Vote resultsGimli: Bandit, proposed drinking contest to decide on Hanz
Raynor: Auction, keep Hanz
Sturm: Bandit/Auction, keep Hanz
Max: Bandit, no vote on Hanz
Laharl: Sokal Keep, reluctantly accepts keeping Hanz
Alex: no vote submitted
Axel: no vote submitted
Part 4a: Bandits and beasties and background, Oh my!
: Good evening, Lady. We wish to bring Norris the Gray to justice. Where might we find him?

: He's been reported ambushing adventurers attempting to clear the city block surrounding Kuto's well.

: How would we get there?

: Just go west through the slums.

: Is there any place we could get a map?

: Surely maps exist from before the fall, but I'm aware of no formal mapmaking efforts since the reclamation. If you find one though, the council will pay well for it.

: Fall...reclamation...what exactly happened here?

: Old Phlan was established centuries ago by the lords of Waterdeep to facilitate trade with the elves of Myth Drannor, the Dragonspine dwarves and a few other local humanoid tribes. Over the years the city's been destroyed several times by orc invasions, famine, floods, war with Zhentil Keep, megalomaniacal wizards,'s never been a very hospitible place. A few months ago a merchant trader arrived to find the city overrun and much of it burned. The lighthouse keep on thorn island is occupied by orcs, and Valjevo castle by things nastier. From the variety of creatures, orcs, trolls, goblins, lizardfolk, etc. it's clear that there was a concerted effort to occupy the city, but there's not much sign of continued organization amongst the various occupying forces, and nobody really knows who or what managed to get them all to work together in the first place, or why.

: You say the city was burned. Could it have been burned by dragonfire?

: Could be. Or fire elementals. Or angry wizards, or demons, or something else. Again, we don't know much about what happened. Everyone here now arrived afterwards to clean up the mess and re-establish trade. As you know, we've been recruiting adventurers to scout and reclaim the city, block by block. The troops granted us by Waterdeep have been mostly adequete for defense, but we're reluctant to take them out of the resettled area. We just don't have enough soldiers to simultaneously recapture city blocks and then defend a growing front. We do have a small spy encampment on the western edge of the city near Podal Plaza, but apart from what I've told you, we know very little even about exactly what monsters are occupying which parts of the city.

: What about Norris the Gray?

: The region has always had bandits and warlords looking out for their own interests. He was a notorious raider of trade caravans en route to the city. When it was overrun, he and his bandits probably took advantage of the chaos to entrench himself and go for bandit to warlord. There may be other groups just like his: thieves and murderers, but his group is the only one I've received reports of regularly conducting organized attacks on adventuring parties. Plenty of stray groups of orcs, goblins, etc. but disorganized raiders are not as dangerous as organized raiders. We'd like to have him taken out before others learn from his example.

: Of course, Lady. We will see to it.

: Good job, Sturm. That's a big chunk of info you got for us there. Did you boys catch all of that?

: Only the important part: My future fortress on Thorn Island is occupied by mere orcs!

: All I got was "go west, kill bandit."

. Right. Well, let's get to it.
(About ten minutes later)
: Before you lies Kuto's well. It is a source of water in all seasons. A short distance to the south is what appears to be a tiny, makeshift fortress, crudely pieced together from scavenged logs and woodwork.

: I'm guessing that's it. Time to crack some skulls, boys. Let's go.

: A lizardman leads a pack of giant lizards on patrol before a door that has been nailed shut. Seeing you, they attack.

: Ha! They'll need to send better than
that to stop us.

: Yes, surprisingly little damage on that fight. I expected the giant lizards to do more damage. Oh well, I have other monsters I can throw at you.

: You said tha' door was nailed shut, aye? I kick it down.

: Inside you find a wide-eyed woman seated on a rug. At your entry she stands.

: Greetings, bold ones. I have long awaited your coming. My time here is short for the world enters a new age. An evil spirit from an unholy pool guides your enemies. It hides behind a fair countenance. Be not deceived.

Title drop.

: Without warning, the woman vanishes before your eyes.

: Good thing she left when she did. I didn't like the way she was looking at me.

: Maybe she left because she knew she couldn't take you.

: Yes. I'm that awesome.

: I don't see any bandits in here.

: Nor do I.

: They must all be scared of me too.

: I'm sure that's it.

: Max, what did you mean when you said 'title drop' just a moment ago?

: What the woman said:
"An evil spirit from an unholy pool guides your enemies." We're playing 'Pool of Radiance' right? She was obviously talking about that pool.

: What do you think the Pool of Radiance is?

: Beats me. All she said was that it was unholy and guides our enemies. Maybe the monsters have a betting pool to see who kills us first, and it's shiny and radiant because of all the gold in it.

I'd like to see that pool.

: This was a waste of time. I came for bandit treasure. Not to listen to you people talk. I told you we should have cleared out my fortress instead of going after this bandit guy.

: What about the auction? That's supposed to happen in Podol Plaza, and the councilwoman said that was on the western edge of the city, right? We're probably close. Why don't we go check it out?

: I agree. Like you said, maybe the artifact will be something we can use.

: I can always use another magical artifact. Hang on a second, though. I'm thirsty. I'm going to get a drink from the well.

: A group of kobolds leap from the well and attack you.

: What??!

: You dispatch them easily, and upon closer inspection you see metal rungs set into the side of the well wall.

: I don't think it's water down there.

: I'll lead the way, lads. I know a thing or two about tunnels.

: About 20 feet below the surface you find a horizontal passage leading to a large room dimly lit by sputtering torches. Through the smoke you see curtains hung to cover doorways. Some movement occurs in the room's far corner and then a volley of arrows tears into the group.

: Ouch. That stung.

: They know we're here.

: Aye, and we know they're here too, so I say that gives us the advantage. Follow me, lads. I feel a draft from this corridor over here.

: Through the smoke and darkness, a small figure fires several more arrows into the party, then fades away into the shadows.

: OUCH! That hurt. How come you're in the lead, but the arrows hit me? I'm in the back.

: Video game physics. Before long, Gimli's underground senses lead you to a sturdy wooden door.

: I kick it down.

: As you burst into the room you are surrounded by the bandit band of Norris the Grey.

: Surrender or die!

: Quick question: in your entire history as a bandit, has anyone who's ever kicked in your door ever surrendered when you asked them to?

: No. They all chose option two.

: This fight won't be easy.

: Final battle results: Raynor and Gimli unconscious, most everyone else heavily thrashed, and curiously, once again Max escapes unscathed.

: Beware the bunny.

: On Norris' body you find a curious message:

: Scribbled on the back, you see what appears to be the unsent reply:

: Who is this 'Boss' we keep hearing about? That first pack of kobolds we met back in
Episode 3a mentioned a 'Boss' too.

: Enough! Nobody cares about your stupid storyline. Gimmee loots!

: The bandit's treasure comes to roughly 1400 silver, 50-some gold, and a dozen gems. His longsword and chainmail are also obviously of unusual quality, and are probably magical. You've also taken possession of the hideout, and may rest here undisturbed by monsters.

: Hanz glad little girly mans need Hanz so Hanz get rich.

: Congrats, Laharl. Looks like you've got yourself a fortress.

: Meh. Underground. Damp. Cold. Crummy color scheme. It'll make a decent dungeon to torture you all in once I'm done with you- I mean, to umm, imprison the townsfolk once I', I mean, umm...kidnap and perform biological experiments on-

: How about just stop while you're ahead?

: Good idea. Anyway, I'll take it but I still want Sokal Keep.

: We'll consider it, but first let's check out that artifact rumor. If monsters are organized enough to be hosting auctions, that could be a problem.

: I say we make the event as disorganized as possible.

: Then it's decided. We'll rest up and head for Podal Plaza. Since you say we can rest here safely, how long will it take us to heal back to full?

: 14 days. So about two seconds.

: That's convenient. Alright boys, let's head out.