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Cave crab death pit. Thoughts?

Yes! Let the death pinchings commence!
- 6 (75%)
Eh, I could go with ants or crabs.
- 2 (25%)
No! I want my promised giant ant death pit!
- 0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 8

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Author Topic: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks. - Retired  (Read 48010 times)


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #255 on: December 13, 2012, 01:35:24 pm »

When the colossal beetle was released, even Ragushat was humbled by the insect's tremendous size size. It adapted well to the training Targe gave it, and Corai seemed absolutely delighted that the elves had done half the work for them. A thief met his end at the tusks of Ragushat, and in celebration of their good fortune a celebration was held. Mona was seen however looking annoyed. “Hey Mona, what's wrong?” Ringo asked, hoping the miner wasn't upset over something. “Flying squirrel people clogging up our cages. Gonna go and deal with them.” She said, handing Ringo her work mattock. “Uhm.... Alright then.” Ringo mumbled. When Mona had set upon them, the fight was over before it began. Two had the life ripped from hem with the red metal pick Mona brought to bear, with the survivors being an initial capture and a second she chased into a roadside trap. After the deed was done, Mona informed the others and they intended fully to kill the survivors, if only to free up he cages. The militia ran solo drills often following this to keep their skills sharp, once they officially opened the barracks doors. Hammerhead and Muscov seemed to love watching mantis and Corai practice with their weapons. Mantis had even gone so far to begin showing her children the various weapons in the armory, and where some came from if she or Corai knew. Of a non-martial matter, Lev and Mattock were now competing to see who was the better chef, both beginning to bang out masterfully made dishes.


“Hey Usi, watcha doing?” Wax said, sitting next to  his fellow Battleminer in the gold mine. “Down there.” He said, pointing with his mattock. “Ugh, more sugar beetles?” Wax said in disgust. He was sick of the annoying little bugs. Why they began breeding them was anyone's guess, as they had so much food already it was ridiculous. “Didn't know they lived down here.” Usi said, taking a swig from his sterling silver flask. “Damned things live everywhere but the coldest places.” Wax said. “Come on, it's not healthy to be down here for too long. Besides, those fishfolk may decide to take a pot shot at you.” Usi sighed and said simply “Alright.” Before the two went topside. And found their clansdwarves dragging in cages with still more beetles in them. Spike beetles this time. They were also dragging in the remains of two that had been killed by an anti-snatcher trap. “More beetles. MORE FUCKING BEETLES.” Wax shouted indignantly. “I'M SICK OF BEETLES!” “Calm down Wax, it's just some overgrown vermin.” Wax sighed. “I'm just sick of looking at them.” He muttered depressingly. “Then you probably don't wanna look up.” Usi said, his head craned upwards. “Why- What the hell is that thing!?” Wax's jaw dropped as he saw a big ugly insect hoping from tree to tree before coming to rest out of sight on the hill. “A giant grasshopper apparently.” Wax lamented the sight of the beast, but then just shook his head and went with Usi back inside as a human caravan was sighted down the road where work on the golden road had begun. This was good, as rather amazingly, they had run out of things to cook besides plants, and who wants just plant based food? Although lev had managed to make a strange stew from raspberry wine and fish, so who could tell if it would really be bad or not? Not long after come the silver xelics, looking for trade as well. They would be seen to if they had anything left to trade after they were done with the humans.

There was suddenly shouting from the armory, and Wax came out dragging the remains of a slain Zephyr. “Little shits just don't know where the hell to quit.” He said  in irritation. Trade went well overall with the humans, whom were glad to have their many manuscripts on military method and strategy, and those on engineering and the many ingots of metal, as well as piles of preserved meat and fish and many cheeses. The xelics had less, but still, fish, brewables, a small quantity of seeds and cheeses, and a beautiful blue spear made of glacium were purchased, though they did get upset over a shimmersteel piccolo that had chestnut bands on it that had been recovered from the high elves' wrecked wagon, it didn't prevent them from trading. They did opt to begin packing in however to leave. Also rather humerously, a number of goblins were found sliced to bits by a pond. A trap laid months ago finally saw its intended victims: Kidnappers. What had alerted anyone of their presence was a string of curses coming from the ancillary where a goblin had walked into a trap. Not long after, they heard shouting goblin and a loud splash: An ambush had blundered into the traps  as well. Judging by the goblins' rapid exit, the dwarves though the enemy commander had died, but instead saw him claw his way from the muck.... And get brained by a maul that sprang out on a springy wooden arm in a windmilling fashion. He flopped onto some of the trap opening in the soil, warrenting being removed manually. However when Targe went to do this so the others could focus on other tasks, a second group attacked, and Targe, having locked the ancillary door as precaution, panicked and ran down oneside of the stockade, the closest goblin giving chase, and subsequently running into the only lethal trap by the door, a wrought iron hammer bursting from a slot in the door and smashing the goblin in the side of the head, sending him into the mud by the pond in noisy splop and clatter of armor, but otherwise unmoving.  Zinc meanwhile had gone to rearm a trap but was spotted by one of the still ambulatory goblins, who gave chase. Zinc thought up a plan quickly, and decided to bypass the gate. As she ran by the gate, the beetle dubbed Nightwheel came rushing out when she called. The beetle slammed into the goblin's backside and sent him crashing face first into the solid adobe roadbed. The beetle then lashed out with it's foreleg to hold the goblin in place and crushed the goblin's right foot to lumpy mush and bony splinters, and, using this anchor-point, bit down and tore away the goblin's entire right leg, spray blood for a brief instant as the goblin let out a horrible cry, quickly being given a sort of “SHUT UP!” type message as, when the goblin began screaming, Nightwheel smashed his teeth down his own throat. The goblin, now delirious with pain didn't seem to notice when he lost his hand to the beetle's snapping mandibles. The goblin made a single cursory effort, swinging his shield hopelessly at the attacking beetle, and was rewarded with more of his arm being amputated before the beetle muscled it's head in his guard and bit down on his body and began shaking him about for a full minute, at the end of which the goblin spearman's body armor buckled and the serrated edges of the mandible ripped open and spilled out his guts. Finally, the world grew dark and the pain faded after the beetle spun around and tore away his last leg.

Back near the ancillary, Targe's screams for help were answered as ragushat came barreling around the stockade wall towards the wounded goblins. The first was dazed and sat up, holding his broken arm when he found himself staring at the (to the goblin) icy dead gaze of Ragushat, Elephant Matriarch of the Goldenrocks herd. He closed his eyes as the tusk was swung in, and he felt nothing more. The squad leader, had already begun to try and escape when Ragushat  grabbed him by the leg with her trunk and flung him bodily over the sudden drop  the Battleminers had made to control traffic. She quickly went down and around, and stomped the goblin's head into unrecognizable slop inside his own helmet. There was now one survivor left, and the blood spattered matriarch thankfully passed him over, heading uphill to look for the dwarf he'd himself lost sight of in the dense brush around the dwarven stockade. Suddenly a dwarf leapt by, grabbing his shield and spinning him around before bolting inside. Suddenly the goblin realized, as he steadied himself, that it meant the elephant knew where he was, and sure enough he was send violently to the ground when the head of an elephant smashed into him. He rolled aside as it smashed a large foot into the earth where he was and tries to counterstrike, but fails, and his spear is yanked from his grasp and tossed into the mud. Raguashat then swung an angry trunk down, but he managed to block, his shield denting inwards under the strain, much to the goblin's dismay. Suddenly he found himself seized and hoisted up by his lag, and promptly slammed into the ground with such foce that several ribs shattered and the bone fragments ripped into his lungs. Ragushat then tossed him at the wall, seeming to aim for the weapon trap in front of the ancillary door. He hit the ground and remained still, and the elephant, thinking him dead, left. [Ragushat basically said screw it while the goblin was mid-flight from a  kick to the body.] When he stood up, a dwarf in craftsman's attire rushed at him and planted a punch squarely in his face. He then found his weapon arm grappled and broken, and he promptly passed out from the accumulated injurues.

Stone had done the limb snapping, and Wax, hearing him grunting and the sound of a rock being wanged against a helmet, investigated and upon findig the goblin being wailed on by Stone, shoved the craftsman off and put his work mattock in the goblin's head through the helm. The danger had passed, but Wax remained on guard, while the clan moved to clean up the wreckage of the fight and unjam the trap that had killed the macegoblin. The children also seemed perfectly happy to loot the bodies of the relatively unworn clothes, as were some of the dwarves, as the clothing were of articles they lacked, such as indoor robes and new cloaks. It was well into early autumn by the time the corpses, larger teeth and ripped off limbs. And to top off the start of the season, several sugar beetle nymphs were hatched.

[Well, this season's ambushes were beaten by brain over brute force more or less, all thanks to some random quirks in the AI and Ragushat leaving her pen to chase the goblin Nightwheel murderized. Trade was conducted, sold a bunch of shit, somehow managed to piss off and still trade with the tree fondling bug-men, and still probably won't get any damned migrants. BUT! The golden road is underconstruction, but we need to find another gold vein to finish it. Back to it! Oh, and Ragushat is now Ragushat Regenshal Arros, “Clapbasement the Gloved bud of Throwing.” Yes.]


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #256 on: December 13, 2012, 03:24:20 pm »

Well, she does seem to love throwing enemies around.
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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #257 on: December 13, 2012, 03:30:30 pm »

Any time someone got thrown, it's my poetic flourish. Thrown may as well = used them as a kickball. There was a power hiccup so I lost a little progress, but not much. But yes, I do believe now I have the most feared elephant in dwarven employ.


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #258 on: December 14, 2012, 01:03:56 am »

The merchants left in Limestone, and with them went information that an outpost existed, as it had for the better half of a decade now. Work continued, the apartment being finished as far is it could be, with beds and chests, and additional masonry shops built in the large dugout, as Feral had gotten fed up with the tables not being made. They also decided on a golden gate to compliment the road, but as with now the remaining half of the road, they'd need more ore and imports to build it, but they resolved to leave the commemorative bridge with it's lone pig iron slab with the names of the dwarves born in Limulid etched into it. They also decided on what to do with their pile of prisoners: Wait until the giant ants were born, dig a pit, and throw'em in without their weapons. It seemed like a constructive use of their prisoners. More of the road was finished, and Feral opted to have a second floor added to their underground storage. Everyone was working as they did normally when Splint just froze in place while he was training a giant boar piglet and shouted something in Old Dwarven, a rather dead dialect. He rushed forwards to the forge, and began arranging tools, and then seized a bright silver bar before setting to work. Over the following week and a half, a large number of sugar beetle nymphs and giant beetle nymphs were born hatched and caged, and the first half of the road was done. At dinner on the 10th of Sandstone, a delirious and thirsty Splint wandered in carrying a beautiful yet simple mug made of brightsilver bands with spikes encircling the base. “I.... Did... When did I make this?” He asked, holding the mug up. “Been working on it for over a week man.” Targe said. “What's it called? Looks beautiful.” Splint checked his pocket, and pulled out a note. “Found this in metal shavings so I wrote it down. Though it was important.” Targe took the note and read aloud. “Tinothnobang, Rakul Mafol... Uh, that's.. Equaldismal the Hail of Chambers. Huh. I've heard weirder names.” Targe said. Splint slammed the mug on a barrel. “Fill it. I'm gonna get some food.” With that, Splint walked away to the food storage.

[Pitifully short update because of so little going on. I went loopy upstairs and my potential to make an artifact weapon or piece of armor is gone. Still, Anvil will end up churning out a good piece of armor if she losses her shit.]


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #259 on: December 14, 2012, 10:58:25 am »

Possession, huh? That sucks. Especially since a mug is pretty much worthless. Ah, well, it's more wealth to attract migrants!
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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #260 on: December 14, 2012, 11:15:19 am »

The fact it was my dawrf and it was a mug makes me think he knows about Spearbreakers.


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #261 on: December 15, 2012, 02:50:16 am »

A giant sparrow was killed and fished out of the river one morning in late sandstone and coati folk were spotted on the hill. Little was happening for some time besides general work and euthanising a coati man who was maimed on a trap. Work progressed along slowly though. There wasn't enough dwarves to do what needed to be done. At least though now they had personal beds for everyone and a well fortified home. They decided to get rid of the animal men they had by pitching them into a pond outside the stockade  First victim was a captured coati woman, who, after dragging herself from the pond, was sliced to ribbons on the traps guarding the logbridge. The flying squirrel folk were next, but their execution was stayed at the alarm of a captured snatcher. Skull was the only one fully geared at the time and moved to guard the busy path between the workshaft and the stockade to protect the children who insisted on following their parents everywhere. However Zinc let a call of alarm fly when a squad of xelics made their presence known: The enemy was attacking once again.

The militia rushed to their equipment as everyone ran for the hospital to take refuge within. Zinc barely escaped, having ducked a swung maul and fleeing towards the stockade, outrunning the xelics who were laden down with heavy metallic shields. As she rushed inside the stockade, the militia charged out to block the enemy's way, sans Anvil and Mona who were asleep at the time. “Watch the whips. Those'll mess you up quick.” Slade said as the prepared to clash with the enemy. “Forward dwarves! For Limulid!” Mantis shouted, and she charged forward, her clansdwarves following behind. Mantis made first contact, blocking a cracking scourge and countering by chopping away the xelic's leg. As the xelic hit the one section of unfinished road, Corai struck, severing the xelic's head at the neck. A second xelic struck, but mantis dove in the way and clove away the offending xelic's leg. Osprey managed to get into the second fight and put one of his daggers through the weapon hand of the xelci, pinning him to the ground while Corai sliced the bug in half.

Osprey rushed the next, getting inside the lasherbug's guard and putting one dagger in the xelic's leg and another through his weapon hand. He then yanked his blades free and kicked the xelic square in its abdomen, causing it to vomit on itself as it flopped onto its back. Usi meanwhile put his pick through one of the remaining xelics' head in one clean shot, pulling the xelic off and gently pushing him over. The remaining two Xelics were quickly disembowled, one loosing limbs and ichor to three swordsdwarves and another being punched to death by Osprey after his blades became lodged in the xelic's chest. Finally only the squad leader remained and Mantis resolved to take it on herself.  She charged at it, and planted her falchion in it's leg, but the bug countered by headbutting her in the chest hard enough to make her feel like her heart skipped a beat. She then swung blow after blow, with the xelic trying to counter each with a shield strike until he opened his wall of shields to swing his maul.

Which resulted in him losing an arm and his hammer.

The xelic, in shock dropped a shield to clutch his stump to staunch the bleeding, but Mantis wasted no time to wedge her sword into the joint of his right leg and cleave away the lower half with a well positioned thrust. She tried to strike again but was caught open and struck in the leg with a shield, though it did little more than leave a bruise. She then struck it in the arm and sent the offending appendage into the mud without it's owner. The hammerbug's final action was letting out a shocked cry before Mantis sliced away clean the abdomen of the xelic warrior. With the battle over, Usi told the others the danger had passed, but the militia remained on alert, which proved for the best when Mantis stumbled upon a legless xelic snatcher, who promptly tried to flee, but blundered into the trap that took her legs, being bisected. Osprey was the first to greet the vamari caravan, waving them in and telling them to mind the severed limbs and corpses on the road. However work was disrupted so badly it was doubtful they would be able to trade with the militia needing to maintain readiness for a short while, though eventually Mantis felt the danger had passed and they went back to work.

As the vamari caravan came down the newly plated golden road, they stared in awe at it's splendor. A squirrel man also got loose and Splint punched it into a weapon trap, where it received a minor case of head trauma from a maul that swung out of the wall and smashed his skull. Ringo also discovered the shredded remains of an ambush on the log bridge, though one pikebug survived and scared her across, said pikebug was stabbed and sliced up, and in dodging the flailing blades and pointy things, landed in the river and promptly drowned. With the Vamari present as well, the militia stood down. An unlucky thief however fell to the tusks of  the herd's bull, dubbed Senieyila, Quietworks, by the vamari. Splint also ran across a bugbear, which didn't bode well for the presence of aggressors. Later in the day he also cleaned out the body of a dead bugbear from the log traps.  As he dragged the body to the dump, Stone made a great ruckus as a bugbear attempted to mug him while he was finishing up a segment of road. Mona, Slade, and Skull happened to be nearby, gathering the arms of the dead xelics, and quickly set upon the foolish brute. Mona removed all of the bugbear's limbs with surgical precision before planting her pick through the poor thief's head. A short distance away, Clinchedrooms slew a kobold thief Coral harp had spotted.

With all the thieves and slowly growing pile of bodies by the river, it was clear the Autumn trade season might be quite.... Hectic.

[Yup, another update! Seems the xelics are getting sufficiently pissed off at me now to start attacking before the caravans arrive. Probably not getting a dwarven caravan anytime soon either, which sucks. Oh well. It was also painfully obvious that ambushers were trying to cross the river due to unexplained flying limbs and sudden gouts of mist and bodies jamming up a freshly unjammed trap. Really, they have no idea what subtly is do they.I mean there's bodies piling up in the river it's so bad. I doubt I'll get migrants come spring, but I'm hoping that such a flagrant display of wealth in a gold plated road (Now half finished!) will draw something in.]


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #262 on: December 15, 2012, 10:52:02 am »

no migrants?
Highly Opinionated Fool
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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #263 on: December 15, 2012, 11:07:13 am »

Still none. i know the civ isn't dead because I keep getting no migrants attracted messages.


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #264 on: December 15, 2012, 08:02:51 pm »

As clean-up continued, a squad of swordbears lead by a spearbear were sighted. While one among them was already dead thanks to a trap that had been forgotten, the chieftain rushed at Mattock and was snared in a trap, ensuring the swordbears wouldn't flee. Mattock, being the only one armed by the door, hefted his pick, and prepared to face the enemy. If he was to die, he would die like a dwarf. It was still evident though, that bugbears were simple when he saw one get clogged in the trap that already had two dead bugbears by it. He got the first strike in, bashing the closest brute in the side, the sound of bone shattering at the strong armed dwarf's pick quite audible. The beast managed to let loose a terrible roar and swung his kopesh, Mattock ducking the swing and the blade embedding into the logs of the stockade. As the bear tried to pry his blade free, mattock drove his pick into the monster's leg, snapping bone and rending flesh. The bugbear, in a fit of anger, backhanded Mattock away and wrenched his sword from the wall. Mattock staggered to his feet and delivered an upward swing, punching through the monster's copper scale mail and wrecking his lung. Mattock managed to pull it free and dodge a slash before he wheeled around and smashed his pick into the head, but sadly the monster's helm stopped the otherwise fatal smash. The bugbear in kind, swung it's shield and struck Mattock in the chest, sending him sprawling into the mud. The bugbear however was reeling from his wounds, giving Mattock time to pull himself up, and he managed to wing into the bugbear's leg, and managed to rip away a foot. The monster collapsed screaming, and Mattock put his pick into the bandit's elbow and pulled away the entire lower portion of his left arm. From there he smashed the grip of his pick down with all his might, killing the bear.

Just in time to be sent sprawling into muck and blood again by a charging bear. However this bear stopped square on the activation for the ancillary trap switch, and found his spine ruined by the various weapon, and quickly suffocated, the nerves running through his neck having been clipped by a sword in the trap. Two of the other survivors similarly marched right into the trap, Mattock falling on the one that managed to remain cognoscente. At the instant, Mona and a war beetle, Nightwheel, happened to come through looking for Ringo and a missing boar (who at the time were both running in the opposite direction from the fight) and assisted, Mona dealing a deathblow with her incindium pick and Nightwheel squashing the unconscious bugbear's head in its maw, helmet and all. “You alright Mattock?” She said, helping the worn out miner up. “Yeah... Just... Just gimmie a few.” he replied, thoroughly worn out. “Made quite mess.” Mona said observantly. “Not bad for a rook.” Mattock waved his hand. “Traps did most of that.” “Still, you did good. Come on. We got trade to do.” Mona said, patting the tired worker on the back. Shortly after, Mantis ran into a kobold. And after that there was a fresh coat of kobold blood on the wall, as Mantis had clove the poor kobold in half at the waist in one quick motion. The mess of bodies needing to be cleaned up was atrocious, as was the pools of viscera needing to me washed away by rain.

Winter came, and no dwarven caravan came with it. The river froze, removing the settlement's most powerful defense, the river. Feral however, at Corai and Splint's counsel, decided that come spring they would dig a moat around the front entry, and line the edges with traps using their enemies' own weaponry, as well as whatever the imported that the militia didn't use. Trade was finally concluded after much work in the first week of winter, with many brewable, edible plants and piles of preserved turtles and fish. They wanted to buy their cheeses but decided against it. Splint forged his first masterpiece, a rose gold mug, and Ringo cooked her first as well. Overall things went well, aside from the lack of a caravan home.

Surely their golden road would bring hopefuls next spring.

[I doubt it though. So things went well, Mattock got to sort of strut his stuff as a fighter, though the traps basically saved his ass. Trade was concluded and piles upon piles of dead bodies and severed bits litter the area. I seriously need more dwarves to also cover clothing needs because people are upset to be wearing old clothing (even thought here's piles of clothes available.) I also wish they'd stop hoarding ruined clothes, but for that to work I need to unassign everyone from their rooms for a month or something. Half of the golden road is officially done and the other half is started. May or may not need more gold to finish it since roads cover more than I thought. Also: Golden gateway, eapontrap lined moat: Good or bad idea?]


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #265 on: December 15, 2012, 11:56:49 pm »

good? just have some nice stone walls. lined with traps.

how many kids are there?
Highly Opinionated Fool
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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #266 on: December 16, 2012, 02:29:16 am »

CHeck the first page's list. That's our entire population at present.


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #267 on: December 16, 2012, 01:46:11 pm »

It's odd. No caravans and no migrants in a long time. Can they just not reach you?
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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #268 on: December 16, 2012, 01:53:09 pm »

They should be able to regardless, and even if the wagons can't the liason and pack critters would. It's a little irritating to be honest. I actually have some much menail work that needs to be done now it's not funny and I only have 20 dwarves to get it done. The clean-up after battles alone is especially horrific because the militia seems to enjoy removing limbs. While I'm all for that, it ends up making cleanup take for-fucking-ever. I'm on the verge of drafting the children through dwarf therapist just to take care fo hauling and nothing else because I'm that desperate for manpower.


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #269 on: December 16, 2012, 04:23:14 pm »

The settlement was hectic trying to clean up the corpses and equipment from the seasonal attacks. The sheer number of severed limbs and bags of viscera was making it a challenge alone. They also had more prisoners than they knew what to do with, as they had yet to receive any giant ant larvae. Feral ultimately decided to wait only the rest of the season and then have the current clutch thrown away. After doing a headcount, they found they had nearly 20 prisoners, among them master thieves, bugbear chieftains, and xelic officers. They also decided to mark out a space inside the stockade to place dead xelics until they rotted out of their exoskeletons. They also markets trees t be felled along the road, partially to meet their metalworking needs,their bin needs, and to get bits of dead enemies out of the trees. It took until well after the vamari left to finally get to the dead xelics' chitin, the large piles of it being drug into the stockade and stored until it would be needed or processed. A few metal bars were processed into trade goods, and more of the golden road was finished. Hopefully the hobgoblin merchants would be able to carry sufficient word to the outside world.

On the 24th of Opal, while Andi was helping out with storing some freshly woven socks, she dropped her bin and shouted at the top of her lungs “BONES!” “What are you blabbering about Andi?” Stone asked, as he scrapped the scale from a fish caught earlier in the year. “Do we have bones!? ANY bones?” Andi asked hysterically. “How the hell should I know? I clean fish and work stone, I don't handle butchery. Ask Mantis. Or Skull for that matter. He's your craftsmaster isn't he?” Andi twitched violently and backhanded Stone before rushing upstairs. She dove into one of the unused craftshops and began frantically searching for bones in the mess of tools. When none were to be had, she shouted at the top of her lungs “I MUST HAVE BONES!” It was then that the others took notice of her having gone fey. “Ohhhh crap! Mantis! Tools! Get them, we have to put down some of the boars or Andi's gonna lose her shit!” Skull shouted when he saw how she was acting. Andi was scribbling something out when she slammed her pencil down and shouted “ROCKS! I need a rock! WHERE'S THE QUARRY!?” She said before she bolted for the workshaft. “Mantis, get those boars slaughtered. She'll need those bones when she comes back.” Mantis nodded with a smile and she rather roughly grabbed a boar by it's tusk and, despite it's immense size and attempts at protesting, she dragged it inside and set to work. However, instead of coming back bearing a boulder, she was seen leaving carrying bags of giant sparrow bones that had been forgotten. How she knew a day or so later that mantis had finished flaying the meat and organs from a boar was anyone's guess, but she left and wasn't seen again until someone remembered there were headstones that needed to be raised and they found her working like a  dwarf who'd eaten one sugar laden roast too many. She said nothing but when Cobalt asked if they could have the headstones she threw them out of the shop and said to leave her alone or next time she'd “Jam this wing bone in your eye socket.” She wasn't seen again after that for another nine days, when, on the 6th of Obsidian she came out shouting it was done.

This is a giant sparrow bone throne. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. It's back is decorated with chevrons of giant sparrow bone and the legs are encircled with giant sparrow bone. It is adorned with hanging rings of giant boar bone and microcline.

The artifact would consecrate the winter of the year 9, and was known as Cherishedimpales the Invisible Haunt. And with it would come Andi's rise as a legend among bonecrafters, though she still wouldn't be able to surpass her craftsmaster Skull, who had years of experience under his belt, working from the ground up. The clan was proud however, as it was a wonderful piece of bonework.

[So yeah, Andi went funny in the head and made a fancy chair, the ant clutch was a dud thanks to a beetle pushing the queen out (a fresh clutch is now being cooked up) and some more road was done. Honestly that vein of gold yielded more than I thought it would with the current droprates on average giving me a giant stone rod up my ass. The road is nearly done in it's entirety, with a medium sized gap remaining. The prisoners are getting stripped, and I'm still doing the death pit filled with ants. Also decided to use the named battle-crab to make more crabs. But yeah. Nothing eventful, it took awhile to get everything done that needed to be done but once a few breaks ended work actually picked up. Still need dwarves to set up a full time military though. Fuck this reservist crap.]
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