I just dropped by to see how this is going, since SDL2 came out.
It did, but there isn't much sense in reacting to that until SDL2 gets into major distributives. And that may take some SDL2 point releases to happen.
TODO list: Wow, looks complicated.
> show fps+averaged times on an overlay. maybe do a graph ala eve online
Well, it would be somewhat useful to have a "DwarfMark" - a Dwarf Fortress save that has 200+ Dwarves, lots of items and some liquid flows, then unpause it on different computers, look at average uncapped FPS over a minute and have a benchmark for which one seems to be the fastest.
200 dwarves, say 50K items ... it'll just drown any signal from the renderer change in the noise. At those numbers the renderer just doesn't matter. Any fort above 100 dwarves is going to suffer, period. Maybe if Toady implements emigration out of the fort, that would help keeping the population down to something sensible. Barring that, we're stuck - mastery of the dwarf management is just another way to lose, and not particularly fun at that.
As I said somewhere above, slow rendering can't really kill the FPS, it just makes the inevitable quicker. Thus the focus on cross-platformness and modding/distributed development here lately.
Besides, I did a test on how fast one can kill FPS. Draining an aquifer into a cavern does that quite reliably, no need for hundreds of dwarves, just a suitable map. Watch the water cover 2-3 embark places of cavern and the game wents below 1 fps, then just crashes.
Bad thing is, optimizing liquid model would require quite a change in the map internal representation, and this is just not going to happen.
BTW, this thread should be moved to Modding/Tilesets and Graphics. It may get more visibility that way.
It might, but that isn't up to me.
For some reason my attempt to carve a mountain hall barely worthy of its name - out of a cavern section - measly 55x110x5 tiles - is also being met with random crashes. Although this might be due to bugs in the dwarf therapist.