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What's your opinion on the SCP-foundation

It's cool to read.
- 28 (56%)
It's kind of obtuse.
- 4 (8%)
- 4 (8%)
Stop ripping it off, Kitten, you hack.
- 12 (24%)
- 2 (4%)

Total Members Voted: 48

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Author Topic: You are Patient Zero  (Read 327229 times)

Kitten Snot

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Re: You are Patient Zero
« Reply #3105 on: August 29, 2013, 01:46:24 pm »

You wait for Diane to return to normal, but realise she is going to need clothes soon enough. You venture outside, and find a jumpsuit on some disfigured corpse. By the time you got it off Diane has turned back.
You present her clothes, a sincere thank you and a quick peck on the cheek. The last one causes her to freeze up in shock. She snaps out of it pretty quickly though and gives a smile in return.
Then begins the dramatic escape. As you run throughout the corridors you have no doubt that right now there would be music playing if this was a movie, but you have to make do by humming some generic rock song you remember from somewhere.
The hallways are a mess, corpses everywhere. More accurately, pieces of corpses everywhere.
When you get to an intersection you see some guy writing things on the walls using the blood of the dead people here. The drawings vary wildly, from advanced algebra to strange languages. You spy some english texts in there but you decide to focus on the guy writing those.

Watch out with that one, he knocked me flat.
...Noted. Hey there, who are you?
A writer. He quickly hisses out as he continues drawing.
I can see that, but who is the individual in front of me?
A writing one.
What about your name?
Nothing about it. Just a word.
This is pointless. I don't think- Yes, she's right. She doesn't think, and your efforts to distract me from my work is pointless. It's too important, I might forget things.
What are you writing
What is the content of those words?
With this? Blood-cells.
What is the meaning of the things you write.
I hear things, they teach me things. Can't forget anything, nononononono.
I don't think he'll answer anything usefu-I have already told you much, and not a single question I answered has been done incorrectly. You just can't ask questions then, isn't it?
Don't talk to us like tha-Talk to you like what? Vermin? Parasites? I know who you both are, they told me of you. Leave me be, let me write, and you can continue on your grand scheme of taking over the world.
Sod this, let's go.
I believe that will not be neccecary A female voice suddenly says through an intercom.

A large screen zips on above you. An older lady is sitting in a large chair, leaned forward in worry. She looks directly at Diane
You've been a large problem to this facility, young lady. All we wish to do is help you.
Bull. Fucking. Shit.
I assume you've got your opinion about our company mainly from the genetic research parts? Here we genuinely wish to aid people, like Sasha Kriloff intended when she created this.
She sees the writer through the camera, and gasps in surprise.
D-Doug? Honey, what are you doing out there?
She was going to kill me, and I couldn't stay for fear of being interrupted. Besides, they wanted it in blood for this next part. Otherwise it won't stick.
We're leaving this place, whether you want to or not.
I know a man who won't be convinced when I see one. She visibly slumps and gives a deep sigh.
Fine... Release SCP-5408

The large screen blacks out and opens up, revealing a large cage rattling cage suspended from a chain.
When it comes down, It's clear you are in trouble. It's a huge black horse with one chaingun hanging from each side. When the cage reaches the ground, it simply kicks it open, rears in rage and charges towards you!
Doug meanwhile, decided now is a good time to bugger off, and retreats back to one of the hallways, who are closed off the second he got out.
The room is large, circular and there are multiple weapons and bodies strewn about. Also of note is the large chair here.
What do you do now?

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Did you remember that horse boss I talked about 180 pages ago?
I did.
I make stories and sometimes people like them.
Well, they did that once.
I think.


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Re: You are Patient Zero
« Reply #3106 on: August 29, 2013, 01:49:55 pm »

The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.


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Re: You are Patient Zero
« Reply #3107 on: August 29, 2013, 01:51:56 pm »


Highly Opinionated Fool
Warning, nearly incapable of expressing tone in text


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Re: You are Patient Zero
« Reply #3108 on: August 29, 2013, 04:22:41 pm »

Oh well. I guess friendship is the answer here. I think we should talk in a calm soothing voice, talk to it about how it is being used and how this path of self destructive rage will only lead to the dark side sorrow and regret. Tell it that all it needs is a friend, a family and we're willing to be that family. Approach slowly, arm extended in a fist, assuring it it's OK, that it's safe now and everything's gonna be fine. Pet it slowly. Then give it a hug. Then bite it in its now exposed and in range neck, rip its fucking throat off, rip the chainguns from its sides giving one to Diane and blast our way through the rest of the facility. This is an obvious joke.


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Re: You are Patient Zero
« Reply #3109 on: August 29, 2013, 07:28:44 pm »

Oh well. I guess friendship is the answer here. I think we should talk in a calm soothing voice, talk to it about how it is being used and how this path of self destructive rage will only lead to the dark side sorrow and regret. Tell it that all it needs is a friend, a family and we're willing to be that family. Approach slowly, arm extended in a fist, assuring it it's OK, that it's safe now and everything's gonna be fine. Pet it slowly. Then give it a hug. Then bite it in its now exposed and in range neck, rip its fucking throat off, rip the chainguns from its sides giving one to Diane and blast our way through the rest of the facility. This is an obvious joke.


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Re: You are Patient Zero
« Reply #3110 on: August 29, 2013, 07:33:13 pm »

Oh well. I guess friendship is the answer here. I think we should talk in a calm soothing voice, talk to it about how it is being used and how this path of self destructive rage will only lead to the dark side sorrow and regret. Tell it that all it needs is a friend, a family and we're willing to be that family. Approach slowly, arm extended in a fist, assuring it it's OK, that it's safe now and everything's gonna be fine. Pet it slowly. Then give it a hug. Then bite it in its now exposed and in range neck, rip its fucking throat off, rip the chainguns from its sides giving one to Diane and blast our way through the rest of the facility. This is an obvious joke.
procrastination is the opposite of concrastination, so you know.
we are all just sentient jelly piloting a bone-mech


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Re: You are Patient Zero
« Reply #3111 on: August 29, 2013, 08:28:05 pm »

Heh, I posted that as a joke. Didn't think people would consider it worthy. Then again, this is Bay12 and this plan is crazy enough to work...

Seriously though, you might want to think of a backup plan, cause mine isn't that bulletproof. Like, I dunno, can it point up with those chainguns? We could jump on that cage and then shoot it or jump on its back and bite it and stuff. Or maybe we split up, one of us draws its fire (probably Zero, since he can heal and rage) and another one (probably Diane) flanks it and goes in for the kill.


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Re: You are Patient Zero
« Reply #3112 on: August 29, 2013, 08:50:40 pm »

Heh, I posted that as a joke. Didn't think people would consider it worthy. Then again, this is Bay12 and this plan is crazy enough to work...
I want to know how to sig this with your ok. How does one sig?
Heh, I posted that as a joke. Then again, this is Bay12 and this plan is crazy enough to work...
Bump all day, bump all night, yeah this thread needs a bump alright!


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Re: You are Patient Zero
« Reply #3113 on: August 29, 2013, 09:38:42 pm »

Heh, I posted that as a joke. Didn't think people would consider it worthy. Then again, this is Bay12 and this plan is crazy enough to work...
I want to know how to sig this with your ok. How does one sig?
Profile>Modify Profile>Forum Profile>Signature
Copy paste there.
Happy sigging.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are Patient Zero
« Reply #3114 on: August 29, 2013, 10:52:16 pm »

Heh, I posted that as a joke. Didn't think people would consider it worthy. Then again, this is Bay12 and this plan is crazy enough to work...
I want to know how to sig this with your ok. How does one sig?
Profile>Modify Profile>Forum Profile>Signature
Copy paste there.
Happy sigging.
Heh, I posted that as a joke. Then again, this is Bay12 and this plan is crazy enough to work...
Bump all day, bump all night, yeah this thread needs a bump alright!


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Re: You are Patient Zero
« Reply #3115 on: August 29, 2013, 10:58:16 pm »

"Graceful and deadly... fitting.  Diane, let's get you a pony.  I'll knock it out or keep it busy as I can, you go for the bite.  Watch those guns and hooves."

Rage, charge at the charging pony, leap and apply fists directly to the forehead.

(Sure it's way risky, but we're better armored, have better regen AFAIK, we've been less and less recently injured than she has, and we can eat bodies to recover as long as we survive.)
« Last Edit: August 29, 2013, 11:00:21 pm by weenog »
Listen up: making a thing a ‼thing‼ doesn't make it more awesome or extreme.  It simply indicates the thing is on fire.  Get it right or look like a silly poser.

It's useful to keep a ‼torch‼ handy.


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Re: You are Patient Zero
« Reply #3116 on: August 29, 2013, 11:00:08 pm »

"Graceful and deadly... fitting.  Diane, let's get you a pony.  I'll knock it out or keep it busy as I can, you go for the bite.  Watch those guns and hooves."

Rage, charge at the charging pony, leap and apply fists directly to the forehead.
The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.


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Re: You are Patient Zero
« Reply #3117 on: August 30, 2013, 05:52:43 am »

>Zero: Ride horse like a mechanical bull.
>Zero: Punch horse in snout to establish superiority
Cultural status:
Depleted          ☐
Enriched          ☑


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Re: You are Patient Zero
« Reply #3118 on: August 30, 2013, 11:40:16 am »

>Zero: Ride horse like a mechanical bull.
>Zero: Punch horse in snout to establish superiority


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Re: You are Patient Zero
« Reply #3119 on: August 30, 2013, 04:04:30 pm »

Oh well. I guess friendship is the answer here. I think we should talk in a calm soothing voice, talk to it about how it is being used and how this path of self destructive rage will only lead to the dark side sorrow and regret. Tell it that all it needs is a friend, a family and we're willing to be that family. Approach slowly, arm extended in a fist, assuring it it's OK, that it's safe now and everything's gonna be fine. Pet it slowly. Then give it a hug. Then bite it in its now exposed and in range neck, rip its fucking throat off, rip the chainguns from its sides giving one to Diane and blast our way through the rest of the facility.

This is an obvious joke.
can I use this?
Re: You are the evo ape.
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