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Let's Play Victoria 2: Origin of Nations! - Dio e Popolo! (Ch. VII)

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Let's Play Victoria 2: Origin of Nations

Table of Contents:
Spoiler: Act I - Habemus Papam! (click to show/hide)Chapter I - Rome Rises (1836 - c.1838)

Chapter II - Early Expansion (1839 - c.1841)
A Private Letter from His Eminence Cardinal Canalan to the Secretary of State
From the Journal of Cardinal Micelus
From the Diary of Cardinal Cicero

Chapter III - Peace and War (1841 - c.1846)
From the Journal of Cardinal Hunt
The Mission of Oberst Sheb
A Secret Meeting with Cardinal Canalan
Cardinal Micelus in Egypt
Cardinal Cicero at the Basilica of Saint Clement
The Machination of Cardinal Euchre

Chapter IV - Society and Conquest (1846 - c.1849)
A Letter of Congratulation from Cardinal Euchre to Sgt. Sheb
The Ruminations of Cardinal Cicero
A Missive from Sgt. Sheb to the College of Cardinals
From The Journal of Cardinal Boksi

Chapter V - Rebirth and Revolution (1849 - c.1852)
Passage of an Unmarked Journal
Cardinal Hunt Gathers Thoughts
Cardinal Cicero Announces His Candidacy for Executive Consul
Cardinal Canalan Contemplates Current Events
The First Election
Sheb Looks On the Morrow
Cardinal Cicero Announces His Bid
Familiar Words From a Conservative Senator
From the Writings of Cardinal Diego Neo
Birth of a Movement
Act II - Dio e Popolo!

Chapter VI - Conclavis! or The Revolution Unwinds
Cardinal Micelus in Jerusalem
Cardinal Hunt Scorns Pretenses
The Plotting of a Statesman
Cardinal Cicero Appeals to the College
A Minor Cardinal Stands to Speak
The First Votes
A Mob Forms Before the Vatican
Cardinal Barbarossa Speaks to Rome
Cardinal Micelus Declines the Papacy
Cardinal Roberto Addresses the College
The Final Votes
Cardinal Euchre Questions Barbarossa
Senator Zrk2 Starts a Riot
Consul Cicero Renounces the Church
Senator Zrk2 Storms the Vatican
Cardinal Neo Ponders the Circumstances
His Holiness Chooses a Name
The Pope is Announced
Sheb Assembles His Squad
Urbi et Orbi

Chapter VII.  Freedoms and Tyrannies

Spoiler: Appendix A - Historical Books (click to show/hide)
1. Italy, Past and Present by Antonio Carlo Napoleone Gallenga, 1848Spoiler: Appendix B - Constitution of the Roman Republic (click to show/hide)
Constitution of the Roman Republic


(Drawn from the Constitution of the Roman Republic of 1849)



ARTICLE I - The sovereignty of the Roman people is their eternal right.  The people of the Roman State comprise the Democratic Republic created by this Constitution.

ARTICLE II - This Democratic Regime exists solely to uphold equality, liberty, and fraternity among the people.  It does not recognize titles of nobility, or privileges of birth or caste.

ARTICLE III - The laws and institutions of this Republic shall exist solely to promote the improvement of the moral and material conditions of all citizens.

ARTICLE IV - The Republic regards all individual people as equal, respects all nationalities, persecutes no idea.

ARTICLE V - The States of the Roman Republic are each entitled to equal authority under the law.  Their independent sovereignty is not limited by laws of utility.

ARTICLE VI - The most equitable possible distribution of local interests, in harmony with the political interest of the state, is the norm of the territorial division of the voting Republic.
ARTICLE VII - The right to exercise natural, civil and political rights is not determined by religious belief or political opinion, 

ARTICLE VIII - The head of the Catholic Church will have all the guarantees required by the Republic for the independent exercise of spiritual power.

ARTICLE IX - No citizen shall be censured of speech, movement or personal privacy except as warranted by Court in the course of investigation.

ARTICLE X - All powers of government not specifically delegated in this Constitution shall be maintained by the Roman States.



ARTICLE I - They are citizens of the Republic:

- Those born within the Republic;
- Those whose citizenship is the result of extant legislation;
- Natives of Italy residing within for six months;
- Foreigners with a residence of ten years;
- Those naturalized by decree of executive power.

ARTICLE II - Citizenship shall be lost:

- By naturalization or residence in a foreign country with the intention of not returning;
- In the abandonment of the country in case of war, or when it is declared imperiled;
- By the acceptance of titles or degrees conferred by foreign agencies;
- Acceptance of degrees or offices of foreign military service without permission of the Government of the Republic (such authorization is forever assumed when fighting for the freedom of a people)
- By fighting against the Republic in armed warfare or providing material assistance to the enemies of the Republic.
- By signing a renouncement of Roman citizenship in writing.

ARTICLE III - Apart from those legislated taxes, the people and their property are inviolable and may not be seized forcibly by the state, except when temporarily required as presented evidence of a crime.

ARTICLE IV - No one may be arrested except in flagrante delicto, or by the mandate of judges, nor be deprived of the natural right of habeus corpus.  No court or commission may establish exceptions under any title or name.  No one shall be imprisoned for debt.

ARTICLE V - The sentences of death and confiscation of the property of prisoners are outlawed.

ARTICLE VI - The private dwelling is sacred and not allowed to be intruded upon except in the cases and manner provided by law.

ARTICLE VII - Thinking shall ever be free, the law shall punish abuse without any censorship.

ARTICLE VIII - Education shall be free to citizens.  The requirements of integrity and ability, for those who wish to profess, are determined by law.

ARTICLE IX - The secrecies of the private correspondences of citizens are inviolable.

ARTICLE X - The right to petition shall be freely exercised individually or collectively.

ARTICLE XI - Unarmed and non-profit association with crime and those accused of such is unpunishable.

ARTICLE XII - All citizens belong to the National Guard in the manner and with the exceptions stipulated by law.

ARTICLE XIII - No one may be forced to give up their ownership of things, excepting the public, subject to fair compensation.

ARTICLE XIV - The law determines the expense of the Republic and how to distribute funding. No charge or credit may be imposed except by law, not proceeding for longer time than that fixed by law.

ARTICLE XV - No person may be charged with a crime without presented evidence of the crime before a judge of court, nor shall they be convicted of said crime without the judgment of a jury of citizens.



ARTICLE XVI - All power comes from the people.  It is exercised by the Assembly, by the Consulate, by the Judiciary.



ARTICLE XVII - The Assembly is comprised of representatives of the people.

ARTICLE XVIII - Every citizen enjoys civil and political rights, those 21 years old may vote, those older than 25 are eligible to hold position.

ARTICLE XIX - A public official appointed by the consuls or ministers may not be a representative of the people.

ARTICLE XX - The number of representatives is determined in proportion of one for every twenty thousand residents.

ARTICLE XXI - The general elections gather every three years, April 21.  The people will elect their representatives by universal suffrage, direct and public.

ARTICLE XXII - The Assembly shall meet on May 15 after the election, commencing every 3 years.

ARTICLE XXIII - The Assembly shall meet in Rome, where not otherwise determined, and is entitled to whatever armed protection believed necessary.

ARTICLE XXIV - The Assembly is indissoluble and permanent, and may be convened between intervals on the invitation of the President of Assembly with emergency secretaries, thirty Assembly members, or the Consulate.

ARTICLE XXV - The Assembly convention is not legal unless it exceeds one half plus one of all representatives.  The requisite number of these authorizes any measure to bring forth the absent.

ARTICLE XXVI - The meetings shall be public. They can be discussed in secret committee.

ARTICLE XXVII - The representatives of the people are inviolable for their opinions issued in the Assembly, such being forbidden any inquisition.

ARTICLE XXVIII - Any arrest or inquisition against a representative is prohibited, without the permission of the Assembly, except in cases of flagrante delicto.  If arrested in the act of crime, the Assembly, which will be immediately informed, determines the continuation or termination of the process.  This provision applies if the prisoner is a citizen appointed representative.

ARTICLE XXIX - The representatives of the people shall receive compensation which can not be revoked.

ARTICLE XXX - The legislative authority deciding for peace, war, and treaties belongs to the senate.

ARTICLE XXXI - The proposal of law belongs to the Senate.

ARTICLE XXXII - No proposal has the force of law, except when passed by two majority votes taken by the interval of no less than eight days, except when shortened in an emergency Assembly.

ARTICLE XXXIII - The laws adopted by the Assembly shall be, without delay, promulgated by the Consulate in the name of God and the People.  If the Consulate lingers, the promulgation is that of the President.



ARTICLE XXXIV - There are three Consuls.  The candidates are appointed by a majority of two thirds of the votes. They must be citizens of the Republic, and the age of 30 years of age.

ARTICLE XXXV - The office of the Consul lasts three years.  Every year one of the consuls shall leave office.  The first two times decides the fate of the top three elected officials.  No Consul can be re-elected except after three years since he left the office.

ARTICLE XXXVI - There are seven ministers appointed by the Consulate; Internal Affairs, Foreign Affairs, War and Navy Finance, Enforcement and Justice, Agriculture, Industrial Commerce and Public Works, and Public Education, Arts and Charity.

ARTICLE XXXVII - Committed to the Consuls is the execution of law and international relations.  Each Consul shall bear the chief command of a section of the military as determined by law.

ARTICLE XXXVIII - To the Consuls is the appointment and dismissal of those jobs that the law does not grant authority to another, but each appointment or revocation must be made in the Council of Ministers.

ARTICLE XXXIX - The acts of the Consuls, until they are marked by the Minister of Enforcement, remain without effect. Only the signing of Consuls is needed for the appointment and dismissal of Ministers.

ARTICLE XL - Each year, to the Assembly and all, the Consuls shall expose the state of the Republic's affairs.

ARTICLE XLI - The Ministers have the right to speak to the Assembly on the affairs that concern them.

ARTICLE XLII - The Consuls reside in the area where the Assembly convenes, and may leave the territory of the Republic without a resolution of the Assembly, under penalty of forfeiture.

ARTICLE XLIII - Consuls are housed at the expense of the Republic, and each receives an appointment of thirty-six hundred Roman Lira per year.

ARTICLE XLIV - The Consuls and the Ministers are responsible for one another.

ARTICLE XLV - The Consuls and the Ministers may be placed in a state indictment on a proposal by ten representatives.  The application must be discussed as a law.

ARTICLE XLVI - Admitted to prosecution, a Consul is suspended from duty and, if acquitted, returns to the performance of his functions; if convicted, the Assembly passes a new election.



ARTICLE XLVII - There is a Senate consisting of five members appointed by the Legislative Council of each Roman State.

ARTICLE XLVIII - The Senate must be consulted by the Consuls and Ministers on the proposal of laws, regulations and executive orders, and may hold political relations.

ARTICLE XLIX - The Senate shall enact such regulations by which the Assembly has given special delegation.  The other functions are determined by particular law.



ARTICLE L - Judges in the exercise of their functions do not depend on any other power of the state.

ARTICLE LI - Judges are appointed by the Council of Ministers and Consuls, and may not be promoted, removed from office or translocated, or suspended, demoted or dismissed only after proper procedure and sentence and with their consent.

ARTICLE LII - For occasions of civil strife there is to be a judiciary of peace.

ARTICLE LIII - Justice is administered in the name of the people, publicly, but the court, out of morality, may order that discussion is done behind closed doors.

ARTICLE LIV - Administration of criminal cases belongs to the people; the proceedings of law, to the courts applying the law.  The establishment of the judges of facts is determined by the pertinent law.

ARTICLE LV - The Supreme Court of the Republic, above which there can be no appeal, shall be the Sacred College of Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church, assembled and directed according to the doctrine and practice of the Roman See.



ARTICLE LVI - The amount of salaried land and sea forces is determined by a law, and only by law can be increased or decreased.

ARTICLE LVII - The army is formed by voluntary enlistment, and in the manner determined by law.

ARTICLE LVIII - No foreign troops can be hired, or introduced into the territory of the Republic, without a decree of the Assembly.

ARTICLE LIX - The General Assembly shall be formed on the proposal of the Consulate.

ARTICLE LX - The distribution of bodies and the strength of the line are determined by internal garrisons, and may not be delayed nor moved, even momentarily, without their consent.

ARTICLE LXI - Each position of authority in the National Guard is conferred by election.

ARTICLE LXII - The National Guard is entrusted mainly to maintain internal order and the Constitution of the Republic.



ARTICLE LXIII - Any reform of the constitution can only be demanded of the legislature once a year by third party representatives.

ARTICLE LXIV - The Assembly shall deliberate on the question twice within two months.  With a majority of two thirds, meetings are convened in order to elect the general representatives for the Constituent Assembly, at a rate of one for every fifteen thousand inhabitants.

ARTICLE LXV - The Legislative Assembly review remains throughout the time in which the matter sits, not to exceed three months.


ARTICLE LXVI - The current operations of the Constituent Assembly will be mainly directed to the formation of the electoral law and other organic laws necessary for the implementation of the Constitution.

ARTICLE LXVII - With the opening of the Legislative Assembly ceases the mandate of the Constituent Assembly.

ARTICLE LXVIII - The existing laws and regulations are in force as long as they do not oppose the Constitution, and until they are repealed.

ARTICLE LXIX - All current employees require confirmation.

Proposed Amendments:

- Judges of a Supreme Court of Justice, above which there shall be no place for appeal, are placed by unanimous approval by the Consuls and the Ministers.  The Supreme Court consists of the president, four judges of the Supreme older, and that the judges chosen by lot from lists annual, three from each province. The Assembly shall appoint a judge who must act as prosecutor at the Supreme Court.  A two-thirds majority of judicial votes is necessary for condemnation of the accused.
Spoiler: Cast of Characters (click to show/hide)
Of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Their Eminences:

Cardinal Moshe Alz of Gaza, D.D.
Bishop of Jesi and Palestria, Prefect of the Congregation of the Correction of Books of the Oriental Church

Cardinal Auguste-Victor Canalan
Archbishop of Montreal, Secretary of Apostolic Briefs, Prefect of the Vatican Archives

Cardinal Jack Euchre
Archbishop of Marseille, Bishop of Nice, Admonitor to the Superior General of the Society of Jesus

Cardinal Carlo Cristoforo Gaetano Gaisruck
Archbishop of Milan, Bishop of Derbe, Secretary of State of His Holiness The Pope

Cardinal Johannes Micelus
Archbishop of Bordeux, Prefect of the Papal Signature of Justice, Archivist of the Apostolic Letters

Cardinal Simmon McCrea, D.D.
Vicar Apostolic of the Western District of Scotland, Prefect of the Congregation of Propaganda Fide

Cardinal Diego Neo
Bishop of Cesena, Administrator of Ascoli, Secretary of the Congregation for the Examination of Bishops

Cardinal Wiktor Boksi of Krawków
Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church, Archpriest of the Patriarchal Vatican Basilica

Cardinal Marcel Cicero of Rome
Prefect of the Sacred College of Ecclesiastical Immunity, Apostolic Legate in Romagna

Cardinal Meinhart Swain Hunt von Trier
Archbishop of Ostia, Prefect of the Tribunal of the Signature, Librarian of the Holy Roman Church

Cardinal Barbarossa La Valetta
Bishop of Malta, Prefect of Sacred Consulta, Prefect of the Sacred College of Studies

Their allies and opponents:

Monsignor Serge Sheb of Chur
Commander of the Pontifical Swiss Guard, Sergeant Major of the Swiss Federal Army

Arleone P. Mondetat
Captain of Garibaldi's Redshirts, Illustrious Aristocrat, Revolutionary Extraordinaire

Spoiler: Missions (click to show/hide)From Cardinal Canalan, in order to "further modernize the practices of the Papal States and work for the liberty of the common Catholic," we have been tasked to the following:

- Pass Safety Legislation, Generous Pensions and Healthcare, Limited Workdays and Minimum Wage
- Encourage political rallies pursuant to the extension of voting rights to broader sections of the population
- Institute Trade and Worker's Unions
- Establish closer ties to the United States of America

Limited Workdays enacted as of 1852
Universal Voting Rights established as of 1852
Trade Unions allowed as of 1852

From Cardinal Micelus, preparation of this goal covertly undertaken:

-  Acquire Jerusalem and the whole of Judea

Completed by 1849

From Cardinal Euchre, eager to resurrect the glory of the past:

- Secure Roman dominance over the Mediterranean Sea
- More money to the Jesuits

I extend sincere thanks to the Cast and to everyone reading.  Thank you!

Greetings, Bay 12!  Help me remake history with Paradox Interactive's Victoria 2, a game that puts you in control of a nation-state for the hundred years after 1836, a most industrious and calamitous time for the world.

I'll be using my WIP mod called Origin of Nations, which aims to add historical accuracy to the game map by adding new cultures, countries and decisions to the game, particularly in regard to Africa and the Americas.  There are very few changes to vanilla mechanics outside of unit requirements and Westernization criteria (the latter is now based on technology rather than luck).  Colonization mechanics play far less of a role, and CBs and Infamy are a little different too, but it's mostly vanilla V2 with extra stuff, so the general vibe of the game will remain intact.  Enough countries were added to hit some kind of hard-coded limit that makes the game crash if I add even one more nation, so I'll need to get creative to implement the Russian republics.

The world map at the start is quite close to the actual state of the world in 1836, as far as I could manage so far, minus a few real-life OPM nations like San Marino or Andorra (there's country data for Andorra, but no province yet).  Most great powers can release a ton of nations and nationalist rebels have a much greater chance of spawning, so it won't be unreasonable to expect the Republic of South Dakota or the United Celtic States at some point.

Anyhow, I've selected a few countries I haven't played/finished a game with yet and would be willing to give a go.  There's a few civilized nations and a few more uncivilized nations; the uncivilized nations will have a much harder time getting anywhere and will likely prove a "survive against the odds" sort of game, whereas a civilized nation will ascend more easily to power and prosperity.  I will be narrating the turns in-character as whatever ruler we're working with, and you, friendly reader, will be a member of my cabinet, to provide advice, suggestions and requests over the course of our rise to greatness, and the first thing I'd like to ask is what nation to play.

Without further ado, here are the candidates:

Spoiler: Baguirmi (click to show/hide)
The Baguirmi Sultanate was a Kingdom situated in the center of Africa, southeast of the Kanem-Bornu Empire.  During the early 1800's, Baguirmi was a dilapidated and backwards state facing tremendous pressure from the better established Ouaddai Kingdom.  It was not Ouaddai, however, but Bornu, that returned to oust Baguirmi from Massenya and burn it to the ground, forcing the last sultan of the kingdom to seek refuge as a French protectorate.

Main Goals:  Build up an army and modernize it as quickly as possible.  Baguirmi is stuck in the Middle Ages when it comes to technology and is surrounded by hostile nations, so we'll need to be careful in the beginning.  We must crush the Ouaddai and Bornu Kingdoms to ensure we do not make a repeat of history.

Ultimate Goals:  Sweep east through Africa, oust the infidel Christian Ethiope king from power and threaten Egypt for dominance of the Red Sea. land.  Become a great power and protect the faithful of Africa from European aggression by forming a pan-Muslim empire throughout the continent.  (this would not be easy, to understate.)Spoiler: Bukkhara (click to show/hide)
The Emirate of Bukkhara was an independent Uzbek state established in 1785 that slowly rose from the city of Bukkhara to control the surrounding territory, including the ancient city of Samarkand, bustling trade center and the resting place and legacy of the great and powerful Timur.  Bukkhara is ruled by the ruthless Nasrullah Khan, who is said to have ascended to power by the murder of his four brothers and was known for executing dignitaries.  Historically, Nasrullah Khan initiated military campaigns against the Khanate of Kokand that ended in miserable failure, and died a notorious and ill-regarded figure after thirty-four years of rule.  Bukhara would later be devoured by Russia and incorporated into the Krai of Turkestan.

Main Goals:  Succeeding where Nasrullah failed by taking control of Kokand and the Khivan Khanate, restoring the Uzbek people to a position of prominence.  Fending off the hungry advances of Russia, China and Persia while modernizing the nation.

Ultimate Goals:  Acquiring a swath of territory to rival that claimed by the great Timurid dynasty, that our ancestors may rest easily in their tombs knowing we have reclaimed their greatness.Spoiler: Herero (click to show/hide)
The Herero are African herdsmen who were primarily occupied with their squabbles with the Nama tribes, who brought guns and European trade along with them.  They granted parcels of land to German settlers, who set up farms in Herero territory and eventually subsumed the entire region as the colony of German South-West Africa.  Over the years many thousands of Herero would be slain by German soldiers comitting what is referred to as genocide.

Main Goals:  Suck up to Great Britain and hope to survive until Westernization.  Our technology is laughable, our income non-existent, and we lack a standing army at the start.  Tribal government is not good for rulers, so we'll be trying to engineer a massive rebellion as quickly as possible.  We have a good stretch of coastline and if we can stay on good terms with the English there's a chance we'll survive with an oversized navy.

Ultimate Goals:  Unify as much of Africa as possible, driving Europe from the continent completely.  This will be very hard by my reckoning.Spoiler: Morocco (click to show/hide)
Today, the Kingdom of Morocco is ruled by the same dynasty that governed Morocco through one of their most trying periods.  While Algiers and Tripoli fell to European expansion relatively quickly, Morocco managed to stay independent until instability and military weakness allowed the Europeans to impose themselves into the realm.  The Treaty of Fez made Morocco a protectorate in 1912, divided between France and Spain, and for many years the people of Morocco would suffer the suppression of basic human rights until regaining independence in 1956.

Main Goals:  Survive.  Morocco's mighty Black Guard will help fend off Europe's appetite, but it won't be enough.  We'll need a humongous navy and the merciful grace of Allah to survive long enough to reclaim our lands from the cross-worshipers.

Ultimate Goals:  Take possession of the better part of Africa before Europe does.  We're in a better position than most to do this, but it will be a race, and raising infamy will be very risky until we're able to clash with France and Spain on even terms.Spoiler: Nejd (click to show/hide)The Saudis of the Najd were the ones who ultimately took control of the Arabian peninsula and the holy city of Mecca, but in 1836, the Saudis are still in tribal warfare with the Emirate of Ha'il, rulers of the Highland of Arabia.  The Sultunate of Nejd would not come into power as such until 1921, when the house of Saud finally emerged victorious from the long and bitter war.

Main Goals:  Surviving, unlike the real Ha'il Emirate - this will be accomplished by defeating all Arabian nationalists.  We may unify Arabia ourselves to seal our dominance over the land, but dealing with Egypt may prove difficult if their fancy new military manages to defeat the Ottoman Empire.  And we must back the mongrel armies of Europe should they dare to land their soldiers on Muslim shores.

Ultimate Goals:  Conquer the entirety of Arabia and begin a colonial empire in Africa.  Judea and Palestine must be taken into safety as well, for they are holy lands.Spoiler: Papal States (click to show/hide)
The Papal States suffered greatly as a result of the French Revolution.  Having lost Avignon and the Legations to Napoleon's forces, with much of Europe falling away from the Holy Church, the Papacy has seen better days.  What little political power the Holy See retains is kept under thumb by the impositions of post-revolutionary France, and Rome has become quite old-fashioned with Pope Gregory's reactionary ways.  But as the head of the Church, we command respect among all Catholic nations, nay - We demand it.

Main Goals:  Transform Rome from a backwards state with the last Jewish Ghetto in Europe to a booming center of commerce and industry.  Spread the Word of the Lord to the uncivilized heathens of Africa and Asia.  Adhere to Christian principles and declare only just wars to re-establish the Papal States as a nation of esteem.  Resist the unification efforts of other Italians.

Ultimate Goals:  Spread the Papal States to the reaches of the former Roman Empire and wrest the holy land from the clutches of the Mohammedan heretics, that all members of the Church may travel there in safety.Spoiler: Sulu (click to show/hide)
Sulu, also known as the Sultanate of Sulu Dar al-Islam, is an island nation based on the island of Jolo in the South Phillipines.  In 1836, Sulu's reach extends to several smaller islands and the northeast of Borneo, where Sulu's vassal Bulungan is situated.  Historically, the Suluese were defeated and annexed by the Spanish, who conquered the Sultanate in 1837 with a devastating surprise attack.  Sulu remained in Spanish control until 1899 when it was ceded to the United States of America, and the Sultan was gradually stripped of even ceremonial power.

Main Goals:  Conquer Borneo, Aceh and Japan as quickly as possible.  With the superior literacy of the Japanese we'll be well of the way to Westernizing.  We'll need to make nice with the Spanish and the Dutch especially until Sulu is powerful enough for it to not matter.

Ultimate Goals:  Unify as much of Indonesia as possible under the Suluese banner and form a vast navy to repel the Dutch and Spanish from the region.  With clever brinkmanship and western naval units we'll be able to win the war with irregulars.Spoiler: Switzerland (click to show/hide)
The Swiss Confederation, at this time a loose collection of cooperative republics lead by Bern as the federal canton, established under the Congress of Vienna following Napoleon's defeat.  There the powers of Europe agreed to respect Swiss neutrality for all time.  Since then, the Confederation has avoided war and focused on internal development in friendly isolation from the hazards of contemporary Europe.  Each of the cantons of Switzerland are a sovereign state with complete autonomy and, historically, would remain that way until 1848, when a new Constitution was drafted and the cantons were unified into one federal republic.

Main Goals:  Building up our nation will prove to be a challenge.  Swiss neutrality will only be respected as long as we stay out of war, and the King of Prussia will be only too happy to pursue his claim on Neuchâtel if we let down our Guard.

Ultimate Goals:  Conquer Germany and France.  We accept both cultures and will be able to field an unstoppable army once we do so.  We'll spread freedom to the oppressed nations of the world, 'cause to heck with neutrality!Spoiler: The USA (click to show/hide)
The United States of America are far more loosely conjoined than they will be, but they are still one nation, for the time being.  The USA have many ambitions towards the western frontier and haven't really much in the way stopping them.  Currently they are involved in the Second Seminole War, and the hawks in Congress are keen to lend a hand to the slaver republic of Texas now fighting for independence against Santa Anna's Mexican Empire, but America's finances swim in dire straits from the enormous cost of the Seminole conflict, and will need some time to recuperate her economy.

Main Goals:  Expand the Union.  There are cores on a few Indian states, and they're no match for us militarily, once we get the manpower to field more regiments.  Preserve the Union.  There has been too much talk of secession these days over such a thing as petty as the right to own slaves.  (The mod adds nation data to every state, which means nationalist rebels; the U.S. is much less prone to shift in government than it is to completely falling to pieces).  Allowing the Civil War to take place will be considered failure of a tertiary objective.  We'll abolish slavery and we'll do it without bloodshed, by George!

Ultimate Goals:  Fulfill our Manifest Destiny, or pursue an entirely different course through history, like eating Canada, liberating nations around the world, forging a colonial Empire.  Maybe a WC attempt.  The USA's a guaranteed superpower late-game if they're all in one piece, so I'd go for pretty much anything that doesn't play out like something from a textbook (I'll likely make very wacky decisions to keep it fun).  Allowing the Constitution to be repealed (i.e. government switch to monarchy/dictatorship from a rebellion) is considered a most dishonorable outcome.Spoiler: Rapa Nui (click to show/hide)
Rapa Nui is a tiny island nation far west of the coast of Ecuador.  The people of Rapa Nui live a pastoral existence sustained by farming chickens and are governed by the warrior-caste of their religion, a regional form of ritual ancestor worship known as the "Bird Man Cult."  European explorers ventured into the island by 1760, bringing the Christian faith, along with a host of diseases.  The two-thousand inhabitants of the island are constantly fighting in civil feuds that threaten this already fragile population.

Main Goals:  Stay alive, somehow.  Medicine is top priority, as any OPM is subject to crippling outbreaks of disease.  Rapa Nui hasn't enough population to field a single brigade, and the province has the lowest life rating in the game, and so the tiny number of people they have can only diminish.  Playing this game would be next to impossible and pretty boring and I'm regretting even suggesting it.

Ultimate Goals:  Please, do not make me pick this.
If there's someone else you'd like to suggest, please do!  Just about any nation-state around in 1836 is good to go.  I'll begin sometime tomorrow night, for now I'm off to start a practice game to warm up for a bit, it's been a while since I played V2.

On to Victory!

Papal states are the best  states!

Yeah, as hilarious as picking Rapa Nui would be, I'd rather pick the Papa Nui.

Another vote for the Papal States.

Heron TSG:
Najd seems pretty cool, but the Papal States would probably get the most action.

Papal States.


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