I remember typing that everything was going well. The game somehow found out. So naturally the place is going to hell in a handbasket.
Also, roughly how many hostiles are on the map right now?
One Skeletal Blind Cave Ogre, at the bottom of the magma sea.
Sixteen skeletal crundles, apparently coming in through the second cavern layer.
One skeletal polar bear.
Seven skeletal reindeer.
One skeletal giant olm.
One skeletal giant toad.
Thirty-three dwarves.
Like a perfectly pleasant little tundra fortress still busy getting its stuff together, that somebody painted a lovely shade of murder.
I downloaded the save for a quick look, and it gave me one of those moments where I suddenly realize everything that's wrong with the world.
There seems to be a burning ogre sitting happily in the middle of the magma sea. I'm not sure what to make of that.

Like I said...
I think the exchange went as:
DF: Hey, man, your dwarves died, game's over!
Hellcannon: NOPE.
*Punchs DF in the face*
What kind of an abomination have we created, gentlemen?
We have an obsidian penis in front of the fortress. No matter how The Master made it, it is still an obsidian penis. We're keeping it.

Alright, I'm in. Where do I toss my sanity?
Stack it atop the others on the table jenga-style. Pretty sure if it falls over, a wave of sanity and competency will wash through the fort and make all right with the world. I want to see how long we can keep that from happening.
ThatAussieDwarf, Mego, The Master, Deathsword, gamewizardinnc, Urist Imiknorris, and Sinpwn gathered together in the Queen's chamber. They had all been summoned there by Her Majesty, Led Shakecannons, and were anxious to know what she wished of them. Given the fact that seven were summoned, they could guess what she had in mind.
"All seven of you are very capable dwarves. You stand up to any challenge and never back down. This is why the Mountainhomes need you. As you may have heard, dwarves who go off to a certain area of the continent never return. We have lost contact with all of our settlements. When we send caravans and migrants, they do not return."
The seven dwarves exchanged nervous glances with each other.
"You seven have been chosen to investigate what is going on. You are to build a fortress near the site of the disappearances and carefully observe the happenings. Report to us frequently."
Deathsword cried out, "But, that will surely result in our deaths!"
Led turned to Deathsword. "It is a necessary sacrifice. We must know what has happened to our settlements. That region holds some of the most valuable resources in all of Aluorna. Will you accept this challenge?"
Knowing that the question only had one answer, the dwarves hesitantly agreed to investigate the mystery.
Journal of Mego, Chaos Crafter1st Granite, 202It seems we took a wrong turn.
Embark SiteThe others blamed me, and have decided that, despite my being expedition leader, we need a different overseer. Deathsword was unanimously picked to be the first overseer of our fortress. His first act as overseer was to declare the name to be Hellcannon. Whatever, man. I'll just lie low until it's the right time to take control.
Starting SevenStrike the earth!
LAST SAVEA note to those unfamiliar with the storyline: This is a continuation of
Battlefailed and
Failcannon, but not a direct sequel. This fortress was created in a regenned world, due to no new fortresses being able to be made in the original gen. I've purposely left out the connection in the introduction. The community can decide on how it will be related. I have ideas, but it's up to everybody on how we do this.
Also, mods in this fort include:
1. Oar->cannon swap
2. Swapping nickel silver for bone blocks (didn't work)
3. Adding a reaction for blood bricks to be produced from blood spatters and such (
has not been thoroughly tested yet doesn't work)
Note: Mego is incompetent when it comes to mods. Let someone else handle the mods next time.
And now, the image that sums up all of Hellcannon:

Also check out Deathsword's !!FUCKING AMAZING!! compilation of the trilogy series.Also in PDF format.BEHOLD, HORRORFAILED, THE BATTLE-CANNON OF HELL!