Welcome to game night: character creation
: Thank you all for coming. This campaign will be called "Pool of Radiance" set in the Forgotten Realms. We'll be using Advanced D&D First Edition Rules, with a few modifications. I trust that everyone got my game notes and made characters accordingly?

: Aye.

: Yep.

: I did my best.

: Ok Sturm, I'll start with you. Let me see your character sheet.

: Ok, that looks fine. Pretty standard. But, no platemail? That's sort of your trademark isn't it?

: 400 gold was a bit beyond my reach.

: I have some extra if you need somethin'.

: Yes, it probably is a good idea to pool resources. You'll be adventuring together, so it's in everyone's best interest that you have the best equipment you can afford.

: Aye, lad. I'll contribute to the cause.

: NEVER! I will not share my riches with you common scum.

: ...why not?

: Because! I am here to wrest control of this wretched campaign world and bring it under my own domination! I will not
waste money on these imbeciles.

: So much for having a cooperative group.

: Thank you, Raynor, Gimli...this chain armor will do for now. I'm sure our fortunes will improve in time.

: Anytime, pal. But call me Jim.

: Pretty much what I expected. No problems here. Raynor, you're next.

: Hmm. Pretty even stats you ended up with. And looks like you're probably the smartest of the bunch.

: Hey, don't look at me, man. I just call it like I see it.

: What? He's an elf?

: The rules prohibit humans from multi-classing. Half-elf was the closest choice he could make and still play as a fighter/mage. Call it an acceptable break from reality.

: Your ideas and mine about what's "acceptable" don't agree, lad.

: Just let it go. I can only mod the game so much. Alex, I notice you didn't buy any weapons or armor.

: What for? My whole body's a weapon. I fight with blades from my shapeshifting to draw the blood from my enemies...my many enemies. They will pay. Oh, they'll
definitely pay, in blood by the gallon ripped from their -

: Alex, focus.

: ...what? Where am I?

: You're in my living room. We're playing D&D tonight, remember?

: Oh, right.

: If you want to fight unarmored and unarmed, that's probably fine for now. Your strength and dex are both pretty high, so you'll probably be ok. Plus with that mage multi-class you'll get a spell to start with. But plan on getting some equipment later, ok?

: Let's see, everything looks...wait, you're using particle beam cannons?

: Yeah?

: Max, you can't have particle beam cannons. This is a medieval setting.

: It's evil? Great, then I'll fit right in.

: No, I mean it's low tech. Swords, metal armor, crossbows...

: Howitzers?

: No!

: Can I dual weild a pair of ballistae?

: NO! Swords, maces, axes, bows, arrows, that kind of thing. And cross off that ninja power armor too. Only equipment that fits in the setting. Here's an equipment list. You can
only buy things from this list.

: Ok. I guess I'll take a crossbow and some armor then.

: That's better. Only one gold left? What else did you buy? Or do I want to know?

: Probably not.

*sigh* Ok, next up...Laharl.

: That's
Overlord Laharl.

: Ok, Overlord Laharl.

: Everything looks good. Though you sort of skimped on armor. I recommend you pick up something heavier and maybe a shield later, since you're using a one-handed weapon.

: What? How can I show off my awesome physique wearing heavy metal armor?

: Awesome physique? You look about ten years old.

: You impudent wretch!

: He's right harlie. I'm a 3 foot tall white rabbit and I'm buffer looking than you.

: But look at my strength! 18/40 and yours is a mere TWELVE.

: Yeah, ok, so let's arm wrestle.

: 5 gold on the rabbit to win.

: Put me down for 10.

Ha! I accept all bets. You fools, you're simply bringing me riches to speed my conquest of this realm! Dungeon Master Kyon! Give us a countdown.

: Umm...ok. 3, 2, 1, go.

: WHAt!?!?!? How could I lose?!?!

: You committed one of the classic blunders. Never arm wrestle with a bunny when gold is on the line.

: *ahem* So, now that all our characters are in order, let's begin.