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Author Topic: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3) (0.31.25) (DEAD)  (Read 848703 times)


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #390 on: November 23, 2011, 01:46:44 pm »

Felsite 21st 205. The Master is dead, long live The Master. Actually no, he's really, definitely dead. The melancholy sod has died of thirst. About time too, he was starting to look like dwarf jerky. Unfortunately, this also means I won't be able to lock anyone in a room with the melancholy bastard anymore - I guess I'll just have to use the lava shaft for all the punishments then.

Felsite 22nd 205. Mayor Karakzon has mandated the production of 3 platinum items. We don't have any way to make platinum. Rather more importantly, since when do we have a mayor?! Which one of you miserable little underlings forgot to inform me of this? I swear I will start hurling random tossers into the magma pipe until one of you fesses up. I strongly suspect Lord Reudh, or maybe it was The Master after all, and it wasn't the thirst that killed him so much as the fear of what I would do to him when he told me. Eeexcellent. Also, one of the elven merchants got his scrawny ears murdered by the local muskskoxen. Its camel is making a run for it, drawing the muskskoxen away, while the merchant apparently pulled its carrying harness off while dying. There's a dead elf surrounded by random crap out in the snow - I'll have to wait for the muskskoxen to disappear entirely before I send out my brave, brave soldiers to protect the random idiots carrying it inside.

Felsite 28th 205. My minions are diligently working on securing the valuables (and other miscellaneous items), while the camel is still being chased by the muskskoxen. It strays close enough to my minions for the muskskoxen to spook them from time to time though, so I'm having my brave soldiers relocate to screen the haulers as needed. Wait - I just heard they've strayed too close, and the militia is moving to engage the muskskoxen. This could go very well or very badly.....

OOC - Pics to follow.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 02:05:51 pm by Strategia »


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #391 on: November 23, 2011, 02:07:14 pm »

Journal of Gizogin, Rawmancer

I'm in a spot of trouble right now.  I was supposed to tell Strategia that we had held mayoral elections, but between my many trips to the Firmament and the worrying over my lost recipe, it completely slipped my mind.  I think it would be better to come clean, but I'm worried about what my punishment will be.  Strategia will find out anyway, though, and if it didn't come from me, it'll be that much worse...

In other news, some more of my earlier journal entries have been disappearing, even after I had drawn more energy from the Rift to preserve them.  I've already lost the one where I battled the massive ecto-crab, the two with the new spell research I'd been conducting, and the rather embarrassing revelation about my parents.
Quote from: franti
"Let's expose our military to zombie-dust so they can't feel pain. They don't NEED skin."
Quote from: Ipwnurmom221
One FB post. Many dick jokes. Pokemon. !!VOLCANO!!. Dwarven mood thingee. Derailment itself. Girlinhat's hat. Cuba. Karl Marx. This is why i love Bay12 forums.
The rest of my sig.
Fear the fluffballs


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #392 on: November 23, 2011, 02:28:21 pm »

I'm going to be honest here, it's pretty bad a massacre. All the militadorfs are named, and we're losing them left and right now. The muskskoxen were a pushover, but then some skelks appeared, turns out they're quite a bit more vicious than the muskskoxen.....

On the upside, this means that the lack of a sustainable food supply is less of a problem.

I remember typing that everything was going well. The game somehow found out. So naturally the place is going to hell in a handbasket.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 02:54:05 pm by Strategia »


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #393 on: November 23, 2011, 03:06:37 pm »

I'm going to be honest here, it's pretty bad a massacre. All the militadorfs are named, and we're losing them left and right now. The muskskoxen were a pushover, but then some skelks appeared, turns out they're quite a bit more vicious than the muskskoxen.....

On the upside, this means that the lack of a sustainable food supply is less of a problem.

I remember typing that everything was going well. The game somehow found out. So naturally the place is going to hell in a handbasket.

How am I doing? Did I kill anything?
If it were Failcannon, a siege butchering the population would constitute an event of minor interest that would barely be mentioned in comparison to the overseer's latest obsessive construction.


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #394 on: November 23, 2011, 03:18:57 pm »

Strategia, was Dariush dorfed?


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #395 on: November 23, 2011, 03:27:30 pm »

I'm going to be honest here, it's pretty bad a massacre. All the militadorfs are named, and we're losing them left and right now. The muskskoxen were a pushover, but then some skelks appeared, turns out they're quite a bit more vicious than the muskskoxen.....

On the upside, this means that the lack of a sustainable food supply is less of a problem.

I remember typing that everything was going well. The game somehow found out. So naturally the place is going to hell in a handbasket.

How am I doing? Did I kill anything?

You're fine, boozing it up while the militia is needed elsewhere. No kills.

Strategia, was Dariush dorfed?

He was already a legendary miner when I picked up the save.


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #396 on: November 23, 2011, 03:34:05 pm »

Am I among the dead?
The miasma caused Sethrist to go miserable and throw a tantrum. During the tantrum he mauled a dog to near-death and that caused his mood to go all the way up to content. Apparently, beating the crap out of dogs is the best way to achieve happiness.


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #397 on: November 23, 2011, 03:38:33 pm »

Rather than individual people asking whether they're dead, let's wait for Strategia to post a summary/list. It's probably gonna be long.


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #398 on: November 23, 2011, 03:54:37 pm »

Strategia, was Dariush dorfed?

He wanted legendary dorf so I picked a peasant and removed all mining duties from miners and allowed the peasant to dig pretty much everything that was soil on the main fort level. Now that I think of it, had Dariush not asked for legendary dwarf the fort would look a lot different. Those weird hallways exist only because I needed more stuff for Dariush to dig.
[img height=x width=y]http://LINK TO IMAGE HERE[/img]
The Toad hops in mysterious ways.
This pure mountain spring water is indispensable. Literally. I'm out of paper cups.


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #399 on: November 23, 2011, 03:59:57 pm »

Sorry to keep you all in suspense, but the bloodshed is continuing. And continuing. And continuing..... I'm keeping track of what's happening, all the way back to the muskskoxen fight, so I'll be able to give an almost blow-by-blow account once this all blows over.


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #400 on: November 23, 2011, 04:13:18 pm »

Journel of Karakzon:
what just happened?
why do i have a sudden urge for platinum? oh god no, could it be? im a NOBLE! NOOOOO! IVE HEARD TALES OF THIS DISEASE!
ok ok calm down. deep breaths try think back.

Lets see: I spent the last few weeks in the food hold during my breaks talking to folks, drinking, twiddling my thumbs and wondering when ill be back on minning duty, we get into the usual dwarven boredom tradition of how many kegs can you down at once?
Then some fool comes up after ive just downed 3 kegs in one and says to me "Karakzon, your mayor now my lad, do us proud!" wile my eyes were slowly glazing over and some of those millatery girls beards started to look mighty fine.. blood matter and all. Did i end up back at one of their bunks? i cant remember...

First order of buisness: Find the manager, find the book keeper, talk to the overseer and try get an office of stone set up. Oh, and try get someone to become my scribe, i dont think keeping score with my pick would go down well when the liason comes. that stuffy git, hmm, that means i get to put him down a notch or two eh? this shouldnt be too bad afterall..

Second order of buisness: Request we get a prison made so the capt of the guard dosent brutalise anyone too hard and try get some weaponry and armour... Mind, by the sounds of it, their might not be many people left to wear it by time ive done with this :/

Third: My new title to be!: llataelbonaton
and my scribes title when its arranged: hcitbelttilym
Note: sign me up for a turn, new laptop = able and ready to rumble.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 04:18:00 pm by Karakzon »
I am Dyslexic. No its not going to change any time soon.
Bolts of Exsanguination THE terrifying glacier export, get yours today!


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #401 on: November 23, 2011, 04:15:39 pm »

Ahh, thanks, Johuotar. I still had him as not being dorfed yet, so that has been fixed.

Epic battle with skeletal wildlife? Is this Hellcannon or is this Headshoots?


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #402 on: November 23, 2011, 04:22:59 pm »

Epic battle with skeletal wildlife? Is this Hellcannon or is this Headshoots?

Didn't Headshoots only have to deal with skeletal wildlife aboveground?


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #403 on: November 23, 2011, 04:30:20 pm »

Epic battle with skeletal wildlife? Is this Hellcannon or is this Headshoots?

Didn't Headshoots only have to deal with skeletal wildlife aboveground?

Point taken.


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #404 on: November 23, 2011, 04:56:18 pm »

Let me guess: This thrilling suspense is related to what I assume is most likely due to one(or knowing these forts luck, both) of the walled cavern areas lacking a roof to keep flying nasties away.
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