What makes you think that the RVS is so useful? Have you ever gotten, or seen someone get, any information from any of these ridiculous questions? And if so, has that information actually served to find the scum in any useful capacity?
Says the guy who immediately afterwards declares somebody scum. So much for not getting information out of RVS I guess. ~Hence the self accusation of Hypocrisy. Heh heh heh. Lets see how Orangebottle himself reacts, eh?
Okay then mister wiseguy, how else would you start conversation if not with random questions?
Well, I personally like acting stupid and irrational and then seeing how people react to it. Admittedly, if everyone did it, this strategy would lose its merit. Then it would be called the RANDOM ACTING STAGE or some such, and the scum would still have no problems fitting in with the rest. Conversely, if used more sparingly, by players who know what they are doing, random questions can also be used as conversation starters. Also viable is roleplay, and non-random questions (serious inquiries into the nature of the game)- these cannot be used during a full-blow RVS, obviously, as they would be confused for random.
In other words, the main issue I have with RVS is not actually its length, or the fact that its not like in my days, when we trudged uphill through the snow for
our scumtells, but that it is so stagnant. Everyone uses it. (Almost) everyone knows exactly how to react. Thus the pay-off is far less than could be gained from a mix of strategies, and why day 1 often lasts so long before folks can choose someone to lynch.
Now get off my goddamned lawn.
How's this for hypocrisy, Orangebottle?
Could you explain your reasons for this vote, Nuke?
I most certainly can.
Orangebottle did not react in the perscribed manner to your questions. At first, he seemed merely annoyed at their pointlessness, but as one goes on one quickly realizes that he is more concerned with appearing like scum; constantly analysing the actions of both of you to prove his innoccence.
They're random questions! There is nothing deep about them! No one is going to lynch you for answering them wrong! Why on earth does he feel under so much pressure after one random question and one follow up question?
The logical answer is because he has a reason to be afraid; that he is scum.
You will notice the inherent hypocrisy in having RVS-information as a basis for a vote immediately following a statement that the RVS cannot provide useful information. This was done on purpose, to further aggrevate Orangebottle in an attempt to get more information. It falls under the heading of 'acting stupid and irrational', for the purposes of starting the day up.
1)Okay, fine.
2)Why? Because you don't want the town to have anything to go on?
3)Okay. Were I in that situation, I'd pick the Scroll of
Answer The Fucking Question, Scumbucket.[/quote]
1)What? No it isn't. You go on to say that I am scum for not wishing to participate in this. Make up your mind, guy!
2)See? Right here. Now, as it happens, I have- voluntarily- given out more 'things to go on' on myself than anyone else has through means of random questions. So, shut up.
3)Fortunately, I have an Amulet of Nuts To That, which blocks your question on account of those questions are supposed to get people to talk, and possibly give you reasons to attack them. I am talking, and you evidently think you've found reasons to attack me, so I see no reason to answer your question.
RVS makes starting the game that much easier. Without something to go on, the game would be a bunch of No Lynches and the scum would win every time. That, or people would just randomly vote eachother. No content would be provided, just "I VOTE THAT GUY" "HEY, WHY YOU VOTE THAT GUY?! I VOTE THE FIRST GUY!" etc.
Well no, see above. This is indeed the logic which has allowed the RVS to perpetuate itself, but the logic is flawed. In that there is empirical evidence that this is not the case, in the form of (all-but)-RVS-less games, which still manage to have a day 1 full of serious discussion.
The first RVS questions lead to more questions. RVS is why Max White has a case. Granted, it's a case on a townie, but the only reason he has it is because of my answer to one of his RVS questions. RVS alone won't usually lead to a scum lynch unless the person asking the questions is lucky, but if one finds the answers scummy and continues asking questions, they'll be able to build a better case.
See above again; the RVS is so stagnated that scum and town alike know how to respond to the questions (I guess you are new at playing scum) in order to get the questioner to move on (also, Max White is a stubborn SOB). This means that whilst -in theory- the RVS leads into discussion, in practice, it tends to drag on without any actual suspicions emerging from the chaos. We were lucky, this game.
Furthermore, Max White is correct. You are acting overly defensive. Its the RVS. Why do you feel so pressured? Oh, wait, I know.
Because you actually are scum.
How's this for hypocrisy, Orangebottle?
I'd like a super-sized Bandwagon, please. Oh wait, you've already provided that.
I seem defensive because after asking a few questions and answering a few, I had to answer that long
chain of questions from Max White.
I like to call this 'buzzwording'; finding something that looks like one of those fancy mafia terms, using said fancy mafia term, and not explaining why. Buzzwords can't scumhunt! You have to do it! The buzzwords are merely shorthand, not accusations in and of themselves!
Yes, yes you do. See above. You were/are acting crazy pressured. At this point, it could be justified, given the three votes on you. When Max started questioning you, it wasn't. At all.
Unvote. Nuke. What the fuck. You attack me for asking you a couple of questions, you refuse to answer aforementioned questions, and then you just pick up Max's case and say "Go hang." You've also contributed very little, and are yelling at the town for using RVS, as if you don't want the town to know anything.
Nuke: I'll just summarize my questions here:
1) Why don't you want us scumhunting?
2) You refused to answer my previous question. I want it answered.
3) What's with the HOLY SHIT RAGE CAPS? You're getting pretty angry about an important part of the game actually happening.
4) Are you seriously bandwagoning me because I asked you a couple of questions?
0)I did not attack you for asking me questions. Had you not, I would still have voted for you given your strange behaviour earlier.
0a)I have so contributed. To reiterate; in the previous stage of the game, promoting discussion is contributing. I promoted discussion=I contributed.
1)When did I say that.
2)Right. If you really, really want me to answer your question, tell me this first: WHY. At this point, what could you possibly gain from a silly random question about my preference of item?
4)Nope. I am voting for you third because I believe you are scum for the reason above. To reiterate: overly defensive, feels pressured at early stage.
Well if I protest Íll probably look more suspicious.
Then again I should probably unvote and vote Darvi for President or something.Maybe he should be President? Arghhh!! I can't decide. Maybe tomorrow i can actually think?
Haha, nope. If you protest, you are defending yourself. Basically, for a new player like you, the best thing to do is if you're town, act like you want to act- don't try to think up what we want to hear. If you make any of the common noob mistakes, we can point these out to you.
And if you're scum, try to forget you are scum, then act based on the idea that you are town.
Now, you may have a harder time scumhunting, what with not knowing about common scumtells, but you can still look for suspicious people. Suspicious =! people with lots of votes on them- although that can be an indicator that you should look into them. If you think they have done something strange, give them a vote and call them out on it. It's the only way to learn!
Orangebottle is still scum.