Update 3
Coolnesstod sits with his hands curled into Fists, well his right one at that.
15th galena: Military is getting bored training, they want an actual fight. Also, a human caravan came and we bought all their metal bars and some cloth,leather, booze and the such.
20th galena: UristMcsmith still wants those large gems made. We dont have any so quit asking for them.
Floors finished and we are currently putting the magma forges/furnaces up. Gonna work on getting sand.
25th galena: Only entertainment we've had all month is a fight with those damn monkeys and that wasnt much of a fight. This may be good fortune, but its mind boggling why these goblins wont attack us.
1st limestone: currently making silver weapons for the military and smelting more native silver ore. Military is currently at 7 dwarfs, probably gonna make a civilian backup squad.
10th Limestone: Not much going on besides another booze shortage, glad we caught that. Also, we are mining out jail cells, hopefully no legendary people are put to the sword/hammer.
25th limestone: Jail is dug out, just need to create enough chains for it. Military is pretty happy at this time, new recruits are at competent/adequate.
(Added Roboboy and assigned Nix a squad mate)
Current stores: Food(total):1220 Drink:114 dwarfs:84,named:6
Golden Volcano of Death rises from his chair and walks to the barracks.
OOC: I've gotten down how to take the pictures, but putting them into MSpaint is really bugging me, mind lending a hand? Sorry urist, you were elected and i already made your room, also, someone took the broker spot from you, and i sure as hell didnt change you. Also NRDL, by fun i meant the dont kill my dwarfs but give them some bruises and cuts kinda fun.