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Cave crab death pit. Thoughts?

Yes! Let the death pinchings commence!
- 6 (75%)
Eh, I could go with ants or crabs.
- 2 (25%)
No! I want my promised giant ant death pit!
- 0 (0%)

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Author Topic: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks. - Retired  (Read 48008 times)


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2012, 03:04:14 am »

“Prickle berries and blue berries seem to be pretty common out here.” Lev said one night during a storm. Everyone was tolerating the mess of gathered berries for their evening meal. Mantis in particular seem rather.... Irritable. “Ooh! Dibs on those black berries!” Chops blurted out. She seemed to like the berries more than a dwarf should... “Hey Feral, I'm gonna go ahead put us up a trade station.” Mona said between mouthfuls of berries. “Why would you want to do that?” The expedition leader questioned. They weren't on a major trade route, so unless others got lost like they did, no caravan would come anywhere near their location. “Well, it's good to be prepared is all. I can toss together a nice earthenware one from the clay we have. It'll be nice and fancy and all that, so we can at least give an impression of knowing what the hell we're doing if a caravan does happen to pass through.”

“Hey, Feral. I finished that corner of the stockade like you asked. Figured I'd let you know I saw some edibles in the river. When's that girl Anvil gonna get to at least scrounging some shellfish up?” Targe said as he came in from the rain. “When a damn well feel like it ya beetle humper.” Anvil said icily. “Don't go insulting our tamers Anvil. We have those elephants thanks to them.”  “Yeah, great. We get ta put our lives in tha 'ands of a bunch a mythical dorf killers.”

The following day the air was thick with smoke from a kiln. Mona made good on putting baking some proper bricks, and once they were made, it was agreed upon: Zinc had constructed a masterpiece in that trade depot. To hell with caravans, they'd have it just to admire. Targe began nagging Anvil to get to catching when he sighted a few largish pond turtles roaming about on the river banks. She finally agreed to it, albeit with reluctance, but only when the rain finally let up.

And then, on the third of limestone, of the fifth year of the start of recorded time, one of the war elephants trained by Targe gave birth to triplets. Targe and Squid seemed overjoyed by this, and the matriarch seemed to become... proud, possibly. Feral was worried though. Soon the river would freeze. What would they do about water? He didn't want to admit it, but he feared it would come down to starvation or dehydration. Certainly the caverns offered hope? But sadly, they knew that it was too dangerous for their group. However, Mantis also showed her increasing aptitude, bringing the first whip vines any of them had seen brought in. She mentioned that she had been turning her butchering implements loose upon the plants. Perhaps it was for the best, lest she turn them on her fellow dwarves instead. Squid, sensing Feral's fears, put together a still using their last towercap log as the frame for the brewery. “We'll not go thirsty over the winter so long as Lev as the girls keep finding plants for us.” She said confidently.

A terrible incident on the twenty-third of Limestone occurred whilst Chops was hauling a log for the stockade. A terrible incident Usi, Mona, Mantis, and above all Wax did not let go unanswered....

OoC: Chops is no longer with us. In a fit of blind fury (since dwarves are a precious resource this early in history,) I sent Mona, Usi, Wax, and Mantis on a roaring rampage of revenge to slaughter the flying squirrles. I will not lie, I didn't play fair either. No death shall go unavenged, no matter what must be used. And this one certainly didn't. Our food woes are also taken care of, as is the need for trade goods when the caravan. I'll report on the battle next time.

Orange Wizard

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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2012, 03:29:08 am »

Liking the story so far, but what's the story behind the elephants?

I'd also like to request a dorfing, preferably as Wax Fencedefense. Have him demand the group to build fences.
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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #17 on: October 09, 2012, 03:34:13 am »

Essentially the concept is these guys were hunting elephants in some far flung place to add to thier home herds. They may not know the term, but they understand inbreeding is bad. The sugar beetles however, ate thier map so they were left with either bunkering down or risking death or becoming even further lost.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

EDIT: The battle proper. it was kind of sad really. I was hoping to put my best writing skill on the line, but instead got what amounted to a fight of four giant squirrels being oneshotted by Wax, though Mona got the last one.

           Squid came screaming inside the stockade. She'd been trying to bring back on of the stray elephant calves when she saw Chops torn to shreds by  a giant flying squirrel. At the mention of Chops' name, Wax bolt upright. “Are you sure she's dead!?” He said, shaking Squid violently. “Y-Yes, I checked her pulse... Dwarves can survive quite a bit, but she just... Bled out...” Squid said sadly. Bleeding to death was no way for a dwarf to go. Wax seemed to turn visibly grim and grabbed two more picks rest by the wagons and tossed them to Usi and Mona. “You two, with me. We're killing those squirrels.” He said darkly. Feral didn't challenge him. It was unwise to try and tell a dwarf not to seek vengeance when he was able to. “You'll do no cutting without me.” Mantis said, grabbing a bladestone sword from the crafting shop Feral had thrown up months ago and seizing a hastily made kite shield from their recently made carpentry shop. That shield she bore was the last thing Chops had made. It was of fine quality despite the hast in which it was made. She'd wanted to give it to Mantis with the stone in hopes she'd be willing to become the settlement's defender. Mantis now accepted these tools in  the carpenter's death. “Battle is but my trade on a larger scale. Let the hunt commence!” Mantis said, her voice ringing with a mixture of pride and righteous dwarven fury. “You'll know it when you see it Wax. I decided to call it Lordrushed, for reference.” Squid said shakily. “Come back in one piece everyone.” Was all Feral said.

           The fell sound of trumpeting indicated the elephants didn't take well to the squirrels and their impertinent attack on their care givers, and the new mother was already persuing Lordrushed.. “Vengeance will be had this day. The Somber Sling forgives no trespass as grave as this.” Wax said grimly as they followed the trumpeting elephant. It seemed more intent upon scaring away the evil beasts, but the group of armed dwarves had far worse fates in mind for them.

          “FOR THE SOMBER SLING!” Wax roared as he met the lagging squirrel. In two clean movements he brought the beast low and liberated it's head from it's shoulders with one clean strike of his pick to the base of it's neck, sending forth a small fountain of blood which slowed to a trickle quickly as the corpse ceased to move. The others attacked one of Lordrushed's apparent protectors as the murderer tried to flee, but Wax was not in the mood for such games as the beast managed to dodge away from Mantis and Usi with only superficial cuts and scrapes. “We come not for you wretch!” He bellowed before leaping upon the beast and planting the leading spike of his pick in it's skull, a small font of blood spouting out behind the blood spattered pick as Wax wrenched it free. Then he turned his sights upon the murderer of his closest friend.

             The beast was still coated with his now fallen friend's blood. It scratched fruitlessly trying to find a hold strong enough to support it in a thicket of tall and mighty highwoods, before turning to face the dwarven squad. Usi and Mona took a step, only for Mantis to block their way with her teal stoneblade. “He has to sort this out himself.”  She said quietly. “Come on beast! Show me what passes for fury among your misbegotten kind!” Wax challenged, thumping one fist against his chest before grasping his pick in both hands. The fell monster screeched some sort of corrupted squirrel-speak and charged at him. It sung a bloodied claw at him as it charged, but he ducked and rolled away, and as the beast brought it's other paw curled in a mockery of a fist in a back stroke upon him, he swung, and planted his pickaxe firmly between the eyes of the beast. As a final insult, the beast flopped on top of Wax as it's final breath left it's body.

             “I think it got the last laugh with the belly flop Wax.” Mona said joking ly as she and Mantis pushed the carcass off. Wax sat up, grimfaced and coated in squirrel blood, and silently turned to the river. “THERE!” He shouted abruptly. “ANOTHER COMES TO DIE!!!” He pointed his pick at squirrel that seemed to be minding it's own business drinking from the river, oblivious to all it's packmates being mercilessly cut down by a single angry miner with little to no aid from the others. In fact, it looked up, appearing to be confused by the strange little man-thing screaming at it from a hundred feet away. “KILL IT! KILL THAT DAMNED MONSTER!” He shouted getting to his feet. Mantis went wide to cut off it's escape as the battleminers charged, if only to keep Wax from turning his fury on his fellow dwarves. It was over quickly, Mantis herding it back into the miners who pinned it to the ground while Mona dug her pick into it's head from underneath, the sheer force tearing away it's whole braincase. She seemed proud of this, and said that if it didn't still have edible bits in and on it, she'd gladly keep it as a trophy. The group looked out upon their handiwork, Usi and Mona simply dusting themselves off after all was said and done and heading for the river to clean the blood off themselves. Wax lumbered off towards the stockade, dragging his brain and blood bedecked pickaxe behind him, and planting himself beside his dead friend. “Feral! Anvil! I need some help! I can't chop these things up alone!” Mantis called as she sheathed her sword. She may not have been allowed to cut the beasts while they breathed, but she'd be damned if she'd let her butchering tools go unbloodied with fresh bodies on hand.


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #18 on: October 09, 2012, 11:20:46 pm »

Over the next few days, Mantis' foul mood lightened slowly as she flayed the flesh and organs from the squirrels' bones. Not long after the anti-climax battle against the squirrels, more dwarves could be seen on the horizon. “More dwarves? What the hell would more dwarves be doing out here?” Feral asked the scout. “Hell if I know. But I could see a smith's kit on the leader, so we may as well let'em stay.” Andi said. [OoC Note: I'm pleasantly surprised. It's the rest of my old story’s crew, which included a dwarf  named after myself and one named after Corai.] “What are you dwarves doing out here?” Feral asked the leader. “Based on the elephants, probably the same as you. We lost our wagon a ways back trying to ford it over a river.” The smith if the group said glumly. “Hey, I thought it would make it. And hey, we're all alive and in the long run that's what matters right?” A mason said. “Name's Corai Portalamazed, if you need a businessdwarf, I'm your dwarf. Paid for the expedition to collect more elephants myself, even after our botched cavern city plan.” Corai shook Feral's hand vigorously, so much so he actually nearly threw him to the ground. “These are my associates for our mission, which I now proudly deem a failure. We had a variety of skills so we could trade ability for supply along the way, since I might have left the remainder of my funds in the wagon.” Corai gestured to each as he continued. “Splint Twobust, my business partner and a decent enough armorer and weapon smith. He's also done some beast taming before. These two with the picks are Slade Mergegems and Mattock Charmclasped. As you can probably tell, the two of'em are miners. This fellow is  a fellow member of the mason's guild, Osprey Windlanced. The fellow with the skrimshawer's kit is Skull Helmstoked. He's also got a touch of skill in carving the living into tiny chunklets. And the woodcarver there is Cobalt Toolpages.” Everyone waved or grunted in response as their names were called, save for Splint, who rather rudely flipped Corai off when his name was called.  Feral sighed as he realized what this meant, and sent the miners off to investigate what looked like some stone and gems poking from the hillside and digging out a food prepstation under their food storage building. Skull took it upon himself to make some trinkets from the bones they had, since they were otherwise going unused.

Wax also became rather popular quickly after his stellar performance against the murderous giant flying squirrels, even managing to become a friend of the otherwise reclusive Mantis. Targe also set aside his distaste for her craft and befriended her when she showed signs of unhappiness. The two aided him in laying his dear friend Chops to rest, Targe placing the casket and once placed at rest, Mantis sealed the tomb. And on the 18th of Timber, as the year started to draw toa close, they saw the inconceivable:

A dwarven caravan had come.


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2012, 11:33:18 am »

“Hello there! What are you dwarves doing here? Nobody said there'd be an outpost out here.” The caravan master said merrily as he approached the stockade. “Got stuck here when those stupid beetles ate our map. Why are you here?” Feral said, looking at the wagons coming down the hill. “Goblin warhost on the move we were giving a wide berth. I'd say it worked out though! Tell ya what, I have a few friends in the elvish and human merchant clans, how about I let them know you're here? Looks like you've decided on setting up shop permanently, so that sound good?” The caravan master asked. “I guess.” Feral said reluctantly. “Great! Also, since we know you're here, how about I take a laundry list of stuff you'd like when we pass by next year? In exchange for a little trading of course.” he said with a sly grin. “Well, looks like Skull's trinkets will be put to good use... Skull, Mantis, Lev! Bring that bone junk to the depot!” Feral ordered. Skull gave Feral the finger for insulting his exceptional work, but he'd figured this would be their fate regardless. “Oh, Lev, find the queer fellow Corai. He'll be qualified to take care of negotiations.” Feral ordered before walking into the makeshift shelter with the caravan master.

“Hello hello gents! Name's Corai Portalamazed and I'll be your broker this evening. We got some fine  bone crafts and totems for all your trinket selling needs in the tallfolk towns!” Corai said as he followed the chain of dwarves bringing trinkets to the depot. “A pleasure Mr. Portalamazed. Lookin' forward to doin' business with you.”

Feral wrote up a laundry list of goods the group wanted, composed of fish, meats and poultry of various sorts, plenty of booze, including moonglow, the most prized of all dwarven drinks. Also were pearlash, forge fuel, bronze and some miscellaneous metal bars such as platinum and silver in small quantities, and hard chitin of the ironhide centipede. In return, they asked if at all possible to have any kinds of tools, spare splints and armor. “Hey Feral! Somebody made some stuff in the kiln, want us ta shift this stuff too?” Anvil called from a kiln outside. Feral stepped out and looked. “Oh right, forgot I made those. Yeah go ahead. The hives too if you don't mind. We can always make more.” Feral said before coming back in. “Something wrong?” The caravan master asked. “No, we just found some more stuff we can give you guys. In exchange for some food of course.” Suddenly there was shouting coming from the depot, followed by the sound of something falling through the trees. “Ah hahaha! I told ye I could hit it! Where's me money?” A caravan guard had popped a bug-man with a headshot on his first shot according to Wax. Andi also decided to lend a hand in making some additional trade goods since Skull needed to sleep, having been up for nearly three days straight. However, Lev reported something far worse: The river had begun to freeze. Winter was approaching and unless they figured out a means to keep their drink stock up, they'd all surely perish before spring came and the river thawed again. Worse, yet, snow was falling. Plus there were those damnable bugs to deal with, to say nothing of their lack of anything else useful besides what the merchants sold them.

However, when Mona and Usi came in shaking off snow to tell the group the mine and a mason's space were carved, Mantis said she'd gladly lead the miners down to hunt the fell monsters, provided a slaughter station were set up so she could set to work after each successful hunt. “We'll be ready to dig down to find anything useful Feral, all you need to do is give the word.” Mona said reassuringly to the downcast expedition leader. “Traps.” Splint blurted out. “Excuse me?” Feral replied. “Cages. We need cage traps to catch anything Mantis doesn't massacre. In particular.... Monstrous Beetles. Those make even out mightiest of elephants look like little more than a large dog amongst a pack of dire wolves. I've seen one decapitate an elephant in one swift move. We went out to found a home in the caverns for that purpose.... To bring those mighty monsters under dwarven control... to show the elves that even their petty animals cannot stop the might of true dwarven beasts of war.”

“Well, we may yet get to prove that. Mona, Usi, find Wax. I want the caverns found as soon as our strange little friend here has the traps ready.”


So, the river is frozen, what shall the dwarves do with this? Dam it? dig some kind of resivoir? Build a brige? There are no bad ideas, but I'm working with a limited workforce and they aren't nearly as expendable as they normal would be.

Also, what should be built next?


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2012, 02:04:34 pm »

if a random peasant with NO skills, or only armor/wrestling skills shows up, can i take it?

i say go for magma. and get a pump-stack up.
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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #21 on: October 12, 2012, 02:52:54 pm »

I'm fairly accident prone with magma plus I'm paranoid with anything involving pumps and moving fluids as they seem to enjoy sucking away my FPS at random.

So lets rule out magma. Unlike alot of people, I happen to enjoy using charcoal, if only because I hate workers traveling long distances and accomplishing nothing between jobs.


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #22 on: October 12, 2012, 03:22:54 pm »

allright.... oh, and for my dwarf, if one shows up, can it be a miner/stoneworker? making pots with stone mined by itsself?
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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #23 on: October 12, 2012, 03:26:11 pm »

If you mean some kind of hermit living nearby, then..... I could actually probably arrange that.


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #24 on: October 12, 2012, 03:28:49 pm »

OOH! A HERMIT? i can have one? YAY!

AseaHeru has gone stark raving mad!
AseaHeru mumbles...  Hills of clay, doors of stone, beds of oak...

ignore me, im having tomutch fun.
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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #25 on: October 12, 2012, 03:32:51 pm »

Actually... Let's see, if the elves bring any you can have your oak bed, and if jet's ok, then you shall have stone shit. And I can build a little hut out of clay too.


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #26 on: October 13, 2012, 01:27:56 pm »

Highly Opinionated Fool
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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #27 on: October 15, 2012, 12:35:39 am »

The days grew short as winter further placed a stranglehold on the land. Anvil and Splint were busily gathering clay to build further needed buildings when they noticed Mona tumbled down the ramp having slipped on a small collection of clay somebody had carelessly left at the top of the bottom-most landing. “Mona, are ya ok?” Anvil asked, reaching out to her. Mona righted herself, looked up at Anvil and brushed away the helping hand, and walked up the ramps to the settlement after getting up and dusting herself off. [OoC: Oddly enough she'd just tumbled down the ramps and a mood hit her.] She said nothing, digging her personal journal out of her personal bundle of belongings, and marched off to the mine where the masonry shop was. The last anyone saw of her for days was when she was rummaging around the depot (which needed desperate attention to make sure the food didn't rot,) where she made off with.... A box containing agricultural manuscripts? Also for no real reason, Wax decided he'd take up stone smoothing. “I need thing to do with my spare time until we start mining.” Was all he said about it. He was startled when he heard Mona shouting. “Mona! Mona what's wr- What the hell is that thing?” Wax  said as he swung into the masonry room. “It's a millstone!”

“Agsethutan Thak Ison, Archblamless the Lock of Planning. This is a jet millstone. All Craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. It is studded with manuscript crating bits and and encircled with bands of rectangular jet cabochons. It menaces with spikes of jet, and has a raised image of a giant orca upon it in jet.” Feral came running with Mantis in tow as Mona approached the mouth of the mineshaft. “What's happening! Did Mona- Whoa.” Feral was caught off guard by the smiling Mona carrying the millstone. “Fancy Millstone you made Mona.” Mantis said, sheathing her sword.

“What. The. FUCK.” Feral said as the group came back, finding work being done by the river. “Who ordered this!?” He demanded to know. “Corai. Said we should make sure we have a secure river section and a place for a wind mill.” Usi said. “How the hell...” Feral muttered. He saw only highwoods marked for the wall, so he figured it could be forgiven. “Spotted a mosquito man outside, anyone wanna go have at it?” Lev said as he came into the stockade with an armload of blueberries. Wax grabbed his pick and stretched “I could use a good scrap. Sure.” Mantis drew her sword, and told Wax to stay his pick. “It is the job of a butcher to kill, not a miner.” She said as she skulked off into to woods surrounding the camp. She came back an hour or so later, looking rather disappointed. “The abomination fled.” Was all she said to anyone. Following that a flock of small ravens were seen. To Feral, such birds didn't bode well for the settlement. And in fact, soon after they flew over the stockade, a beetle attacked Usi, obviously feeling crowded in the small meeting hut. Targe and Squid apologized for the beetles and brought them outside. The trees were felled and additional wall raised. They decided they would wait until spring to raise the mill.


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #28 on: October 15, 2012, 10:18:09 am »

blueberrys? do you have a mod? besides the one for the tools that is. good post!
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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #29 on: October 15, 2012, 10:47:11 am »

Civilization Forge.
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