It is obvious that trying to make sense of this mess will be impossible.
Time begins to roll. I am greeted within an instant with knowledge supplied by the Oversight.

Well, that doesn’t seem to be a good omen.

Goodness… gracious… great balls of fire! But there is a sign of dwarven hope in the mist of all these signs of terrible things to come!

We are still striking the earth! Dwarven Spirit is the in the pick that drives us deeper into the depths! Or… not?

Perhaps, it is just another way for us to meet our doom!

I found the Fleshball that has been burning. It is getting wailed on by several Devils of Flame.
I cannot see what exactly is transpiring, but the Devils seem to be doing more damage to each other than to the Flesh Ball.
The steam being caused by the fire is totally blocking the fight from view.

Apparently, the Devils have been at it for some time.
Nearby parts of the caverns are covered in the ashes and remains of many living things.
As well as vomit, I’m not even sure how I know ashes are there. The vomit literally is all over the floor.
Oh crap.

I didn’t know ghosts could be caught in flame. I better be careful…
Wait! El Inmortal is being attacked. This I got to see…

It’s not every day you get to see Andreus get strangled by a giant mocking bird that mocks you with flames!
Can’t this guy ever die in a normal way?
Apparently, I’m not the only one to remember I need to be pissed at Andreus.
I heard he… er… she started this whole mess back in Battlefailed and then she caused me a great deal of pain when I migrated to Failcannon.

A grizzly bear? Dammit Andreus! Why can’t you die like a normal person for once!?
I mean now a war bear has to come to your rescue.
*Sigh* Even though I don’t like you, I would try to save you with the militia… but I’m more worried about keeping the thing out of the fort.
Unfortunately, it appears to have access to the entire fort.
Even worse it appears there is very little I can do about that.
It doesn’t appear to have access to the higher levels, but it can go down from here.
And down appears to be where most of the population resides.
I’m trying to plot for a plan of defense.
I need to find a way to quarantine the dwarves somewhere, but dammit if they aren’t scattered like the cards in a game of 52 Pick-up.
Plus I need to find the hole this FB climbed through… oh, son of Armok!

This is bad. VERY BAD! One is a giant eyeless turtle with deadly blood and the other is a panther with deadly spit.
Or false alarm… I don’t think they have a way up or down from here… so maybe not.
At this point, I’ve got to be honest.
I heard that Battlefailed and Failcannon both were mazes of tunnels so confusing even the dwarves eventually couldn’t figure out where everything was.
This place however. This place seems to lack the maze of tunnels in favor of rooms and floors with no readily apparent way to get out of.
A bulk of the fort looks usable, but appears to be completely cut off from the rest in several separate locations.
I am having trouble finding paths in and out of this fort’s many rooms.
Every time I find something I think is a problem is an architectural red herring sitting out there on its own.
The fort isn’t all that big. In fact, for a fort it is absurdly shallow.
Yet, its layout still lays beyond my grasp.

And there’s a fire lit in the middle of nowhere and not even the Devils of Fire are anywhere near it.

There are three staircases in the lever room.
I almost missed them due to levers being more interesting than a bunch of steps.
The wrinkle is Andreus is one floor below here fighting.
My best plan is to place hatches here and lock them to keep the thing beating up Andreus below this area.
As for anything or anyone below… good bye.
Andreus’s bear is losing its fight.
The FB breathed fire twice and now has the bears head in its mouth and is shaking it around like a chew toy.
Luckily, Andreus is left alone for now and the bear lead the FB away from the staircase.

The Bear’s dead. The FB went back to Andreus. Or… WHAT.

All of the sudden a shit storm of cats shows up and distracts the FB.
I notice a young dwarven child named Ledi VI is now in the room. Ledi… wasn’t that the crazy cat lady’s name.
Oh Armok, what is going on here?
Oh and Mego V and RenagadeSparks have shown up as well.
What the hell guys? I have no idea what is going on anymore.
THIS IS STUPID!The FB throws a cat with its left wing… ouch… poor cat.
Good news. The cats have distracted the cats away from Andreus.
More Good news. Andreus is alive, but unconscious.
He only has a broken elbow as an injury.

Bad news.
One of them led it upstairs.