Episode 5c: Trolling, trolling, trolling, keep the party trolling...
: Kyon, could we get a quick visual of what everyone looks like? We have some new people.

: Sure.

: Ok, boys. Lock and load.

: How about unsheathe and remove shield from back?
tournament fight music from the Karate Kid

: I think it's time.

: Returning to the rope guild, you see the door that Jack warned about.

: Oh, stock images, how we missed you.

: Gimli, kick it in.

: He's not here.

: Oh, right. Guess I got used to him bein' the one to do that. Jack, you wanna to take care of it?

: Gladly.

: The green ones are the trolls.

: OMG! WTF?!?!

: Ritsuko, you stay in back and keep us alive.

: Yes, everyone hide behind my muscles and watch to see how pumped up you could be.

: I'm totally ok with that.

: Yeah, meatshield in front.

: You too, Jack.

: Excuse me?

: Look at the stats:

: You have twice the hit points as some of the others. You and Hanz take the middle. Sturm and I will flank you on either side.

: I'm with Hanz, sandwiched between the two of you? I like your way of thinking.

: Charge!

: Alex and Laharl use their spells to take out the ogres, but the trolls are high enough level to be immune to your first level spells. You on the other hand, find yourselves extremely susceptible to their powerful attacks.


: ...I'm wounded...

: Sturm is the first to fall.

: I've got him. He's alive, just unconscious.

: Laharl is the next to go down. Followed shortly thereafter by Hanz, but you do manage to take out another troll.

: I'm not really out of it. I'm just, resting. That's all.

: Hanz is down because Hanz keep puny little girlie mans safe. Trolls know how to pump you up.

: You can pump me up later, Hanz.

: See how I twitched? I'm totally still in the action. Just give me a moment to catch my breath. Oh, and look at that? See that little bit of movement down by my legs?

: I think that's blood dripping. Or maybe rats gnawing on your intestines after they fell out.

: Ritsuko, we need heals, babe. Don't quit now, boys. We're down three, but there are only two of them left.

: "Babe?"

: Lies. There are no girls on the interwebs.

: Remember that somebody has to stay on on top of the corpses of the two fallen trolls to keep them from regenerating.

: Seeing that they're at the disadvantage, and heavily injured, the two remaining trolls trolls retreat into the far corner of the room.

: Damn. Alright, Alex, see what you can do about those last two. They're almost dead, so you should be able to make quick work of them.

: I'm on it.

: Alex?

: Just give me a minute.

: Alex?


: Damn it! Die you troll!

: lol noob

: I warned you about that.

: Suddenly I understand why Kyon chose the background music he did.

: Raynor, Jack and I are on the dead trolls. You and Max help Alex.

: Too late.

: That's ok, I'm standing on the one so he can't regenerate. Last one's all yours, Max.

: I rolled an 18.

: That's a hit. The last troll goes down.

: WTF? Pwned by noobs? Hax.


: You're unconscious. No talking.

: Wow. We lost half the party.

: And I'm out of heals, so I can't get them back on their feet. We need to get back to town.

: Agreed. We'll come back for Ohlo's potion after we're all standing.

: Hey, I think I found those gauntlets Jack mentioned earlier. Wow. I feel strong.

: Wowzers! I want those!

: No, those really should go to Max. He's the weakest amongst us. We gain more by maxxing his strength than yours. Now let's get out of here while we still can.

: You people hate me, don't you?

: You head back to town to heal up, then return.

: I like how it only takes one line of text to do that.

: Within minutes you find the potion vendor Ohlo described.

: Gimli, kick it- oh, right. I open it.

: ...what? Who are you? Customers? Or are you here to kill me?

: Kill you!

: We're here to pick up a potion for Ohlo.

: The man looks nervously back and forth between the two of you.

: This is a relief. I've been waiting for nearly a week for him to pick it up. Here you go.

: Within minutes you're back at Ohlo's front door with potion in hand.

: You have done well. Give me the potion and then I will give you your reward.

: Am I the the only one who heard that in Jafar's voice?

: What do you mean?

: This is totally a trap. He's going to try to kill us as soon as we give him the potion.

: Yeah! Let's keep it and kill him first and loot him. In...umm, the name of justice.

: No, Ohlo has done us no wrong. If he attacks we will defend outselves, but I will not draw first blood here.

: Ok. You go ahead and give him that potion. I'll hide in this corner over here.

: Here is your potion, sir.

: Thank you. Here is your reward.

: Wow. I totally did not see that coming.

: 350 gold worth of platinum, a piece of gold jewelry and a magic sword? What the hell was that potion we just gave him? Jack?

: No idea. In my timeline we gave him the potion but nothing ever came of it.

: You fools. We could have kept it, then killed him,
and taken all that stuff. I need more magic artifacts to conquer the world, and you people are seriously not helping any.

: Honor is its own reward. We've done the right thing.

: Oh, yeah? How do you know? What if that potion gives crazy magic superpowers and that guy's a megalomaniac bent on taking over the world...from me?

: Oh, the horror.

: If that happens, then we'll deal with it. But for now all we can do is act righteously. I have faith that just actions lead to just rewards. We had faith in Ohlo's integrity, and no harm has come from it. Some individuals may choose evil from time to time, but treating others with trust and integrity always breeds greater good in the long run than is lost in the occassional act of greed or malice. Why do you think I travel with you, who states clearly your intent to take over the world? Perhaps someday you will act on it. And if you do I will stop you. But until that day you are my companion and I will protect you with my life.
Est Sularus Oth Mithas. My Honor Is My Life.

: Your stupidity is your life.

: Let's not argue, boys. We've done well today. Let's get back to town and tell the council the slums are clear.

: You make your way back to town without seeing so much as a mouse.

: Your clearing of the slums will permits us to expand. Here is your reward:

: On the matter of commisions, I can offer the following: Sokal Keep on Thorn Island needs to be cleared. The council is offering a reward for books, maps, tomes, etc that provide information about Phlan before the fall. The reward is tied to the value of the information. Additionally, word has come from scouts to the north that a large band of nomads is travelling through the area. Their purpose is not clear, but their number is estimated to be nearly 200 men, women and children, nearly half of whom are armed and combat ready. This army must not be allowed to join forces with our enemies, and the council will pay to have this potential threat eliminated.

: They travel with children? Surely this is no army.

: It is if 100 armed men storm through the city looting and pillaging in order to feed and clothe those children.

: And you want us to kill them to prevent that? You don't even know they're headed this way!

: The council sees a problem and would like it dealt with. If you're not interested, surely other adventurers will be.

: I've heard enough. I'm out of here.