"Sure cat!"
Head out to car to get some larger packages. Come back in and sell them.
[5] With a carload of opium (boosted off some of your once associates before you did a runner) waiting just outside where you parked, this seems to be quite the money-making opportunity. You head on back towards the entrance, ignore both the creepy guy at the bar and some big guitarist feller knocking over furniture, and head outside.
[6] Yep, your car is still parked just outside, the beat-up wreck that it is, paint flaking off and tires bald and much-patched. You walk over and pull open the trunk(with some effort), revealing the large pile of bagged drugs heaped inside. You grab as much as you can carry and turn to head back inside, when you are confronted by the doorman. Or guard, whatever he is.
"'Scuse me, mister."
He speaks fairly politely, although he eyes you (and the load of powder you're struggling to carry) with distaste, "I'm gonna have to ask you to move your car," He waves a hand towards the sad sight of your crappy old car, "It ain't really in-keeping with the respectable atmosphere we're trying to establish, here."
You wouldn't really class the O'Dolan as
respectable...Aint dat just beat all. Clayton get's mighty angry and calmly puts his guitar away before flipping over the table next to him and stomping around in a huff
[5] Always careful with your instruments, you ensure your guitar is safely strapped to your back before
flipping the fuck out.Quite literally, in fact, as you flip the nearest table over, spilling drinks, fish stew, assorted cutlery and the salt and pepper shakers over its occupants,
[3] a young, well-dressed couple. As you begin stomping around in a temper, the young feller is shedding his suit jacket and rolling up the sleeves on his shirt, scowling heavily at you whilst shrugging off his girlfriend's attempts to restrain him.
It's hard to tell how anyone else in the dark room is reacting to your tantrum, but both kids are liberally splashed with foodstuffs.
Neither look very happy with you.
Also some big guy seems to be pulling a gun on someone over by the door. Huh.
Siddle up to the fedora guy, and talk about how crushing the laws are these days
[2] You take a stool beside the mysterious blue-suited figure at the bar, launching right into a speech on the evils of the law.
The guy stiffens up, turning to eye you sharply from beneath his hatbrim. He seems... A bit twitchy, his teeth bared in a nervous snarl.
"Th'fuck? Laws? What is this bullshit, are you a cop?!" You notice his hands remain very still on the bartop. He stares at you with a kinda creepy intensity, the whites of his eyes showing clearly amongst his sallow, greyish face. You have a feeling you better talk fast.
[5] You're just starting to sweat when the bartender makes his way over, distracting the fellow. "Lou! Go get Mister A for me, wouldya?"
For a moment, the way "Lou"'s head snaps around at the voice, you half expect him to throw down on the bartender. Thankfully though, he gets to his feet, glares at you for a second, then nods in response and shuffles off towards the back of the room.
You breath a sigh of relief, and the bartender grins knowingly at you. "Er, don't mind Lou, there. He's a bit... Highly-strung."
He places the bottle and glass from before infront of you on the bar and goes back to chatting to the scarf-lady.
"Hmm, nobody is doing anything about them outlaws?
"I'd like to hear some rumors, like on "Pianola" Ambrose, heard that he's...alive."
[5] As you speak, he looks up from the glass and raises an eyebrow at you, seemingly assessing your intent with the seasoned eye of a bartender. At length he sets down the glass and leans on the bar. He's really not much more than a boy, and has a full head of coppery hair, both of which are surprising in a world where bartenders are usually fat, middle-aged and bald.
"Alright, I reckon I see what this is. You jus' wait here, miss."
He heads down the bar a little, interrupting an apparent confrontation between the long-haired guy who followed you in and some creepy figure seated at the bar.
"Lou! Go get Mister A for me, wouldya?" 'Lou' gets to his feet somewhat reluctantly, then heads off. You hear a loud crash from somewhere over by the band stage, but the bartender doesn't seem to notice as he returns to his previous place, nodding to you as he goes back to cleaning.
"Whoops, sorry there."
Apologize to fat man.
[1]((WHAT IS WITH YOU AND ROLLING ONES?!)) Fatso doesn't give you a chance to apologise, one beefy hand reaching inside his jacket as he heaves himself to his feet. Time seems to slow as a big, long-barreled revolver slides out of a hidden holster. You start to wonder what was so bad about your career as a pianist...
Jeez NRDL, why have you been getting
all the bad rolls?

Blame RANDOM.Org. It's like it saves the worst rolls til the end of the turn.