I need full list of possibly human and goblin nobles. And other generated/hardcoded positions, like bandit boss or human hearthperson.
There are modifications out there already for this but [MONARCH] and [CAPTAIN] are hardcoded to their roles (monarch rules, captain is fodder to fight, you can edit both but if you dont their position gets filled in by variable_positions:all), but any nobles with [CHAT_WORTHY] that command a squad will likely break. A nice way to get around this is to ignore generals, fill in lietentants + captains and instead give the civilization [VARIABLE_POSITIONS:MILITARY_STRATEGY] to generate them over the dark tower sites prefixation to supply those roles.
Goblins are fun to theme, i have mine themed off a army but yours could be different.
Humans for towns by default have:
- Warrior/Captain (i am unsure on which iteration is strictly correct but i believe in the latter and they are default 'named' warrior + General are filled in by [VARIABLE_POSITIONS:MILITARY_STRATEGY]
- Law Giver - [VARIABLE POSITIONS:LAW_MAKING] or [VARIABLE_POSITION:MILITARY GOALS] //possibly different results on application.
Town hardcoded positions are a lot harder to deciper though mead halls are very prominent and everyone knows who a law-maker is, dwarves i imagine for cave_detailed would generate a Monarch by default. Definitely try mixing a few things around.
I got this info from a version 31. string-dump, this is not counting the effect of [VARIABLE_POSITIONS:RELIGION] making shrines and priests.[/list]