Max: Why are you trying to insinuate that I am any good?
somebody needs to be nice you, or you will have no friends at all.

But seriously, what is with you guys? I thought you were all pretty good, and you won the first RL mafia, if I recall, didn't you Darvi?
Max White: I don't buy your "all aaccordign to plan" motive. If that was your real reason to do what you did you were very inconsistent about it.Why you needed to clarify you were looking for scum lynch few times? I thought it should be obvious goal for town players.And unless your plan preemtively assumed that you knew what orangebottle reaction will be it would be pretty easy to accuse him in convenient moment or go after after someone else without need to back off and make excuses.And how the hell making him accuse himself was part of "bait plan" ? If it was meant only to look for people who would egearly join in, why would you use one way of accusation that's basically lazy scum calling card ?How would you know that your attack is enough to bait someone into following if you were not voting ? I would like some serious follow up of that rather than another mild nitpicking.
Inconsistent? Where? Do you mean the bit where I was attacking Orange then not? That was to make somebody think I was willing to go to lynch with Orange. I don't see what you mean with this.
I needed to clarify I was looking to lynch scum as a response to Orange. If you want to put pressure on somebody, you can't let him casually bring up counter points and have them go unnoticed, you need to be all over their game. Although more importantly, it was a pretty cool quote, I wish I had sun glasses to put on at the time.
I didn't know how Orange was going to react, but if things went south it meant I would have found scum, so win for me! And if he held he's ground significantly better, to the state where he wouldn't have gotten a bandwagon, then I move onto something else.
Making him accuse himself wasn't part of the plan, it just happened. Showing a lot of pressure and seeing what happens was the plan. I
wish I was that good that I could consistently make people accuse themselves!
I didn't know if my attack would be enough to get somebody on the bandwagon, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try.
Also, mild nitpicking? What are you talking about?
4)Can you, actually, read? I'm starting to think you can't. I haven't thought Orangebottle was scum for a while. Not ever since I started attacking him. Basically since I started asking people who they thought was right, I was planning to unvote Orangebottle after they had answered. Had I done so earlier, people's reactions would not have been the same; they would have known the answer I 'wanted' to hear was "neither of you".
Why are is it important what other people think is right,
Nuke? Isn't it your job to convince people that your right, rather than just follow popular opinion?
What would you have done if the majority of people had strongly agreed with you?
What about if people had strongly disagreed with you?
I also dislike how you are trying to split the town with your 'Nuke vs. Orange' debate. No, there is no Nuke vs Orange, there is Orange and everything he does, you and everything you do, and everybody else and everything they do. You could both be wrong, hell you could both be right! The only way you can be sure that such a divide exists is if you were scum.
You have also been some what inconsistent with your view.
The reason I maintain my vote on Orangebottle now is because whilst it is possible that his actions stemmed from inexperience, the possibility remains that they stemmed from him being scum instead.
Unvote. I don't think Orangebottle is scum anymore, haven't for a while, but wanted to see how others reacted to the debate first.
Haven't for a while?
Yes, you are allowed to change your mind, but the backtracking here shows that you were either lying then, or now. With only your word to go off, I'm going to assume your lying now.