An excerpt from the log of Sarvesh Wallpick, Chief Medical Dwarf1st Galena, Late Summer 315The tantrum spiral is finally over. At its worst, dwarves ran amok through the streets of Drunkensteels in the cold heart of winter, destroying and looting. The snows were red with dwarven blood. At our lowest point, the fortress population consisted of 14 hale dwarves in varying states of misery, 6 children, and 4 madmen. With the spring has come migrants, however, and we rebuild.
Sarvesh Trumpethearts The Guilded Monk of Color rose to the position of Militia Commander during the Blood Snow by virtue of being alive and trained with a weapon. He maintained a small modicum of order by force, brutally executing those who's sanity slipped, and he was instrumental in keeping three of the survivors fed, watered, and clean when I was incapacitated with a mangled foot and hand. He has no love of governance, however, and refused nomination for the office of mayor. That position is currently filled by Olin Stakeransack, Blacksmith and former lover of the Countess. It was Olin who ordered me to resume work on the Child Care Project, though I'd rather help rebuild our city.
Spartan One has survived the chaos, somehow. She has destroyed much of her Chamber in fits of rage, and the scars on several animals bear testament to her wrath. Her Chamber is soaked in blood and vomit, none of it hers. She managed to wrench the door off of its hinges at some point, and Drunkensteels was spared her rampage solely due to the Orthoclase plug. She destroyed the Nest Box, and so this Chamber will have to be abandoned.
In some small way, the conditioning has worked. She is now weak instead of very weak, and she has become a Novice Fighter and Skilled Archer/Thrower, as well as a dabbler in the other martial arts. She is getting used to tragedy, though that is likely the result of civilian deaths outside the Chamber.
[spoiler=Summary- One Year Later]