I don't really want perfect embarks, per se... I mean, sure, that's great. But having to generate like 20 maps to get one is how I paid for it. -_- Cheating really isn't as fun. Going over the maps isn't fun, either, but it's legitimate! Well, sort of. I turned off aquifers as a response to the game's dumb flux patterns. Not that it matters on this embark, anyways...
Glad to hear I should be okay here. I embarked and have been digging around in soil for about 50 minutes. I'm probably going to re-embark (I backed up the embark before I even did anything) on the same spot and pick a better site for my fort. I don't really like soil-layer forts at all, even at the start when it's quicker / better.
I plan to use the river for water by having it pump in to my cistern from all the way across the map. Cheap! Or maybe just Dwarfy. :p
@orius: Get this: there's visible obsidian above the magma spire, free for the taking. Inside that, I've spied some native gold, native copper, and some gems. I've also seen cinnabar, cobaltite, and some other stones/ores. There's a TON of white sand mixed in to the topsoil and I know there's at least two types of clay here.
@Loud Whispers: I'm still learning! I'd like to do a glacier fortress in a sinister region at some point. I think it would be really cool to do a sort of Siege of Avalon thing with a fortress like that. But um... I need to get expert at the game before I try to pull of something like that.

@saltmummy626: Yes, that's generally what I like, too. But the site finder is broken as far as flux goes and sometimes finding it on the map by hand is a bit of a bear.
EDIT: Strike the earth! Cudgelslides! (has been founded... again)