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Author Topic: Bring Someone Else's Role Mafia - Evening 7 - Everybody's Dead Book [1/13]  (Read 90055 times)

Powder Miner

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...Not really, and especially not in a game in which multiple third parties are most likely present, and especially not right after the previous Bring game ended with a doomspeaker killing us all.

Also, look up my RVS questions, D1, in other Mafia games I've played. Go ahead. You'll find that I use this question a lot, mainly because I like third parties.

Urist Imiknorris

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You'll find that I use this question a lot, mainly because I like third parties.
What do you like about them?
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I don't know how it works. It does.
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If Tiruin redirected the lynch, then this means that, and... the Illuminati! Of course!


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Dariush. Let's say you're a combined Doctor-roleblocker that can perform both actions at once. Where does your protect land tonight? Your block? Why?

Toaster:How does Jack = Imiknorris? Your nervous is showing, scum.
Who are you going to use the mafia kill on tonight?

Powder Miner: That's why you're so excited right now! You drew third party. So, tell us, which third party are you?
My Sig
Quote from: The Binder of Shame: RPGnet Rants
"We're in his toilet. We're in Cthulhu's toilet."

""Hey! No breaking character while breaking character"


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Toaster: Why are you getting Jack and Imiknorris mixed up?  Thinking about your scumbuddy?

Darvi:  What's your theory on when a cop should claim? 

PPE:  Goddamnit Orangebottle.  You really are part ninja.


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PPE:  Goddamnit Orangebottle.  You really are part ninja.
My Sig
Quote from: The Binder of Shame: RPGnet Rants
"We're in his toilet. We're in Cthulhu's toilet."

""Hey! No breaking character while breaking character"

Jack A T

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I have to say, I love this game already.
Jack A T, which non Cult/SK third party are you most afraid of? Assume Lynchers and Assassins have you as targets.
I don't like dealing with Jesters, due to the sheer amount of WIFOM and confusion they produce.  That, and the mere existence of a jester would put us the equivalent of one scum closer to LYLO, if one is in this game.

Jack Urist Imiknorris: What reasonably balanced power, other than an extra kill, would you consider scariest in the hands of the Mafia?

Toaster: Do you feel that there are major similarities between Imiknorris and I?  If so, what are they?

Orangebottle: What is your least favourite role, other than vanilla townie, to play?
Quote from: Pandarsenic, BYOR 6.3 deadchat
Quote from: Urist Imiknorris, Witches' Coven 2 Elfchat
Screw you, Jack.


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Darvi:  Are you excited about this game?
A bit. Mostly because out of curiosity about what the role I named got turned into, who got it, etc. Would probably be even more exited if I hadn't an exam in a couple hours.

MBPImagine you had a oneshot kill. Would you use it as early as possible or keep it until later when you ave more solid suspicions? Why?

OB: Which player, who isn't wuba, worries you the most`Because wuba worries everybody the most, obviously.
ECF: If shakerag would shake rags, how many rags would shakerag shake?
JAT: Would you rather be a doctor or a roleblocker?

Darvi:  What's your theory on when a cop should claim? 
Is that a reference to RL mafia 1?

I think they should claim once they found scum, or any inspect that doesn't match any claims (i.e. a 3rd party claiming town). Or mid-to late game, when every bit of information can help and the risk of dying is quite higher *SupernaturalRPfuckassescough*


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Shakerag/Orangebottle:  I have no idea how I got those two mixed up.  I blame derp.

Same to Jack.  Not really.

Powder:  In BYOP (where you're town) you asked what someone would fear as town.   This time you did not.  It's those subtle differences that point out the scum.

Darvi:  Will you still be excited after you see your created role flip?
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Depends on how awesome Think made it.


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Shakerag/Orangebottle:  I have no idea how I got those two mixed up.  I blame derp.
Sure it's not a Freudian slip?


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Darvi:  I see.

Shakerag/Orangebottle:  I have no idea how I got those two mixed up.  I blame derp.
Sure it's not a Freudian slip?

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Darvi:  What's your theory on when a cop should claim? 
Is that a reference to RL mafia 1?

No, it isn't.  Why do you ask?

Powder Miner:  Cake or pie? 

Darvi:  I see.

Shakerag/Orangebottle:  I have no idea how I got those two mixed up.  I blame derp.
Sure it's not a Freudian slip?

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

And sometimes a cigar is your scumbuddy! 


Well, that certainly sounded cooler in my head.


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Orangebottle: What is your least favourite role, other than vanilla townie, to play?
Pretty much anything from Witches' Coven.
But besides bastard, flavor-filled games, I'd hate being a death-based wincon role.
Something like Jester, where the only way you can win is playing the exact opposite of the way you'd normally play.

Toaster: I absolutely hatelove how you answered Jack's question and not mine. That really helps my impression of you. Treat it as a hypothetical if you must.

OB: Which player, who isn't wuba, worries you the most`Because wuba worries everybody the most, obviously.
I think Dariush and Ottofar worry me the most. Ottofar for his incredibly lurky meta, and Dariush for his ETERNAL RAGE AND HATRED FOR ALL THINGS.

Shakerag:Try asking some real RVS questions. "What's your favorite color?" isn't a valid question either, by the way.
Also, "But I asked some back there!!" isn't a valid answer either. Ask some more, or follow up on questions you asked previously until you start getting some solid suspicions.
My Sig
Quote from: The Binder of Shame: RPGnet Rants
"We're in his toilet. We're in Cthulhu's toilet."

""Hey! No breaking character while breaking character"


  • Bay Watcher
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Because one guy decided to claim his result right the day after he got it. Mind ya, inspects weren't bound to roles, but to charged items, but the fact that he claimed a town inspect right away sounded pretty much like buddying, which is why I'm not fond of claiming immediately.

And sometimes a cigar is your scumbuddy! 


Well, that certainly sounded cooler in my head.
I was sorely tempted to do a "Your Mom" joke there.

I think Dariush and Ottofar worry me the most. Ottofar for his incredibly lurky meta, and Dariush for his ETERNAL RAGE AND HATRED FOR ALL THINGS.
So you're more worried about terribad town than good scum?


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I think Dariush and Ottofar worry me the most. Ottofar for his incredibly lurky meta, and Dariush for his ETERNAL RAGE AND HATRED FOR ALL THINGS.
So you're more worried about terribad town than good scum?
Awful town can lose a game faster than good scum can win it.
Besides, Ottofar's lurky meta applies whether he's town or scum.
My Sig
Quote from: The Binder of Shame: RPGnet Rants
"We're in his toilet. We're in Cthulhu's toilet."

""Hey! No breaking character while breaking character"
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