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Author Topic: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall  (Read 90074 times)

Heron TSG

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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #135 on: October 01, 2011, 10:08:31 am »

Hey, I was about to bump this, too. What a coincidence.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG


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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #136 on: October 04, 2011, 09:09:16 pm »

Doh. I saw new posts and got my hopes up for a new installment.  :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #137 on: October 05, 2011, 08:57:16 pm »

Interlude 5: Waking up the dungeon master

: Psst.

: ...zzz...

: Hey, Kyon.

: ...zzz....mffff....zzz...

: KYON!!!

: ...mmm...wha?

: Kyon, you need to wake up and do the next chapter.

: ...mmm...ok sis, just five more minutes and I'll get ready for school.

: ...

: ...zzz...


...what on earth...oh, it's you. What time is it?

: It's time to do the next chapter of Let's Play Pool of Radiance.

: Oh, right. I thought we didn't have a party consensus on what to do next though.

: We don't, but we didn't last chapter either. There's plenty enough to work with. Plus, we also need to go rescue Raynor.

: Oh, yeah...Raynor. What happened to him, anyway?

: You don't know? Ask Lina. She can tell you.

: I don't know anything about that. Not. A. Thing.

: Lina? What are you doing in my bedroom?

: This is an interlude. Everyone can participate in interludes!

: Everyone?

: Everyone?

: Everyone?

: Everyone? Oh, goodie! Let's have a great big party!

: Yay for parties!

: Wait, who are you?

: I'm Pinkie Pie, you silly!

: Ok, talking pony...check. Moving along, Jack, are you two even here? Aren't you stuck in time travel or something?

: Well, she did say everyone can participate in interludes.

: Even NPCs?

: Even NPCs.

: Yeah, we might want to change the rules on that. How can it stay mysterious why Jack and Max never returned when they said they would if they can just show up and tell us what happened? How can we maintain dramatic tension over needing to go rescue Raynor if he can just show up in an interlude?

: If you ask me, I think I can do without the tension.

: Yay! More party guests!

: I hate parties.

: I love em. Where's the beer?

: Hello, gorgeous. I don't think we've met. I'm Jack.

: ...oh dear. Those two finally met. Clerics can use maces right? I think I need to go gag myself with one.

: Jack, Max...what did happen to you two? ...Jack? That's odd. He was here just a moment ago.

: Don't worry about him. Misato isn't as energetic as she looks. Max, what happened after you two time traveled?

: Apparently Jack has an ac-

: NO! No spoilers. I put a lot of thought into that.

: Well, in that case you'd better get to writing so we can all find out.

: I suppose you're right. Thanks for the support, Big-T. Without you guys to keep me on focus, I might have just let this go. Thanks everyone for bumping the thread.

: hug!

: Yay! Group hug!

: I think I'll pass on that.

: Yeah, me too. Say...Mr. Dragon? How come you aren't scared of me? After all, I'm Lina Inverse...

 *dramatic pose*

...the Dragon Spooker!

:! That was SO CUTE! Do it again! Do it again!

: Yeah, that's what I mean. You're a dragon. You're not supposed to be like that.

: It will all make sense eventually. Though dragon "spooker" is kind of a sketchy fandub translation of the original Japanese anyway. As for me, you'd have a lot more information already if you'd gone to Mendor's library. Why you've gone halfway through the game without doing one of the very first quests you were given is beyond me. Especially with all the clues dropped in the past two episodes.

: Don't remind me. I've been pushing to go there since I joined.

: Hey, I want to go too! Kyon, how about it? Let's do Mendor's libary next episode!

: No! I need new minions. You minions have been completely inadequate and the nomads would be much better.

: Nah, let's just kill 'em. More vengeful that way.

: No! I must have more minions!

: Gentlemen, please...I understand we all have strong feelings about this, but clearly the noblest course of action is to reclaim Tyr's Cathedral from the unholy creatures now occupying it. We are heroes, are we not?

: What heroes? I'm a demon, remember?

: Hey, guys. What are we arguing about?

: Why are you naked?

: Don't answer that. We're arguing over where to go next.

: That's no problem. If we can't agree on what to do next, let's just split up into two parties.

: Did you say...TWO PARTIES?!?!!? Yippee!

: Not that kind of party. I mean, "split up" into two groups and go do different quests.

: Dude, seriously, could you put some clothes on?

: Why? I'm naked. Nopony seems bothered by it.

: Now that you mention it, I'm naked too.

: Let's have a naked party!

: I'm ok with this.

: I'm not.

: Ok, whatever. There. I'm clothed. Happy?

: Yes. Thank you.

: So then, we'll split the party up?

: Seems like the best plan, yes.

: Works for me.

: Yeah, whatever.

: Very good. Kyon, the party has reached a consensus. They'll split up. ...Kyon?

: ...zzz...

: Somebody wake up Kyon.

: Oh! Oh! Meeeee!!!! Pick me!!!

: Guess I'll get back to my cave 'til you guys rescue me. Think Kyon'd mind if I grab somethin' to take with me to eat while I wait?

: I'm sure he wouldn't mind. The kitchen's that way.


: Gah!

: Are you awake? Are you? Did you like my trombone? I could play it more if you'd like!

: ...please don't.

: Why is Misato naked on the kitchen table?

: Naked party! Naked party!

: Why me?

: So that's it for Interlude 5, folks. Don't worry about Kyon. I'll remind him if he falls asleep again.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #138 on: October 08, 2011, 10:11:51 pm »

Glad to see the LP isn't dead, just sleeping. :))

Looking forward to the next installment!

Heron TSG

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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #139 on: October 08, 2011, 10:23:02 pm »

I exist, and I support this.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG


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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #140 on: October 09, 2011, 06:21:40 am »

: Just a quick note, 7a is mostly finished, game is played most of the way through 7b...I was hoping to work on it more tonight, but had a major windows failure requiring a complete reinstall, so didn't get as much done as I would have liked. Next update probably won't be tomorrow night, but odds are reasonable I may have it done the night after tomorrow.


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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #141 on: October 09, 2011, 06:49:08 am »

: Say Kyon, weren't we playing a P&P game? Just write the notes down on paper like most Game Masters do you lazy bum.


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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #142 on: October 09, 2011, 06:34:42 pm »

I am in love with me as Jack as played by LordBucket.


Man, you don't know how many times I've been in almost nearly that EXACT same situation.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #143 on: October 11, 2011, 02:55:16 am »

Episode 7a: Organizing the teams

Vote results:
Active party votes
 * Laharl: Subjugate the nomads. We need a slave army.
 * Sturm: Reclaim Tyr's cathedral with Bishop Braccio, but doesn't mind splitting up while doing it
 * Ritsuko: Mendor's library, but is willing to negotiate with the nomads
 * Lina: Mendor's library, but is also willing to deal with the nomads provided it's peaceful
 * Alex: The nomads, kill them all!
 * Jack: Split up: team a negotiates with nomads, team b kills stuff

Roster votes:
 * Max: Kovel mansion

: Hello everyone, welcome to game night. Pizza's on its way.

: Hey Kyon, could we get a complete battle roster image? We have so many players now it's getting difficult to remember what everyone looks like.

: You want a full list of everyone, including people who aren't here? Sure.

: So, what are you guys going to do next? I was half asleep when you guys did your planning.

: We're going to split up into two teams. I'll take team A. Sturm, you head up team B.

: I want in the A-Team!

: Ok. You're with me. Who else?

: Where are the teams going? I'll join whichever team is going to the library.

: My team will be reclaiming Tyr's Cathedral.

: I'm going to negotiate peace with the nomads.

: What? No, we're making a slave race out of them.

: You want to be part of the A-Team or not?

: Of course! You think I'd grace a mere "b" ranked team with my presence?

: Then deal with the fact that we're just going to have a friendly chat with the nomads. Not kill them. Not enslave them.

: Why not? You humans and your quaint sensibilities. You're so ridiculous sometimes.

: Odd. That's usually my line. But I'm firm on this. We're going to talk to them, and only fight if we absolutely must to defend ourselves.

: Fine. I can afford to be patient. Remember Sokal keep? You tried to keep me away, but, ha! It's mine now!

: Ok, that's two for Team A. Who else?

: I guess I'll go with you to the nomads too. Maybe we'll be lucky and they'll refuse to negotiate.

: Lina and I have talked about this, and if we're all going to split up anyway, she and I will form Team-C to go to the library.

: Will no one come with me to reclaim Tyr's Cathedral?

*chirp* *chirp*

: *sigh* Very well. Ladies Inverse and Akagi, I will accompany you to Mendor's library.

: *ring*

: Who's phone is that?

: Mine, apparently. Just a moment

: *ring*

: Hello, yes? Oh, Raynor. Hello.

: Oh, right. Guess we forgot about him.

: I didn't forget. I simply chose not to say anything.

: ...yes, I'll tell them. No, I understand that you were hungry. It's not a problem. I try to keep my fridge well stocked for game nights anyway. I'll relay the message.

: What's the news?

: He says he's still in that cave he was tied up in and if you go rescue him he'll join whichever team needs him.

: Ladies, forgive me, I know you want to go to the library, but we cannot abandon our companion.

: That's no problem. We could use his help. Ok, Team-B: Sturm, Lina and myself. We'll rescue Raynor, then see what useful information we can find in Mendor's Library.

: Team A: Alex, Laharl and I-

: Overlord Laharl. You should know better, Jack, you're the only one who's got it right so far.

: Sorry. Overlord Laharl, Alex and myself, we'll go deal with the nomads.

: What about Axel?

: Who?

: Axel signed up in episode 3c, but disappeared from the thread and never actually went on any adventures.

: Unless Misato counts.

: Since we're splitting into two teams we may as fill extra party slots with otherwise inactive players.

: Ok, Axel, who're you going with?

: I think I'd like to help with the nomads. Maybe they'll recognize how famous I am. That will make negotiating with them easier.

: Odd. I figured you'd want to go hang out with the rest of the girls.

: Damn it, we've been through this. I'm not a girl!

: Girl, boy, tri-gendered alien transvestite, does it really matter?

: Umm...which team are you on again?

: I'm heading up Team-A to visit the nomads. We certainly have room for a lovely thing such as yourself.

: Team B! I'm going with Team B!

*knock* *knock*

: That must be the pizza. I'm hungry, so how about Team-B, you go ahead and start, and we'll catch up with you.

Team-B: Sturm, Lina, Ritsuko, Axel

: Following Raynor's directions you find a small cave hidden in the woods.

: Wow, this sure looks unfamiliar. Yep. Never seen it at all.

: We head inside.

: As you approach the entrance you hear the beating of leathery wings above you.

: That can't be good.

: Nah, I wouldn't worry. It probably just wants my autograph.

: Seeing you, the creature rapidly descends and crashes into the ground before you.

: It's a wyvern, not a full dragon. It's fast and well armored, but no breath attacks or magic, so not nearly as dangerous. Form a line, let him come to us and strike as soon as he's within range.

: The plan works, but the wyvern has enough health to absorb all of your first strike attacks. He takes out Lina with a single claw.

: No! He should be scared of me! Why aren't any dragons here scared of me?

: Karma, probably.

: The wyvern next focuses his attacks on Sturm, hurting him, but not badly. Fortunately you both made your saving throws against poison, so nobody died. Within a few rounds you finish him off.

: I notice that consistently the people who take damage are those with the worst (highest numbered) armor. We might want see if we can get some better armor.

: I don't think anyone would object to that.

: Anyway, I'll heal up Lina.

: Thanks. Nice to have a cleric.

: I hope Raynor is alright. No doubt this cave was that beast's lair.

: Watch your head when you go. The ceiling is kind of low in there.

: Oh?

: ...or so I hear.

: Hey, guys.

: Raynor! You're alive!

: Yeah, I take it you guys met the wyvern?

: Sort of. I heard a rush of wind and the next thing I knew Ritsuko was standing over me.

: Level more.

: Yes, we've dealt with the wyvern. How is it that you survived alone in its lair? Tied up to a chair with bright pink ribbon, no less.

: It's a long story.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #144 on: October 11, 2011, 02:56:22 am »

Episode 7b: Team-A negotiates with nomads

Team-A: Jack, Axel, Laharl

Que episode 7b theme music

: In episode 7, part 2, a crack adventuring party was sent to an encampment of nomads...

: a stupid city council that wanted us to negotiate with them instead of performing the mind enslavement crimes we wanted to commit.

: These men thereby escaped the drudgery of hanging out in libraries like Team-B, as well as having to rescue Raynor from a damp, smelly cave, underground.

: Today, they are still wanted by the council to perform mind-numbingly boring tasks for a handful of gold usually far less than they get from doing the quests themselves.

: And we love it. If you have a problem, and no one else can help...

: ...and if you have more gold and gems than the council seems to...

: ...maybe you can hire...

: The A-Team.

: Are we really doing this with just the three of us?

: So long as you two meatshields stay in front of me, we'll be more than enough.

: The fewer of us there are, the less threatening we'll appear. Remember, we're here to negoiate, not fight. Still, how many nomads are there again?

: According to our advance scouts, their number is estimated to be nearly 200 men, women and children, nearly half of whom are armed and combat ready.

: On second thought, perhaps since this is just a simple negotiation, you two can handle it on your own.

: Nah, I'll just ring up Gimli to help out.

: Who?

: Previous party member from before you joined. He was the one who translated part of that scroll from Sokal Keep, remember?

: Oh, right. A dwarf you said, wasn't he?

: Yep. I'll call him now.

: *garble* ...lo? *garble* *garble*

: Hey, Gimli. You busy? The party split up and we've some room in our group. Care to join in?

: *garble* *garble* ...damned... *garble* ...bad ti- *garble *garble* *garble*

: Yeah, sorry about last time. Still, how was I supposed to know about the Balrog?

: *garble* moronic *garble* *garble* obnoxious *garble* stupidest *garble* *garble*

: Yeah. I understand.

: You *garble* *garble* *garble* fool errand *garble* *garble* ever again!!!

: Ok, I'll tell them.

: *garble* *garble* *click*

: So how'd it go?

: He says he'll meet us there.

: Great!

: You take a ferry to the outskirts of town, where you immediately notice a foul smell in the air.

: What's that gray area around the river?

: It appears that the river is emitting a foul miasma, causing all plant life on its bed to wither and die.

: Well, not our problem at the moment. We'll follow the river north towards the nomad camp.

: Do we really need to follow the river? That smell is starting to get to me.

: Aye. That river is carryin' death.

: We're almost there. Endure it just a bit more.

: Continuing north, the river opens up into a pure lake, in the midst of which is a large pyramid on a small island.

: Looks legit to me.

: Shall we investigate?

: My nose says we don't and say we didn't. Besides, we already have a mission. Let's keep going.

: After another hour trek you find the nomad encampment.

: Fairly stationary nomads, living in huts like that. They even have a moat.

: We were issued this quest a couple episodes ago. Maybe they got bored waiting for us and decided to settle in.

: Hello, lads. Good to see ya again. Wher're the others? And who's this?

: Hello, I'm Jack Harkness. My, you're a little fellow, aren't you?

: Aye, an' maybe if I chop off yer legs at the knees you won' have to stretch yer neck so much to look at me?

: Oh no, that won't be necessary. Actually, you're the perfect height to-

: So...I think we should get going. We've actually had a couple new companions join since we last saw you, Gimli. The others are rescuing Raynor now.

: For some silly reason.

: Raynor's in trouble? Lads, what'r we wastin' our time here for? Let's go help!

: Raynor's in good hands. For now, we need to convince these nomads not to invade Phlan.

: Aye, I suppose Raynor'd want us to put the lives of hundreds of townsfolk before his own.

: Yeah, I know, right? People like that don't deserve my time. Forget him, and let's do this thing.

: A crowd of scruffy looking nomads gathers as hidden sentries give word of your approach. There are about an equal number of men and women. All the nomads hold their swords at the ready, watching you warily. You can see children peering out of their tent openings, only to be pushed back inside by their mothers. They appear to be waiting for you to make the first move.

: I cast charm person.

: You don't have it. That was Ritsuko. You took magic missile.

: Damn, no mind controlled slave army then. May as well go home.

: I say hi.

: The biggest, meanest, dirtiest nomad pushes his way to the front of the crowd. Five other nonamds stand around him as if to protect him. He pauses a moment to look the four of you over.

: Welcome, friends. I am Chieftan of our clan. My name is Hassan Ahwral. I see by your battle scars and grit that you are worthy warriors. We will give a feast in your honor. Will you join us?

: Free food? Score!

: They seem friendly enough.

: I don't know, lad. As hasty as they were invitin' us to stay, I cannae help but wonder if they be plannin' on having us fer dinner rather than feedin' us.

: Hmm. Good point.

: I wonder how your regeneration would handle being eaten, Jack.

: Let's not find out.

: You are treated as honored guests for the rest of the day. There are contests of strength and skill in your honor. As night falls, the nomads build a huge campfire in the center of camp. The whole tribe gathers for the feast, after which there is dancing and wild celebrations. During the festivities, the chief, his tongue obviously loosened by drink, tells you of the many dangers in this region that plague his people.

: It's good to have peaceful adventurers visit us. We are new to these lands, but the many terrors we find here have filled our hearts with sorrow. To the southwest there lies a pyramid of great evil. The few of our scouts who returned from there were wild eyed with madness. To the southeast is a lair of many ferocious hobgoblins. The areas to the southwest are inhabited by men, if you can call them that -- buccanners, marauders, and soldiers of an evil empire far to the far west. To our east lies a vast swamp, impassable to wagons and horses, and filled with voracious man-beasts. It seems that we are beset on all sides by horror after horror.

: Yeah, terrible place. You never know when a demon or something will just show up unannounced.

: I kick Laharl under the table.

: Ouch!

: My people are proud, but I fear for their safety. On top of all that surrounds us my scouts report that a large army of kobolds may be passing through this area soon. We have only remained here as long as we have to avoid being caught traveling by this army. It is bad to be outnumbered, but it is worse to be outnumbered while on open ground without the benefit of our moat and defenses. If you would stay until they pass I would appreciate it.

: Funny you should say that. Do you know about Phlan?

: The city to the south? Yes, I know of it.

: Glad to hear it. You see, scouts from Phlan have reported the presence of your village to their leaders, just as your scouts have reported the kobolds to you. And they're just as worried about you as you are about the kobolds.

: I see. Perhaps we can come to an agreement? My people were born under a wandering star, and this is not the most welcoming land we have travelled through. Even the land itself is inhospitable. The muds have imprisoned our feet, the plains have made us dry. Nothing but danger grows here. I've never seen a land that would look better looking back over my shoulder than this one.

: What do you propose?

: Stay with us until the kobolds pass us by. Fight with us if they do not. And once the danger is gone, we will leave and never return.

: Deal.

: The chieftan appears much relieved, and summons an aide to prepare lodgings for you.

: Thank you, my friends. Let us hope that these next few days pass uneventfully.

: So he's going to feed us for the next few days until these kobolds move on? Idiot. He doesn't know how much I can eat.

: full. I'm heading to bed.

: In the early morning dawn, you are drawn out of your hut by the sound of war. A horde of kobolds is attacking the camp. A lone sentry charges but is quickly cut down. A family emerges from a nearby hut and joins you in your charge.

: Meh. Piece of cake.

: Yeah, did anyone even get hurt?

: A few scratches. Nothing serious.

: I was hoping for a battle, but I'm disappointed if that's all we get.

: Yeah, stupid nomads wasting our time.

: While you discuss the recent battle, another wave of kobolds rushes out to meet you.

: Kyon, I think you need to stop trying to one-up previous battles just by throwing more monsters at us. The battle for Sokal Keep was epic, but this isn't any more so just because there are more monsters.

: Aye, lad. That's a lot of kobolds. But they're just kobolds.

: Sure enough, you dispatch the kobolds with relative ease, collecting a few more scrapes and bruises in the process.

: Yeah! We're awesome!

: More kobolds show up.

: Yer not serious.

: Meh. Just more kobolds. We kill them.

: Once again, you dispatch the kobolds with little injury, but the cumulative effects of each battle grows.

: I don't feel so good.

: I feel like even my scratches have bruises.

: No worries, we're still standing.

: Yet more kobolds show up.

: Do you ever get the impression the DM is annoyed with us, or something?

: As you prepare to engage, Cheiftan Hassan and his two remaining private guards arrive. Hassan gives you a hearty slap on the back.

: Ouch!

: Well done! This is their final battalion. What say we finish this together!

: more kobolds. Whatever we did to deserve this, we apologize. Just please, no more kobolds.

: With this last group dead, what few stragglers remain flee into the woods. Battered by the inumerable waves, you are all barely standing.

: Ahhh, the heroes yet live! Sadly, I can't say the same for many of my warriors. But still, had the four of you not been here, we might have all perished. Thank you for your help, my friends.

: And the city of Phlan thanks you for honoring our agreement.

: Yes, we will bury our dead and move on. There is nothing here for us but the memories of our fallen. But no more talk of sadness. Allow me to reward your courage. With so many dead, we will be unable to carry much of the treasure of our people. I would rather you have it than abandon it to the evils of this land

: 5000 gold? Hahahah! It was worth the trip!

: Don't be so excited, lad. That'll be barely enough to pay our training costs. We'll all level from this.

: And while that two handed sword has a good enchantment on it, two hands means no shield. So it's a tradeoff.

: Sure, but remember the council sent us on this fool's errand. We have even more treasure waiting for us as soon as we get back. Get going, minions! Take me to my treasure!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #145 on: October 11, 2011, 04:29:31 am »

This 'wyvern' warrants further study. Axel, I will require samples of its barb, wings, teeth, and bones...
« Last Edit: October 11, 2011, 04:32:11 am by RAM »
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #146 on: October 11, 2011, 07:45:13 am »

: I feel fantastic. Haven't felt like this since my stay at New York. Let me fight some more!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #147 on: October 17, 2011, 04:47:45 am »

Episode 7c: Team-B advances the plot at Mendor's library

Team-B: Sturm, Raynor, Lina, Ritsuko, Axel

Episode 7c theme music

: On your third attempt you succeed in bashing down the door to the library.

: Told you you should have taken 'Knock.'

: Hey! You can cast spells too, you know.

: Not that one.

: So we'll know better for next time. Let's go inside.

: You see an empty room. The only feature is a series of frescoes on the walls of learned men and the heavenly patrons on art and learning. You get a feeling of peace.

: Damn it. I draw my weapon and back up slowly against a well. Do I see anything?

: empty room with frescoes?

: What's a fresco?

: It's a kind of mural painted directly onto wall plaster.

: Why should paintings cause alarm, lady Akagi?

: Kyon doesn't just go saying things like "you feel at peace" unless something is about to leap out and try to eat us.

: Probably nothing in here but spiders and books. I'm all for caution. But don't be surprised if we don't find anything. What's the layout of this place look like?

: You came in via the north entrance, and from what you can see the place is filled with bookshelves divided roughly into four categories: Rhetoric, Philosophy, History and Mathematics. There's also a single hallway leading to the southern half of the building.

: Where should we start?

: History seems the obvious choice. That's what we most want to know.

: There are many hundreds of books. What are you looking for?

: I'd like a map, first thing.

: Straight away you find a Lex Geographica, an atlas drawn by Tomarus. It has a map of Phlan which, though old, still could be useful.

: In the same atlas you also find maps of the surrounding lands.

: Awesome. We're definitely taking that. What else do we want?

: Anything on our friendly neighborhood dragon? Tyranthraxus?

: You find a reference to a general by that name within a tome entitled 'The Grand Historian's Records of the Arts of War.'

: Our dragon was a human general?

: Could be a coincidence of name.

: Tyranthraxus doesn't sound like a common name to me.

: It says after being defeated, his soul was captured in a vial of water that 'shone like the light of day.' Could that be the Pool of Radiance?

: I notice that the book refers to him as an it, not he or she.

: Does it? It could be referring to the flame that burned up his body as the 'it.' It's not totally clear.

: Hey, Sturm. you know about dragons. Is our buddy Tyranthraxus male, female, or an 'it?'

: ...I...don't know that much about dragons.

: Tyranthraxis might be the pool itself in incarnate form.

: No, it says the vial glowed, and that could be interpreted as 'radiant,' but a vial obviously isn't a pool. Afterwards it was put into Lake Longreach. Maybe the lake became the Pool after being infused with Tyranthraxus' soul? But that doesn't explain how he came to be a dragon. Or if the dragon we know is even the same Tyranthraxus being talked about. Maybe it's a family name, not a first name?

: Somehow I don't think we're gettin' all our answers just yet. Any books about the Pool itself?

: You do find a vague mention of a 'glowing spring' in an account of the northern lands that could possibly be referring to the Pool.

: Not very clear.

: But it does say the Pool is in the north somewhere. That at least tells us it's not inside the city.

: But the landmarks listed appear to be rough translations from a foreign tongue. "The north" of where? Here? Or north of somewhere a hundred miles away from here?

: Maybe we'll find more information in another wing. Let's try philosophy next.

: You find works on natural philosophy, theories of art and the supernatural sciences. It's very boring. You do, however, find a passing mention to Tyranthraxus in a small black book written in a strange, halting hand:

: "The Flamed One?" Metaphorically flaming, as in 'glowing radiantly' like the Pool, or literally flaming like a demon?

: No obvious commonality in the naming scheme. Weapons, locations, occupations..."Flamed One" could mean anything. But that other book said that Tyranthraxus was burned up by the flame that surrounded him. The title might have been awarded posthumously.

: Who's Lord Bane?

: Whoever he is, he has his own temple. Look at our map of the city. There's a temple of Bane right next to the wealthy district.

: Isn't that the temple to Tyr that Bishop Braccio wanted us to help reclaim?

: I don't know for sure. We never spoke with him. But it might be.

: Alright then, let's keep lookin' Anything in here about the Pool of Radiance?

: Actually, yes. You find a lengthy dissertation about the Pool in a work called 'Fyerdetha's Discourses on Power.

: So the Pool of Radiance is not tied to one fixed location. So much for looking "in the north."

: And bathing in the Pool will either grant great power, or dissolve you into LCL.

: What?

: If your will is strong enough, you gain power from it. If not, it consumes you and adds your power to its own.

: So did the soul of the human general Tyranthraxus bathe in the Pool and gain a dragon form from it? Or was he not strong enough and merge with the Pool?

: Or somethin' else completely. I don't think we're gettin' the whole story just yet. Let's move on to math next.

: You find essays on geometry, metamagical math, universal geometry, etc. but nothing useful.

: That just leaves the section on rhetoric.

: These are the library stacks. Old and moldering books are stored on shelves. A sign over the entrance reads "Rhetoric." Inside, you see a dull brown reptilian monster. It doesn't seem to have noticed you.

: Right, because a big scary monster is the last thing we'd notice after moldy old books and signs.

: Basilisk! Don't look into its eyes or you'll be turned to stone!

: With the advantage of initiative, you defeat the basilisk with little difficulty. Within the room you find some potions and a cloak of disaplacement-

: Ooh! Mine!

: ...but the books in this room have all been destroyed beyond legibility, either by dampness or by the basilisk itself.

: Guess it's time to check out that hallway.

: Proceeding to the southern half of the library, you stumble onto a small party of kobolds, who respond by desperately scrambling for cover. Finding none, they hastily drop to the ground in submission.

: If spare our life we tell you all about here!

: I suppose monsters aren't chosen for their conversational skills.

: Or their valor, apparently. Still, he's kind of cute the way his ears are all quivering. I say we let him live. :)

: Indeed. We are not murderers. I give you my word, we will not harm you.

: And if you ask nciely, I'll even give you my autograph.

: ....oh, is nice humans! Dere are three scary bads here. One is dat way, one is dat way, and one is dat way over dere. Dat all we know.

: South, northwest and north? Basilisk was in the northwest corner. And we already came through the north entance and didn't see anything. Guess that just leaves one to the south.

: Out of curiosity, if there are all these "bads" here, why were you and your friends staying here?

: Is job to stay here. We fixed encounter. Pay bad, but benefits is ok. Have many baby kobolds at home.

: Are you saying that somebody actually pays you to sit around in dangerous places and talk to adventurers who show up?

: Yep. But encounter time is over so have to go now. Goodbye nice humans.

: I totally don't understand the economy of that.

: Employers probably figure they don't have to pay the ones that get killed.

: That still doesn't make it make any sense.

: Anyway, let's get movin'. If we're gonna clear this place we better take out these "bads" the kobold was talkin' about.

: Continuing south, you find a fighter with battered armor and wild eyes cowering in the corner.

: I hope this man is not a 'bad' you expect us to defeat.

: Yai! Mercy! Die! Die you slime form the pit!

: Whoa, now. Calm down there, fella.

: the man screams while frothing at the mouth "He is wrapped in fire and so cruel!"

: "Wrapped in fire?" The Flamed One? Tyranthraxus?

: "The big one, the evil one in the castle of flowers -- he is coming! It is coming!"

: Unless we suddenly find a castle made of flowers, I propose we don't take anything this guy says too seriously.

: The man is clearly quite mad. Do you take pity and invite him to go with you?

: That doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

: Perhaps, but surely we can't leave him here. The least we can do is escort him safely back to town.

: How's that sound, little buddy? You wanna come with us?

: But his minions are there! He will come too!

: You're worried someone's going to show up in town uninvited?

: Dont go there! Don't go on the hill!

: I'm not fluent in crazy, but I don't think he wants to come with us.

: Watching you warily, he inches away. When he is out of sword's reach he scrambles to his feet and darts out of the room.

: So much for that. Anything worth keeping in here?

: Buried amidst some trash and debris you find a book, and some sheets of gold.

: Sheets of gold? What are those for?

: I have no idea. They sell for zero gold, and I've played this game through several times and I've never found any use for them.

: Well, so far the kobold's help hasn't been very helpful. One bad that we've already defeated, one, and this last bad was just a crazy guy guarding a book.

: In a library, no less.

: Either way, we have what we came for. Let's head back the way we came and get out of here.

: As you attempt to leave through the north entrance, a spectre suddenly appears before you.

: Thief! I defended these books in life and I will defend them in death!"

: Lux?

: I guess not. Any advice for this fight, Lina?

: It's an undead. Don't let him touch you.

: Isn't avoiding blows the usual way of battle?

: Yes, but in this case if he touches you-

: Damn, that hurt.

: We must defeat him quickly.

: Don't look at me. I've been hanging out since episode 3. You guys are the combat veterans here.

: Damn it! Kill that thing!

: It's already dead. Sort of. It's undead.

: You know what I mean!

: After a few tense rounds of combat, the spectre has finally been defeated.

: And I'm back to level 2 now.

: Hey, you still have more xp than I do.

: Yeah, but you didn't just lose 10,000 to get there. Let's just hope the xp reward for turning in these damned books to the council makes up for some of that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #148 on: October 17, 2011, 06:47:34 am »

Episode 7d: The two teams regroup

: We were much relieved at the news you bring from the nomad camp. The restoration of the library has also been noted. However, I must bring to your attention the following concerning Valhingen graveyard: The undead are crossing the river in hordes and killing or carrying off our settlers. The council demands that these attacks be stopped. A generous reward is offered. On the matter of commission, I can offer the following: A large group of thieves operates out of Kovel mansion. The council will pay to have them cleared out. A large tribe of kobolds is being recruited by the enemy. Make sure they don't join the enemy forces. Finally, find the source of the river's pollution and end it.

: I think we already killed the kobolds. A horde of them attacked the nomad camp and we slaughtered them all.

: Oh, so you're the idiots who made them mad?

: On the bright side, we did discover the source of the river's pollution. There's a pyramid in Lake Kuto that's spilling some sort of goo into the river. North of the pyramid the river's clean.

: Hmm. According to my sources that pyramid is the home of Yarash the sorcerer, and was built by his own private army. If he's been converted against us, that's not good.

: Do we get monies for telling you? After all, you did just commission us to find the source ofthe pollution.

: No, I commissioned you to find the source of the polllution, and end it. If you can deal with Yarash, or whomever or whatever might have killed him and his army and taken over, let me know.

: How much xp did we get from turning in the quests?

: A few thousand. More to Jack's group than yours since theirs was a much higher level quest.

: Did anyone level?

: Only team A?

: Team B went on a level 1 quest. You didn't get a lot of xp for it. Though Raynor's close to recovering level 3, and Axel's close to leveling as a fighter.

: So with me losing 10k to that spectre, we lost more net party experience than we gained.

: Without doing careful looks that way. About 2500xp net loss for team B.

: Damn, let's not do that again.

: Don't feel bad, Jim. Your function is to serve as my meatshield. You did well.

: I need a drink. So does anyone have any bright ideas on how we can move this trainwreck forward rather than backwards?

: Well, I suppose I do.

: I'm listenin'.

: I could travel back in time and give us a boost. You know, pick a rough spot and help us through.

: Wait, didn't we already do that?

: Have we?

: Yes, you materialized in the old rope district and helped us beat some trolls.

: Don't you remember?

: No, I haven't done it yet. What level was I when this happened?

: Level 4.

: And I'm level 4 now. Looks like it's time.

: Damn it, this was supposed to help us. Losing one of our best fighters in the here and now isn't going to do that.

: What about Max? If you leave, what happens to him?

: Who?

: Max! The white rabbit?

: Never heard of him. Acquaintence of ours?

: Yes, he travelled with you after you helped us with the trolls. The two of you were going to the past to pick up a map of Phlan to bring back to us, but we haven't seen either of them since. Except for you appearing at Sokal keep.

: Hmm. Well, these things generally work themselves out. Could be that "Future Jack" is just waiting for me to leave so he can return with Max. It's possible to overlap, but it's something we generally prefer to avoid to keep things simple. Paradoxes aren't the end of the world, but they do need to be addressed. Kind of like letting an elephant charge through your bedroom. Sure, you can rebuild the walls, but it's easier if the elephants stay at the zoo. Though that does mean missing out on having an elephant alone in your bedroom, which is all kinds of awesome.

: When will you be leaving?

: May as well leave now.

: It's been an honor to fight with you.

: Yep, sorry to see you go, man.

: I'm not.

: Wait, if he's gone, that less meatshield! Come back!

: I don't think he can hear you, Snookums.

: Damn it! My name is not snookums! It's Overlord Snookums! No, wait...that's not it either!

: Heh. Overlord Snookums it is.

: Arrghhh!!!

Voting time What to do next?
 * Seek out the lair of the kobolds and find a way to neutralize them
 * Investigate Valhingen graveyard
 * Assist Bishop Braccio in reclaiming Tyr's Cathedral
 * Clear the thieves from Koval mansion
 * Investigate the pyramid on Kuto's lake and attempt to stop the river's pollution


  • Bay Watcher
  • Weak vs. Water
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #149 on: October 17, 2011, 09:51:19 am »

I know it's likely to be stupidly expensive, but the temple offers Restoration spells to restore levels lost to the undead power drain. I don't think the spell will work if you regain the level by mundane means though. (Raynor lost 2 levels to the specter's touch. If he trains to regain one level, Restoration won't work on him and 2 levels of xp are lost for good.) At least, that's the way I remember it.

Now that I think about it... perhaps we could negotiate some sort of temple discount from Bishop Broccoli- er, Braccio, in exchange for clearing Tyr's Cathedral. You can bet that we'll need plenty of Restorations when we go to the graveyard.  Maybe we could even get a couple of freebies for Raynor as a gesture of good faith. :D
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