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Author Topic: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall  (Read 90062 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #45 on: August 14, 2011, 01:02:51 pm »

: We should move to the slums and find the cause for this outbreak. They think they are in control, but they have no idea who they're messing with.
I will find them, I will kill them and no-

: Relax Alex, we're just playing a P&P game.

: Right. I still want to go to the slums to remove the threat that is currently residing there.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #46 on: August 14, 2011, 03:14:29 pm »

Interlude 1: A quick response to the peanut gallery
Is voting limited to the players, or can the peanut gallery chime in?  :)

: Feel free to participate, but I'm unlikely to override player votes with non-player votes.

: Non player votes? You mean NPCs can vote on what we do?

: I vote that they give me all their money so I can retire in luxury instead of sitting at this desk all day.

: I vote that they march straight to my lair and let me eat them.

: By Aulė's forge, it's a dragon!

: Quickly, spread out! Shields high, be ready for it's breath attack! Seek cover if you have no shield! Burrow your weapons deep, avoid slashing attacks!

: WAIT! Everyone just calm dawn. Nobody's fighting anyone. What are you doing here?

: I heard you were giving non-players in the audience a vote on party actions. Naturally I was keeping tabs on them, so I came to give my vote. They should definitely let me eat them.

: I'll not march myself into the tooth and claw of a beast like yourself just because I'm told to!

: He's right, man. You can't let just anyone vote. It's not fair to us.

:'re right. I'm sorry, Phenixmirage. Thank you for reading the thread. One of the greatest things about doing a Let's Play is knowing that people are enjoying it. I appreciate the feedback, but only the players will get to decide what their players do. If you'd like to submit a character for the roster, feel free, but read the spoilered tags in the first post so you know what you're getting yourself into. I want players to participate. Also, be aware that due to game mechanics, it's unlikely that people will irrecoveraly die and need to be replaced. There's also a standard RPG-style save, so even if the whole party dies, we can simply restore the save. The roster group might not see a lot of action.

: That's a relief.

: So you're saying that if I eat them, just so long as I eat all of them, they can just restore from a previous save, and let me eat them all over again? Free munchies forever? Awesome!

: You! Get back to your lair. They're not supposed to know about you yet.

: ...awww. But I get so ronery in there with nobody to talk to but those giants. And the cabal of worshippers who think I'm a God. Ok, I guess the company isn't bad, but the hedges chaffe my belly so. And do you have any idea how difficult it is to scratch an itch when you have armor piercing talons? *sigh* I guess I'll leave then.

: As for Phenixmirage, thanks for reading the thread.

: (Psst: Yeah, man. Thanks. I think you just saved us some trouble finding out about a big plot point.)

: Nah, I'd have known about the dragon just as soon as I finish digesting all those campaign notes I ate. *belch*


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #47 on: August 14, 2011, 10:01:23 pm »

Thanks for the reply, everybody. :D  This LP looks promising; I'll be sure to keep watching.

I remember Pool of Radiance fondly. I never finished it, but somehow I managed to get rather far despite not understanding the 2nd Ed. concept of "negative AC is good" and thus keeping my party equipped entirely in non-magical leather armor.  :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #48 on: August 15, 2011, 10:26:49 pm »

: So far the vote is  2.5 for the slums, 1.5 for the keep. Just waiting on Sturm and Max.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #49 on: August 19, 2011, 08:39:50 pm »

* RAM lurks...
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


  • Bay Watcher
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    • ExKirby's Generic Randomness
Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #50 on: August 20, 2011, 12:19:44 pm »

Ack. I went on holiday, sorry!

Now, back to the story crap. Tinypic. As much as it is free, it's super unreliable. As in, the posts look like this to me;

So basically, I'm having to play this by ear and have a rough guess at what the fuck is going on. So sorry if I mess up horrifically.

EDIT: And upon posting that, it all magically works.

: Hmm... I think the slums would be a good place to start. As my work relates, the slums are highly populated, and many of them are drunken hobos who will love giving us all of their gold, diamonds and tickets to see B-rated movies that nobody has ever heard of!
« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 01:13:52 pm by ExKirby »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #51 on: August 20, 2011, 11:00:12 pm »

Vote Results:
Laharl: keep
Raynor: slums
Gimli: slums/keep
Alex: slums
Max: slums
Sturm: no vote submitted

Part 3a: Into the slums

: You are by the gateway to the unsettled areas. The city watch eyes you suspiciously.

: They're eyeing me? I pull out my blade and -

: Don't worry about them, Alex. Let's just keep goin'.

: You enter the monster-crawling slums of Phlan. Small ugly things scurry from beneath your feet. In the distance, an alarm sounds.

: An alarm? I don't mean to sound alarmed, but I am.

: Let it ring, lad.

: Yes, it is most proper that our presence be announced so that we may face our foes with honor, rather than skulking about like cowards.

: I like cow herds. I just don't want to get eaten like one.

: You spy a group of seedy-looking kobolds.

: You spelled my name wrong. It starts with an O. And why am I wearing a purple hat?

: Closest I could come to your Sailor Moon hair. Just pretend there's another pigtail you can't see behind it because of the angle.

: I do NOT have Sailor Moon hair!

: Whatever you say, Meatball-head.

: I draw my sword and salute them, as befitting any foe courageous enough to challenge us.

: Youse humans is salutin' us? Well, maybe we don' need ta kill ya den. But 'da boss don't like youse guys. Give us sumptin' and maybe we'll ferget we seen yas.

: I'll give you something! DIE!!! I cast a spell and kill them all!

: Sorry, Laharl. Alex beat your initiative roll.

: I slide a blade from my hand and slice a kobold into itty bitty bits.

: Ooh, nice roll. He's dead.

: Ok, NOW I cast a spell and kill them all!

: Not yet. Max, you're next.

: Damn it!

: I move in.

: Ok, you take a step and...stop? What's your movement rate?

: Three.

: What could you possibly be carrying that would slow you down that much?

: Stuff. Once I have direct line of sight I'll open fire with my crossbow.

: Ok, go ahead and ro--wait, you don't have any crossbow bolts?

: Oh, yeah. I'll switch to my dagger then. I kind of ran out of money before I got around to buying ammo.

: You couldn't even buy ammo for your crossbow, but you're so overloaded that you can barely move? Let me see your equipment list.

: ...what the hell is all this?

: I don't know, but it all sounded pretty awesome.

: Glaive, guisarme, guisarme-voulge, glaive-guisarme...Max, these are all weapons. Completely obscure weapons from like reference index 87-b of the equipment lists. The polearms in particular should dish out a lot of damage. Why don't you use one of them?

: Nah, I wouldn't know how. Instead I'll spray them with the mace.

: Max, that's not spray mace. That's a mace. It's a hafted weapon. Basically a big pointy ball of iron on a stick.

: Ok. In that case I'll just stick with the dagger and stab stuff. I know how to do that.

: Why don't you just...wait, you know what? Nevermind. Dagger is fine.

: Cool.

(Several minutes later)

: So, final battle results, Alex was knocked unconscious, but Max bandaged him up to prevent him from dying of blood loss. Gimli was taken down to 11/14 health and Max down to 5/9.

: Nevermind about that! Gimee the loot! Whadwe get!?!?!

: Everyone earns 22 xp, except for Alex since he was unconscious, and the kobolds had 224 copper and 6 silver.

: What? I don't get xp just because I'm unconscious?

: Nope. And you can't talk either. You're unconscious. Be quiet.

: ...

: And we have no way to heal him. Better get back to town, boys. We may be a little outclassed here.

: I take all the money and strip the kobolds and take their stuff to sell.

: You know, ordinarily I'd be all over that. But I think I'll let you strip the kobolds.

: Ahahha! More gold for me!

: You pass the temple on your way back into town.

: Welcome to the temple of Sune. We will cast cure light wounds on your fallen comrade for a mere 100 gold.

: 100 gold? What's the value of the copper and silver we got from the kobolds?

: A little under two gold, and the kobold gear is worth about 9.

: We have a problem.

: Only if you think I'm sharing the 9 gold with you just to heal that meatshield over there.

: I will glady pay for the healing of my fallen comrade, My Lady.

: No need. He's got 105 gold on him since he never bothered to buy any armor. Something about "roleplaying." Here you go.

: *Dios!* Thank you for using Sune(tm) for all your healing needs. Come again.

: If we're going to make this work we need to be smarter. Alex, you went down because you weren't wearing any armor. Laharl, why don't you give him one of those suits of leather armor you took from the kobolds.

: "Laharl?" I don't see anyone by that name. I only see OVERLORD Laharl. And OVERLORD Laharl already sold all that junk for 9 gold and you meatshields can't have any.

: Damn it man, if we're going to live through this we need to work together. Alex, here's some gold. Get some gear. Max, sell off that trash weighin' you down, and trade out that crossbow for a more reliable weapon. While you're at it, since you've got a level of rogue go check out the shady corner of town and see what you can come up with. I don't care what, and I don't want to know how, just bring me back something we can use. Sturm, Gimli, you're with me. We'll see if we can hire some help with what funds we have left. Laharl, when we get back you either better be ready to start poolin' resources with the rest of us or I'm going to make my own meatshield out of your skull.

: Ulp! I...oh, very well. I suppose I can at least spare some generosity for my...umm...future subjects.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #52 on: August 20, 2011, 11:21:43 pm »

Part 3b: A little party discord

: Welcome back everyone. Looks like we're better armored and we've found ourselves a few npc recruits.

: Yeah, I was wondering who's the 200 pound baboon and his buddy over there.

: Hello, my name is Hanz and I am here to up! Who's the little girly man?

: WHAT did you call me?!?!?

: Hey, guys. My name's Razz, and I'm an addict. No, wait...I mean I'm a healer. Do yourself a favor though and try not to anger Hanz too much. I can only heal you if you're still alive.

: We welcome your help, oh heroes. Let us fight the foes of the great city of Phlan, together!

: Look, I'm just here for the money. I've had my fill of of adventure and just want to find a nice slave girl and retire. I only took this job because you guys look pathetic enough that this should be easy work. So let's just go get going so I can collect the 12.5% Raynor promised me.

: You are by the gateway to the unsettled areas. The city watch eyes you and tries not to laugh.

: We are still not as well equipped as I would like. But our fortune is much improved.

: Ring that bell, guys. We've got this.

: You advance through the slums, and encounter a group of goblins, followed by a group of orcs, but they take one look at your party and flee.

: Come back puny little orc. Come and face Mr. muscle man Hanz!

: Umm, where did you get these guys? And why did they agree to come with us?

: We found them milling about the training area. Said they'd come with for an equal share of loot, and pick of items. Apparently it's a standard npc henchman deal in these parts.

: You see a wooden door. You hear voices on the other side

: Time to bust some heads!

: You burst into the room, finding four orcs arguing over some papers.

: Come my friends, it is time to fight! Fear not, and whatever happens remember to fight with honor!

: Growr.

(A few minutes later)

: You defeat the orcs with little difficulty. Everyone earns 58 xp, and Raynor collects the clerical scroll the orcs were arguing over.

: That went better than last time.

: Aye. Just a few scrapes and bruises.

:  Oh, let me fix those. *dios* *dios* *dios* There you go. Good as new.

: Hey, man, thanks for the heals. I have to ask though, if you're just here for the money and you can do that, why don't you heal for the temple? They're chargin' 100g a pop for those.

: Nah, nobody's stupid enough to pay that.

: WHAT did he call me?!?!

: Relax, Alex. You were unconscious when I picked your pockets for the gold to heal, so he's obviously not talking about you.

: Any adventurer worth his salt knows he can just recruit an npc healer, agree to pay him a share of the loot and then have him heal the whole party and then dismiss him before he collects his pay. Or just stay at the Inn until you're healed to full. It's only 1 HP/day, but time doesn't really affect anything in this game and you can take as long as you want.

: Wish we'd known that before you guys used up 100 of my gold for a single heal spell.

What? You guys seriously paid temple rates for a cure lights wounds? Hahahaha!!! Oh, my...that's priceless.


: No, stop!

: Alex rolls a perfect 20. Razz dies.

: How dare he interrupt our vengeance. But now that's he dead, we can get back to our true quest.

:, killed him in cold blood! I will not stand for this!

: Aye, lad. You can't just go an' kill the hired help like that. Sets a bad precedent.

: I loot the body.

: No, we must return this man's belongings to his family.

: You find a mace, a suit of platemail armor and a holy symbol.

: Awesome! I take the armor.

: I said no. This was a holy man, a healer. He fought by our side and kept us alive. He was our loyal companion. His death cannot be taken lightly.

: Relax, he's just an npc.

: NO. I will not abide by this! Alex, you have dishonored yourself with your actions, and you have dishonored our whole party. I challenge you to a duel to the death, to restore the honor of our fallen friend.

: Wait, man. Think this through. You don't need to do this.

: More to the point, he can't.

: What? Of course I can. I can and I must do this. Honor would not allow any other choice.

: No, you can't. Check up at the last vote results. You never voted. That's means you're not really here. You probably got caught up in traffic and couldn't make it to Kyon's house for tonight's session. The DM is running your character while you're away.

: ...Max, I-

: And since no half-decent DM would kill off a character while his player isn't around if he expects that player to come back, and since he can't just let Alex win because that would mean giving him free xp for a fight he couldn't possibly lose, obviously the duel can't happen.

: I must say lad, that's awfully clever.

: Damn it, you guys. Ok, no duel. Ten minute break. I need some caffeine in me. Who's turn is it to order pizza?

: Laharl.

: Laharl.

: Laharl.

: Laharl.


: Ok, we're all in agreement. Laharl, go order some pizza.

: ...what!?!? That's not what I meant!!! *sigh*


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #53 on: August 21, 2011, 09:38:44 am »

Uh... can I make the polite request that you use Imgur? It's just as free as Tinypic, but 100x more reliable.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #54 on: August 21, 2011, 11:32:39 am »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #55 on: August 21, 2011, 01:21:54 pm »

Since you've heard of Laharl Im asumming you've heard of Axel
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I assume he would fall under the oh so cheesy Chaotic-Good for the following reasons-
His devotion to his family
His style of fighting( faking a heart attack to get in a sucker punch as an example)
His obsession with fame( impeading the protagonists path with the only interest of getting on television/ helping the protagonist to get on television)
He will do anything to get on television.

Axel would make a decent fighter but he has shown decent magic capability in game( @ about 5:32)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Would you rather be an Ant in Heaven or a Man in Hell?

Heron TSG

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #56 on: August 21, 2011, 10:04:02 pm »

Sorry, I've been out of town visiting family for a week. Catching up.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #57 on: August 22, 2011, 01:02:01 am »

Interlude 2: Sturm returns

:Uh... can I make the polite request that you use Imgur?

: How's this?

:Sorry, I've been out of town visiting family for a week. Catching up.

: Oh, hey Sturm. Glad you could make it.

: Did I miss anything?

: A dragon tried to eat us.

: I did not! I simply offered to help you lose weight. Just a little, you know...the fatty tissues that you don't want.

: Not how I remember it.

: A Quickly! Everyone take cover!

: Guys, let's not-

: Oh, that's right. I'm a dragon, so obviously I'm evil and here to eat you, is that it? I'll have you know that dragonkind has been heavily misrepresented in fiction. We're not like that at all.

: Where I'm from dragons are responsible for untold death and destruction. They create hybrid armies, they sadisticly hunt the gentler races down for the joy of bloodshed, razing cities wherever they go.

: ...but surely not gold dragons, right?

: You're a gold dragon?

: Of course! Don't you see my pretty scales? I'm a sweet, kind, lovable gentle good-natured gold dragon! I wouldn't hurt a fly! I just want to love you and hold you and squeeze you!

: I don't buy it.

: ...pretty scales, pretty scales, la la la...

: I don't trust the beast.

: I am so pretty! I am so pretty!

: Guys, can we not have this conversation please?

: Who's a pretty dragon? You are! Who's a pretty, pretty dragon? You are! Am I a pretty dragon? Of course I'm a pretty dragon! 'Wheeeeeeeeee' says the pretty dragon!

: Wait, here it is. We encountered the dragon back in Interlude 1. Here's the quote:

: I vote that they march straight to my lair and let me eat them.

: Hey! That's totally taken out of context!

: Is it? You also said:

: I heard you were giving non-players in the audience a vote on party actions. Naturally I was keeping tabs on them, so I came to give my vote. They should definitely let me eat them.

: Vicious lies! I said no such thing!

: Hey, it's right there in the quotes, man.

: Racism! It's racism against dragons, I tell you!

: Big-T, I think it's time for you to go.

: No, I won't back down! I'll take this to the press! I'll take it to the ACLU! I'll tell them everything! You can't just cover this up! I'll tell the BBB!

: Yes. Do that. Please go tell the Better Business Bureau that we're racist against dragons. Please go, right this very moment, and tell them that., then. To get back to your original question Sturm, with both you and Max away there weren't enough votes for a definite majority for several days after Part 2, but then Max voted, and the consensus was to clear the slums, so that's where everyone went. I ran your character while you were away so you'd keep getting xp.

: And he almost had you kill Alex.

: ...look, we don't need to go all over that again. Everything's in the posts. I'm sure he'll catch up. Anyway, I'll probably write up episode 3c tonight or tomorrow. Feel free to chat amongst yourselves in the meantime. But please, try to stay in character, ok?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #58 on: August 22, 2011, 04:01:29 am »

Those images are 100% more working now. I'll just spend ages working out the previous posts now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #59 on: August 23, 2011, 02:36:56 am »

Part 3c: Fight montage, and introducing Axel
: You know, I don't even really like Mountain Dew, but it's kind of obligatory because of the caffeine.

: You could try coffee instead. Or Jolt.

: Coffee is a little too adult for my tastes, and Jolt is difficult to find. Anyway, the pizza's here, so let's resume, shall we? *ahem* And so, with the secret of free Inn healing revealed by the now-deceased Razz, and a few more gear upgrades, the party is ready to continue its adventure.

: What was on that scroll we took from those orcs?

: 2x cure light wounds.

: I don't mean to look a gift horse in the mouth, but that seems awful convenient given we have no healers.

: DM's obviously stacking the loot tables to help keep us alive.

: No, it's a total coincidence, actually. I can duplicate items, or savescum to get particular drops, but that particular encounter and drop were hard coded.

: Either way, I'm not about to argue against a little luck in our favor. We're still dirt poor, badly equipped, and at the rate we're gaining xp it's going to take weeks to level. I say we take everything we can get.

: Wait, did you say you can duplicate items?

: I can, but I'm not going to. Go adventuring if you want better stuff.

: Aye, let's get back to it. The slums won't clear itself.

Que: Fight montage music from Bloodsport

: Amongst the corpses left over from this latest battle you find a small leather bag containing 60 gold and 2 small, lustrous gems.

: Ahh, gems lovely enough to make a dwarf's eyes sparkle and long for home.

: Gems lovely enough to make me long for a town to pawn them at. Oh wait, we have one. Let's go there now. That combat montage didn't really do justice to how many battles we had to fight to get those.

: The shopkeeper appraises them at 100 gold each. Also, amongst the ridiculous pile of assorted goblin and orc weapons and armor you insisted on stripping from every last corpse and carting around with you, he suspects a suit of leather armor, a shortbow and a stack of 40 arrows are magical. He offers to identify the enchantments for 200 gold each.

: Magic? I'm totally taking the bow and arrows to replace that crossbow I had earlier.

: Such a waste of enchantment on leather armor when all of us can wear metal. Tis probably not as good as what we have already. I say we sell the blasted thing. No need to pay him to tell us it's worthless.

: Shopkeeper pays 1000 gold for it.

: 1000 gold for that? I may have spoke too soon.

: Are you crazy? I'm RICH!

: No, we are rich. And I'm sure we can put that money to good use.

: I'd like to get some platemail, if there are no objections.

: Aye, let's all get some better armor, and get back to bashing skulls.

: While you're buying armor, a pretty young blonde girl approaches the party.

: Why, hello there! Are you all here for my autograph? Get in line please.

: Wha? Who're you?

: I'm Axel! I'm a star! :)

: She's cute. I saw we take her with.

: What?!!?!? I'm not a girl!

: You're not? Hmm, let me double check my campaign notes.

: She could have fooled me.

: Aye. Me too.

: Silly boys! Are you sure you've never heard of me?

: Nope.

: Not me.

: Never.

: You're from the same game as I am, and even I've never heard of you.

: You sure you're not a girl?

: NO!

: How about I check just to be sure.

: Gah!!! Get away!

: And with that, the pretty young girl boy runs back into the training hall in case one of you dies and needs to be replaced.

Alright. Break time's over. Let's do this.
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