.

: I have some extra if you need somethin'.

: Yes, it probably is a good idea to pool resources. You'll be adventuring together, so it's in everyone's best interest that you have the best equipment you can afford.

: Aye, lad. I'll contribute to the cause.

: NEVER! I will not share my riches with you common scum.

: ...why not?

: Because! I am here to wrest control of this wretched campaign world and bring it under my own domination! I will not waste money on these imbeciles.

: So much for having a cooperative group.

: Thank you, Raynor, Gimli...this chain armor will do for now. I'm sure our fortunes will improve in time.

: Anytime, pal. But call me Jim.

: Pretty much what I expected. No problems here. Raynor, you're next.

: Hmm. Pretty even stats you ended up with. And looks like you're probably the smartest of the bunch.

: Hey, don't look at me, man. I just call it like I see it.

: What? He's an elf?

: The rules prohibit humans from multi-classing. Half-elf was the closest choice he could make and still play as a fighter/mage. Call it an acceptable break from reality.

: Your ideas and mine about what's "acceptable" don't agree, lad.

: Just let it go. I can only mod the game so much. Alex, I notice you didn't buy any weapons or armor.

: What for? My whole body's a weapon. I fight with blades from my shapeshifting to draw the blood from my many enemies. They will pay. Oh, they'll definitely pay, in blood by the gallon ripped from their -

: Alex, focus.

: ...what? Where am I?

: You're in my living room. We're playing D&D tonight, remember?

: Oh, right.

: If you want to fight unarmored and unarmed, that's probably fine for now. Your strength and dex are both pretty high, so you'll probably be ok. Plus with that mage multi-class you'll get a spell to start with. But plan on getting some equipment later, ok?

: Let's see, everything looks...wait, you're using particle beam cannons?

: Yeah?

: Max, you can't have particle beam cannons. This is a medieval setting.

: It's evil? Great, then I'll fit right in.

: No, I mean it's low tech. Swords, metal armor, crossbows...

: Howitzers?

: No!

: Can I dual weild a pair of ballistae?

: NO! Swords, maces, axes, bows, arrows, that kind of thing. And cross off that ninja power armor too. Only equipment that fits in the setting. Here's an equipment list. You can only buy things from this list.

: Ok. I guess I'll take a crossbow and some armor then.

: That's better. Only one gold left? What else did you buy? Or do I want to know?

: Probably not.

*sigh* Ok, next up...Laharl.

: That's Overlord Laharl.

: Ok, Overlord Laharl.

: Everything looks good. Though you sort of skimped on armor. I recommend you pick up something heavier and maybe a shield later, since you're using a one-handed weapon.

: What? How can I show off my awesome physique wearing heavy metal armor?

: Awesome physique? You look about ten years old.

: You impudent wretch!

: He's right harlie. I'm a 3 foot tall white rabbit and I'm buffer looking than you.

: But look at my strength! 18/40 and yours is a mere TWELVE.

: Yeah, ok, so let's arm wrestle.

: 5 gold on the rabbit to win.

: Put me down for 10.

Ha! I accept all bets. You fools, you're simply bringing me riches to speed my conquest of this realm! Dungeon Master Kyon! Give us a countdown.

: Umm...ok. 3, 2, 1, go.

: WHAt!?!?!? How could I lose?!?!

: You committed one of the classic blunders. Never arm wrestle with a bunny when gold is on the line.

: *ahem* So, now that all our characters are in order, let's begin.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #39 on: August 14, 2011, 07:17:22 am »

Part 2: The adventure begins

: So, to begin our adventure, you're nearing the end of a long sea voyage across the Moonsea to the north-

: End of a voyage? Ye can't do that to me lad. I wouldn't of got on the boat to begin with.

: If you want off, I'd be happy to help with that.

: You wouldn't dare!

: Don't worry. The water will break your fall.

: Ye cannot throw me off the fool thing, I never woulda got on it to begin with!

: Look,'re arriving right now, see? The boat just stopped and you can get off right now.

: I'd like to get off.

: Aye, I get off!

: Not with me you don't.

: The boat! I disembark the bloody boat!

: I think it's safe to say we'll all disembark.

: Agreed.

: Right. Ok, well the party disembarks and as you begin your way across the dock, a youngish looking human approaches you.

: Greeting, courageous ones. I am Rolf, appointed by the council to introduce newcomers to the fair city of Phlan.

: Good, I'll have mine with extra caramel.

: If you will accompany me, I will start the tour.

: Rolf takes you on a tour through the city, briefly reiterating it's history, as described in the RP notes I sent out with the campaign rules.

: ...RP notes?

: What RP notes?

: ...what? Didn't anyone read the campaign notes? Remember when I sent out the rules to you guys I included an 8 page summary of the history of the campaign world and the reason you went to Phlan?

: I glanced through it but it didn't seem that important.

: I think I ate mine.

: ...I spent weeks writing up a detailed campaign storyline and nobody bothers to read it? Sometimes I wonder why I bother. Well, you'll just have to figure it out as you go, then.

: There are three temples in Phlan: Tyr's, Sune's and Tempus. Tyr's in the largest and houses Bishop Braccio. If you will turn around now, you will see the entrance to the passenger dock area we just departed. Few ships dare the perilous passage here, but the council is developing a plan to open up the sea lanes.

: That's what Tattoo said. Where's Mr. Rourke?

: What? They're not here. Nobody's going to get that reference anyway.

: Next on our tour is the city hall. Proclamations are posted on these walls. Inside, the city clerk awards the council's commisions. Commissions are the quickest way to fame and fortune. On your right is one of the entrance's to Sune's Temple. As with all Phlan's temples, various clerical services are offerred inside.

: With no clerics among us, let us hope we don't require those services.

: Finally, beyond the west gate are the monster-ridden areas of the old city we are slowly preparing for settlement. The council offers generous rewards to those who clear the area of monsters. Our tour is ended. Again, let me urge you to apply to the city clerk for a commission. Goodbye and good fortune.

: You are on your own now.

: No, I'm not. I've still got these five idiots with me.

: The party is on its own. Rolf left.

: So now what?

: That's up to you.

: We should probably figure out who's in charge of this thing.


: I'll not follow this buffoon.

: Yeah, seriously. You remember what happened when we let you be party leader last campaign?

: Best not to talk about that, lad.

: It wasn't all bad. At least the noodles were delicious.

: Jim, perhaps it would be best for you to be in charge? You seem to have the highest intelligence score amongst us.

: Not me, pal. I've had enough of leadin' folks. Besides, half of us are likely as not to run off and do somethin' else anyway. I say we just wing it. First thing though, let's check out this city hall that guide was talkin' about. Sounds like a quest hub to me.

: Inside the city hall you see a heavily guarded door and a female clerk sitting at a desk.

: Well, that's not a chekhov's gun, or anything.

Welcome to the city hall. On the matter of commissions I can offer the following: The slums immediately to our west need to be cleared of monsters. Sokal Keep on Thorn Island must be cleared. And the Council is offering a reward for books, maps, tomes etc. which provide useful information about Phlan before the fall. The reward is tied to the value of the information.

: We have been offered three noble quests. Come, my friends, let's help these people. Clearly it is what we are here to do.

: Hey, take it easy. Let's think on this. We don't know what we're getting into just yet.

Voting time! What shall the party do first?

 * [Quest] Try to clear the slums
 * [Quest] Try to clear Sokal Keep
 * [Quest] Look for information about Phlan before the fall


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #40 on: August 14, 2011, 07:30:49 am »

Slums or the keep, whatever gets Gimili smashing some skulls.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #41 on: August 14, 2011, 07:45:04 am »

Slums or the keep, whatever gets Gimili smashing some skulls.

: Since it's been a week since I sent out the campaign notes to everyone, allow me to quote from them:

Campaign Rules:
Be prepared to participate in the thread, in-character. Break the Fourth Wall all you want. For example, if you want the party to level up more before advancing to the next area, don't post to explain it. Instead, have your character post to explain it.

Also, here are links to the default 88x88 avatars we're using:








: Hey! I told you already, it's OVERLORD Laharl.

: *sigh* Ok, sorry. Here you go:

Overlord Laharl:

: Better. I'll let you live for now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #42 on: August 14, 2011, 08:16:02 am »

: Regardless, that keep would make a perfect bastion from which I can start conquering this puny realm! I can see it now, all this world's mortals, bowing down before me as my slaves, doing my every bidding! Much like you five, by the way. It will be glorious! Haaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaaaa!
We all have problems. Some people just have more awesome problems than others.
Getting angry is fun. Getting angry over petty things even better.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #43 on: August 14, 2011, 12:03:39 pm »

"I think we should head for the slums first. They're closer, and I know now to deal with outlaws. Plus the keep is on an island, and Gimli doesn't seem keen on crossing water."

((This reminds me of Darths and Droids.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #44 on: August 14, 2011, 12:38:43 pm »

Is voting limited to the players, or can the peanut gallery chime in?  :)
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